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[JDef, part 1] Afghanistan: 13 years of French operations


The french Force leave Afghanistan ? when did it happen ? why i did not hear that news.

In 2012 France's combat troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan,leaving just some advisers to train the Afghan Army.
The last French personnels were withdrawn from Afghanistan on December 31 2014. :)
Ending 13 years of presence there.
In 2012 France's combat troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan,leaving just some advisers to train the Afghan Army.
The last French personnels were withdrawn from Afghanistan on December 31 2014. :)
Ending 13 years of presence there.

ok , well the Battle for Afghanistan will not be over by force ... its just that West should understand that ..
this whole war put a Huge Impact on European Economies
ok , well the Battle for Afghanistan will not be over by force ... its just that West should understand that ..
this whole war put a Huge Impact on European Economies

Probably other countries i guess. :enjoy:
The war there has cost France ~€3.5 billions,+€8 billions for Germany for exemple.
Probably other countries i guess. :enjoy:
The war there has cost France ~€3.5 billions,+€8 billions for Germany for exemple.

hmm .. but brother , your Country withdraw its forces , and they did not even Give me My Rafale Baby :(
@Gabriel92 you should protest against your govt for that hahahahha
hmm .. but brother , your Country withdraw its forces , and they did not even Give me My Rafale Baby :(
@Gabriel92 you should protest against your govt for that hahahahha

The Air Force was ready to give you a Rafale,they were waiting you at the border.... they called you many times but nothing..... you missed the only occasion of your life to get a Rafale. :mod:
Or... you can join the FaF,become a Rafale Pilot,and then steal it and return back to Pakistan,that's the only solution. :big_boss:
The Air Force was ready to give you a Rafale,they were waiting you at the border.... they called you many times but nothing..... you missed the only occasion of your life to get a Rafale. :mod:
Or... you can join the FaF,become a Rafale Pilot,and then steal it and return back to Pakistan,that's the only solution. :big_boss:

you want me to come on Pak-Afghan border , so Rafale will lock on me :fie:
well Rafale was Busy in killing the Taliban in Afghanistan , i would leave it for that sake :D
and me for a Pilot hhahhaha i am scared of Heights , the time i will do roll over technique , i will get a heart attack , crashing that beautiful plane into some mountains :crazy_pilot:

but its ok , when you will fly Rafale , i will cheer it out for you hahaha:bunny:
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