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Jealous of China?

I think it is knee-jerk to just say Chinese lack individual freedoms, no one is discounting that, but the current communist regime derives it legitimacy through economic performance. Unlike Indian political environment which use from Caste to Color TVs to get elected.
I think it is knee-jerk to just say Chinese lack individual freedoms, no one is discounting that, but the current communist regime derives it legitimacy through economic performance. Unlike Indian political environment which use from Caste to Color TVs to get elected.

Lets try to be fair and unbiased here. What freedoms do I lack as a Chinese, that I have as an Indian? I can marry a girl richer than I am in China, but if I was in India, I would be killed by the Brahmins, and expose the girl to honor killings from her parents or relatives.

In India, Castes, Honor and Killings Intertwine - NYTimes.com

In China, I can bicycle anywhere I want, but in India, if I was a dalit, I would be threatened with death if I bicycled through a Brahmin neighborhood.

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : In Perali village, Dalits can't cycle in upper caste areas

I understand that this elite upper class Brahmin loves living in India. I agree, if I was an upper class Brahmin I would love to live in India too, since I'd be immune from prosecution and can buy and sell human heads. But in China, I'd have to follow the law, what a horrifying concept.
Lets try to be fair and unbiased here. What freedoms do I lack as a Chinese, that I have as an Indian? I can marry a girl richer than I am in China, but if I was in India, I would be killed by the Brahmins, and expose the girl to honor killings from her parents or relatives.
Fine, but try half a rant against your Establishment and you're put behind bars! You can't talk of Human Rights openly, can you? You can't talk of corruption of the powers that be, can you?

And you can't have a Anna Hazare, but we can!! Nuff said!

Fine, but try half a rant against your Establishment and you're put behind bars! You can't talk of Human Rights openly, can you? You can't talk of corruption of the powers that be, can you?

And you can't have a Anna Hazare, but we can!! Nuff said!


Sure you can talk about human rights. Wen Jiabao does it ALL THE TIME. Check this website out: chinaelections.com plenty of talk about human rights.

Try a rant against the establishment? goes on ALL THE TIME even on bbs.people.com.cn (that's People's Daily's forum).

How about you try to speak out against the Brahmin elite, and you might get killed, instead of just put behind bars.
Fine, but try half a rant against your Establishment and you're put behind bars! You can't talk of Human Rights openly, can you? You can't talk of corruption of the powers that be, can you?

And you can't have a Anna Hazare, but we can!! Nuff said!

India has more human rights violations than China,the country is the 4th worst place for women to live and more vulnerale to terrorism and police brutality.its human development index is atrocious.lower than most part of Africa.

India's global corrupution index ranking is far worse than China.
Lets try to be fair and unbiased here. What freedoms do I lack as a Chinese, that I have as an Indian? I can marry a girl richer than I am in China, but if I was in India, I would be killed by the Brahmins, and expose the girl to honor killings from her parents or relatives.

In India, Castes, Honor and Killings Intertwine - NYTimes.com

In China, I can bicycle anywhere I want, but in India, if I was a dalit, I would be threatened with death if I bicycled through a Brahmin neighborhood.

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : In Perali village, Dalits can't cycle in upper caste areas

I understand that this elite upper class Brahmin loves living in India. I agree, if I was an upper class Brahmin I would love to live in India too, since I'd be immune from prosecution and can buy and sell human heads. But in China, I'd have to follow the law, what a horrifying concept.

You will never understand what freedom means until you live in India
Fine, but try half a rant against your Establishment and you're put behind bars! You can't talk of Human Rights openly, can you? You can't talk of corruption of the powers that be, can you?

And you can't have a Anna Hazare, but we can!! Nuff said!


we dont talk because we have, you talk loudly because you lack of it. I think the poor in china is much better than the unattachable in india.
Yes , india has fredom. However when an Untouchable touch an upper class Brahmin, what will the result be?

I never heard of an dalit speaking about the punishment he suffered for touching a Brahmin. Does that mean that poor dalit never live to tell the story? I do not know.
We all have different views however I prefer my government over a democracy currently due to I want a better future for China and the current Government is delivering that Improving Living Standards and Modernizing China is top priority, Weeding out corrupting, Building a Strong Military, then we can move on to political aspects in the future.
I never heard of an dalit speaking about the punishment he suffered for touching a Brahmin. Does that mean that poor dalit never live to tell the story? I do not know.

Here is your answer:

Physically-challenged Dalit girl burnt alive in Haryana - Times Of India

Two Dalits burnt alive after clash over dog - Times Of India

Dalit teenager burnt to death for resisting rape - Times Of India

16-yr-old Dalit girl raped, burnt alive - Times Of India

2 Dalit kids killed, eyes gouged out - Times Of India

---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ----------

You will never understand what freedom means until you live in India

And the above links are proof of that.

do you want me to post links of chinese incidents ?

for eg: 2 year old girl ran over by two vans and 17 people pass by the girl and not even one came forward to help her.

they are like "oh that girl seems dying,yeah whatever i have better things to do".
FairAndUnbiased said:
What freedoms do I lack as a Chinese, that I have as an Indian?

Ask people who have visited India, they'll tell you.

FairAndUnbiased said:
I can marry a girl richer than I am in China, but if I was in India, I would be killed by the Brahmins, and expose the girl to honor killings from her parents or relatives.

India country of 100Billion, 1 incident and you r mudslinging on whole country? grow up buddy.

FairAndUnbiased said:
In China, I can bicycle anywhere I want, but in India, if I was a dalit, I would be threatened with death if I bicycled through a Brahmin neighborhood.

Perhaps you see lot of anti-india videos :rofl:

FairAndUnbiased said:
I understand that this elite upper class Brahmin loves living in India. I agree, if I was an upper class Brahmin I would love to live in India too, since I'd be immune from prosecution and can buy and sell human heads. But in China, I'd have to follow the law, what a horrifying concept.
:lol: kids.....

Hundreds of prisioners in Indian jails are from upper community, LAW is equal to all Indians

FairAndUnbiased said:
What freedoms do I lack as a Chinese

If you give birth to a second child, Chinese military or police will come and kill your loved baby.

If injustice is done to you, if you plan a protest, your own military will bulldoze you down and treat you as a terrorist

If you try to express what is RIGHT, you own dictator government will crush you to death :devil:

If your rulers are corrupt, rape women, do injustice, all you can do in cry sitting in your home and cant do a ****!!! :cry:

Whereas in INDIA, we have FREEDOM. Freedom to speak, talk, right to express, right to protest. Finally elect our rulers :tup::tup::tup:
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