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Javelin Weapon System Goes 5-for-5 in Yudh Abhyas Trials

Nag is not hand held but must be mounted on a vehicle. Otherwise, why would India need to buy Javolin.

But I don't think this deal will go through as US would never agree to TOT.

You Talked of Technology and NOT the CLASS of Weapon. That makes..What YOU Think is Pretty Immaterial Here.

As on One Place You Talk About Technology and then Class of weapon on the other.. just to prove a point which is baseless.

Let me Explain.

"India CANT Absorb Technology" WAS NOT RELATED to ATGMs ( Nag / Javelin ) so there is NO QUESTION of ABSORBING the TECHNOLOGY when INDIA ALREADY HAS IT.

As far as ManPads are concerned its ALREADY under process for Nag.
But I don't think this deal will go through as US would never agree to TOT.

Pathetic low intellect trolling wasting everybody's time and reinforcing the fact that the chinese here are stupid as sh!t.

I guess you missed the last part of the article where the makers talk of complying with Indian requiremeents. Its a marketing game thats going on and we are good at that. The company wants to sell and we want to buy but on our terms and everybody knows how strong and influential the weapon makers assoc. in the US is also the sale volume is huge. So, its a 50:50 chance that we will get what we want or the sale doesn't happen.
javelin..... one the best ATM... great.... india moving to us lobby.
well get this ATM and planned it on china border hownghu'z or whatever..... armor division will be sitting like duck....
Because USA do not trust other country to keep the secret of our most advance weapon, so there is no tech transfer. In 20 years, a tech transfer is still possible. And even then, this would still be a potent weapon.

As for India itself is concerned, it has no capability of absorbing the most advance technology. So even if US transfer the most advance tech to India, India would not be able to do anything with the technology. So its best that India save the TOT money and use it to buy something else. US is not greedy enough to sell India technology transfer that will worth zero to India.

Do you have something to prove your point or it was Just a 24 carat Trolling....Please keep in mind that here we are talking about ATGM
As far as ManPads are concerned its ALREADY under process for Nag.

AFAIK that project has been shelved long ago. Nag and Helina will be the only two varrrients of Indian ATGM. Thats why we are looking for Spike. Javaline is a closed case for IA unless US willing to change its mind.

Correct me if I am wrong.
Do you have something to prove your point or it was Just a 24 carat Trolling....Please keep in mind that here we are talking about ATGM

India had proven my point again and again. No need to get so defensive.
Some of the other Option we can have if US is giving TOT.

Mini-Spike Anti-Personnel Guided Weapon
This man-portable missile system weighs about 12 kg, and comprises of a command and launch unit facilitating target acquisition and wireless control for the missile, weighing 4 kg and missiles stored in a canister-launcher, weighing 4 kg each. Typically a soldier will carry the command and launch and two missiles with other members of the unit carrying spare missiles.

Type LMAT Series
The Type 87 Chū-MAT (87式対戦車誘導弾 87-shiki tai-sensha yūdō-dan?) Chū-MAT is a Japanese laser guided anti-tank missile in service with the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces. It had been created as a front-line replacement for the Type 64 MAT, pressed into service with the Type 79 Jyu-MAT.

9K115-2 Metis-M
changes from the traveling to the firing position—and vice versa—in 15 – 20 seconds;
firing rate of 3 - 4 rounds per minute; Fired from organized and deployed sites in the prone and standing foxhole positions as well as from combat vehicles; can be shipped by any type of transport and can be air-dropped.


The Shershen (Russian: Шершень; English: Hornet) is a Belarussian third generation anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) that is designed to defeat modern armored vehicles, protected objects (such as bunkers, pillboxes, earth-and-timber emplacements) and low-speed low-altitude targets (helicopters, UAVs). Being a logical extension of the ATGM "Skif", "Shershen" beats it in technologies level, as well as implements engineering solutions that are unique among the others.
India could buy upto 2000 javelins off the shelf. Its a one shot one kill weapon and we wouldn't need them in huge numbers so tot is not necessary for this weapon! :banghead:
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