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Jehadi Threatl:Stop Myanmar violence before jihadis step in

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Sorry, but the only ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka happened at the hands of the LTTE who ethnically cleansed the entire north of non-Tamils (that is, Muslims and Sinhalese), while Tamils were free to live all over the country. The LTTE maintained a Tamil-only area for many years. Now that they are defeated the Sinhalese and Muslims are returning to the places from where they were ethnically cleansed by the so-called "sole representatives" of the Tamil people.

So then you agree Hinduism is about violence.

oh really see this video i post 100 of this type of video

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Don't think that anybody will agree with your side of the story - nobody in the international arena atleast - the Pakistani's and the Chinese would sympathize with your falsehood most probably.

Ethnic cleansing of Northern Sri Lanka by the LTTE is a fact - whether you want to accept it or not.

Expulsion of Muslims from the Northern province by LTTE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

oh really see this video i post 100 of this type of video

I wish more Tamil Tigers were dealth with this way - unfotunately the Sri Lankan government is rehabilitating most of them.
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Sorry, but the only ethnic cleansing in Sri Lanka happened at the hands of the LTTE who ethnically cleansed the entire north of non-Tamils (that is, Muslims and Sinhalese), while Tamils were free to live all over the country. The LTTE maintained a Tamil-only area for many years. Now that they are defeated the Sinhalese and Muslims are returning to the places from where they were ethnically cleansed by the so-called "sole representatives" of the Tamil people.

I have made known my position on other posts on this on how the terrorist organization(LTTE) and the pseudo-marxist Prabhakaran hijacked the tamil cause which was originally non-violent. So I do not have sympathy for LTTE as well. Look at my post and comprehend what I was saying without trying to stereotype me. Sorry I am tamil but have not supported/sympathized with LTTE since Rajiv died.

Beyond that, if you want to discuss/debate open a separate thread as I do not want to go offtopic again.

And the wholesale massacre and the subjugation of Tamils in Sri Lanka is a fact as well. You will have to answer to that to the UN one day.

This is off topic - carry on the discussion somewhere else.

Maybe to you - I see the defeat of the LTTE as taking the prime oppressor of the Tamils out of the picture.
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I have made known my position on other posts on this on how the terrorist organization(LTTE) and the pseudo-marxist Prabhakaran hijacked the tamil cause which was originally non-violent. So I do not have sympathy for LTTE as well. Look at my post and comprehend what I was saying without trying to stereotype me. Sorry I am tamil but have not supported/sympathized with LTTE since Rajiv died.

Beyond that, if you want to discuss/debate open a separate thread as I do not want to go offtopic again.

Sorry I thought I should point out your error - Sri Lankan Tamils were not ethnically cleansed in Sri Lanka. Most of them live outside the putative "Tamil Eelam." Even the capital of Sri Lanka is a majority Tamil speaking city despite being in the south of the country. Throughout the conflict the Tamils were the only people who could live througout the length and breadth of Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese and the Muslims, on the other hand, were ethnically cleansed from parts of their own country for the crime of not being of Tamil ethnicity. It is only now, after the defeat of the Tamil Tigers that all Sri Lankans have freedom of movement.
So then you agree Hinduism is about violence.

Hinduism is not entirely pacifist oriented like Buddhism. For example Lord Krishna's advice to Arjuna to do his dharma..i.e., is war. This I can agree.

Anyway I repeat let's not digress the thread.
For Guru

Hinduism is not entirely pacifist oriented like Buddhism. For example Lord Krishna's advice to Arjuna to do his dharma..i.e., is war. This I can agree.

Anyway I repeat let's not digress the thread.

So according to you, Hinduism is a violent religion?
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So according to you, Hinduism is a violent religion?

Hinduism is not entirely pacifist oriented like Buddhism. For example Lord Krishna's advice to Arjuna to do his dharma..i.e., is war in the face of unjustice. This I can agree.

Anyway I repeat let's not digress the thread. There are plenty of Lankan-Eezham threads out there.
Hinduism is not entirely pacifist oriented like Buddhism. For example Lord Krishna's advice to Arjuna to do his dharma..i.e., is war in the face of unjustice. This I can agree.

Anyway I repeat let's not digress the thread.

It's a simple yes or no question.

According to you, is Hinduism a violent religion?

don't talk big if ur country is tiny.

by the way who told u i am a hindu.

Tiny country defeated the terrorists that your country armed, trained and funded :)

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Sorry I thought I should point out your error - Sri Lankan Tamils were not ethnically cleansed in Sri Lanka. Most of them live outside the putative "Tamil Eelam." Even the capital of Sri Lanka is a majority Tamil speaking city despite being in the south of the country. Throughout the conflict the Tamils were the only people who could live througout the length and breadth of Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese and the Muslims, on the other hand, were ethnically cleansed from parts of their own country for the crime of not being of Tamil ethnicity. It is only now, after the defeat of the Tamil Tigers that all Sri Lankans have freedom of movement.

Sorry mate - you need not teach me SL tamil issue and I have indepth knowledge about the issue and we can debate in detail in a separate section and I am very objective too.

Again I brought this topic because

LTTE = Jihad = negativism = comes with a hidden agenda.

SL tamil losing sympathy = Rohingyas losing sympathy

SL = Myanmar

China/Pakistan/India's position in SL war = China/India position with Myanmar

U.S and other countries helplessness in SL issue = U.S helpness in Myanmar cleansing of the Rohingyas - kill some - push some across the Bangladesh border.

Now you got me?
It's a simple yes or no question.

According to you, is Hinduism a violent religion?

I think you are simple minded to expect a simple answer to a complex question. Gita tell you to confront injustice and not be pacifist. Make your own conclusions.

BTW again, dont derail the thread with your petty insecurities. This is not even about the Lankans.
It's a simple yes or no question.

According to you, is Hinduism a violent religion?

Tiny country defeated the terrorists that your country armed, trained and funded :)

Are you a scholl teacher taking exams for true and false answres? No riligon in world is violent .
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