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Jeffrey Sachs| Developed World should take responsibility for Climate Disaster & plight of Pakistan


Jan 6, 2016
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Developed World should take responsibility for Climate Disaster & plight of Pakistan

Dr Jeffrey Sachs, eminent economist and Director of the Sustainable Development center at Columbia University explains why the Global North that caused the vast majority of the climate change mess needs to pay up and how to get them to do it. How does the Global south strategize to get this money. The role of G77 and COP 27 is crucial for developing countries to unite and say time is up and 'you need to pay up - for what you caused.'

00:00 Introduction
01:07 Is it fair game for developing countries to ask for climate repatriations
05:00 Who puts the money in, how does the pot get distributed
06:45 How does the Global South strategize to get money from the rich North?
08.32 Likelihood of Green Marshall Plan and US generosity?
10:20 what are other out of the box ideas that could be used?
11:40 Rich country pledging but what is the real bang for buck we will get from them?
14.45 What role will corporates play in climate justice
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When the country most affected by it isn't too concerned, why should others care? Pakistani men just love to beg instead of getting shit done themselves.
Many developing countries are vying for a slice of the climate change funding pie. Pakistan's federal minister for climate change Sherry Rehman would likely be making a strong case for Pakistan to take a good share of the fund :tup:

@Wood Saar

Sherry Rehman would likely be making a strong case for Pakistan to take a good share of the fund

I dont think Pakistan or any other country could find a better representative to plead a cause. I am sure even ModiGee would melt.

Another $$ fountainhead


Developed World should take responsibility for Climate Disaster & plight of Pakistan

Dr Jeffrey Sachs, eminent economist and Director of the Sustainable Development center at Columbia University explains why the Global North that caused the vast majority of the climate change mess needs to pay up and how to get them to do it. How does the Global south strategize to get this money. The role of G77 and COP 27 is crucial for developing countries to unite and say time is up and 'you need to pay up - for what you caused.'

00:00 Introduction
01:07 Is it fair game for developing countries to ask for climate repatriations
05:00 Who puts the money in, how does the pot get distributed
06:45 How does the Global South strategize to get money from the rich North?
08.32 Likelihood of Green Marshall Plan and US generosity?
10:20 what are other out of the box ideas that could be used?
11:40 Rich country pledging but what is the real bang for buck we will get from them?
14.45 What role will corporates play in climate justice

Pakistanis have to fix a lot of things on their own.

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