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Javed Chaudhery thrashes GEO tv puppets & a blunder from Ganja.

Totally baffling to see the MOST DISGRACEFUL PRIME MINISTER of Pakistan in a personal Vendetta against the Armed Forces of Pakistan.

Why is that? A Civilian leader having an open opinion about the military's role that it doesn't belong to politics....is the basics of democracy. In fact, in YOUR OWN military constituion that everyone takes an oath on, it states that "I under oath of the military code commit to not getting involved in politics". So when your prime minister echoes that same thing that each soldier takes an oath on.....why is he called deragatory names by many here? He's not my friend but in the World Bank's recent reports, these guys are doing a lot of honest work and the benefits go to the ordinary public.

Can anyone of you smart men tell me if Pakistan's military takes over this time, what would be your country's future in the next five years?

Its sad to see a nation brainwashed by military rule for SOOO many decades that you guys don't understand, appreciate or care for what a civilian government brings to your country and what democracy could bringto your own society if it can sustain for a couple of decades.......I once heard the Indian prime minister at a casual dinner say " we are not against the Pakistanis. The fact is that they are not democractic and want military involvement all the way to growing their crops". By reading this so called current or next generation of Pakistan's distant-from-democratic citizens comments on this forum.....I think the Indian prime minister was absolutely right!!
You guys don't get democracy it seems like. Since the last elections, your stock market has doubled in volume, you have about 150 billion dollars worth of investmes coming in, there are HUGE infrastructure projects starting up or in pipes that will give work to millions of your citizens....and more eduated tolerant kids will grow up due to working parents, they will go to schools, become something. ALL because of the democractic system. If a military general was ruling you, you guys on this forum might like it, but the hundreds of millions of people would suffer and as a nation you'll have little respect.
The SAME Chinese that are saying out loud that an attack on Pakistan will be considered an attack on China and they are investing over 100 billion in this decade.....where were they when Misharraf was in the power?
I don't know this journalist's deal and why the poor guy got shot. But if his problem was that he was saying stuff against the military, then there should have been a strong code of ethics by your judicial system. Under that, if lying about or bashing institutions focused on the national security is a crime and its punishment is 6 months or 6 years or a death penalty, then he should go and see the court. There is nothing wrong in getting punished by a court because one broke a law. But not getting shot in daylight in coldblood. No one has to be shot to change their agenda or voice. Similarly, a leader who wants to follow the basic democratic principles, under which, the military reports to the PM.....is right. It is the core essence of the democractic system.
Some Indian members on here wth military or civilian government backgrounds should share stories about the basic treatment their military leaders get from their civlian leaders. Not because they hate their military, but at the end of the day, no matter how BIG of a geneal one is, he HAS TO solute a leader elected BY THE PEOPLE!! No matter what!
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I am also seriously baffled to see responses like yours, PM has initiated a judicial inquiry. What were you expecting the PM to do?

what do they know, they are just repeating lines that someone else said. Problem with teenage minds is first statement they read makes their thinking. They think Prime minister should leave everything and start worrying about some xyz making a statement. Hamid Mir is just like 10,000 other Pakistani who got shot, GEO is always making allegations about ISI. Idiots dont even know how to talk with manners
Nawaz Sharif is a threat to national security ... he should be kicked back to his masters in suadia arabia

You sound like a few of our guys from the mid-west. Do you have any proofs? I am sure many wants to see.......
Just because a leader asks the military to commit to following its OWN oath and stay out of politics.....how is that a threat to the national security? Its called democracy and people gave him the right to be soluted by the military. Welcome to a democratic system.

blames on ISI & Pak Army.

It is sad to see so much lack of common sense and respect for democracy and in a way, your own country. What would you think an elected Prime Minister should do? Support the military without any reason when a Civilian is getting killed for no reason???? It is his job to protect his citizens. A Civilian life in danger takes priority over supporting an accused party until it comes clear they aren't involved. I agree in principal that the institutions that protect people should be respected. But also, a Civilian doesn't have to lose his or her LIFE for a tv show....they should be sent to the court of there is an issue with what they are saying....
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I like this guy Talat Hussain, one of the best, very mature and balanced. No drams for gaining publicity.

The whole episode is interesting

Totally baffling to see the MOST DISGRACEFUL PRIME MINISTER of Pakistan in a personal Vendetta against the Armed Forces of Pakistan.
You guys voted him to power. So why bellyache now?
It is sad to see so much lack of common sense and respect for democracy and in a way, your own country. What would you think an elected Prime Minister should do? Support the military without any reason when a Civilian is getting killed for no reason???? It is his job to protect his citizens. A Civilian life in danger takes priority over supporting an accused party until it comes clear they aren't involved. I agree in principal that the institutions that protect people should be respected. But also, a Civilian doesn't have to lose his or her LIFE for a tv show....they should be sent to the court of there is an issue with what they are saying....

Absolutely----like the police chief or the city mayor supports his cops here inthe us for evevery single killing by the cops---or the president support the killings by his troops here in u s----or the killings by FBI agents---.
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Absolutely----like the police chief or the city mayor supports his cops here inthe us for evevery single killing by the cops---or the president support the killings of his troops here in u s----or the killings by FBI agents---.

Man you've lived here long enough.....how many times a cop or the FBI agent has pointed a gun at you??? I don't think you know what you are talking about with all due respect. When the police or any of the agents shoot someone, they aren't doing it at a dinner party.....it was an encounter and the person getting shot either resisted or put the officer's life in danger. That's just the law. Do I think I few killings have happened out of being trigger happy and the race factor, sure. But also, look around you, the number of Mexican gangs in LA and Houston area is gigantic. The police officers on certain cases ARE going to be a little more cautious than say a normal investigation. But we are talking about a .001% of cases. How about we credit the justice system for the trest 99.9% good work that they do.....?
I am also seriously baffled to see responses like yours, PM has initiated a judicial inquiry. What were you expecting the PM to do?

The first thing should have been registering of case, investigation from driver, gunman or any witnesses. Evidence collection from crime scene, the car itself and other available technical means. I think it was a poor show on PM's part, I believe intentionally or unintentionally government is guilty of losing very important evidence and thereby becoming party with Geo against PM's very own institution or at least didnot remain apparently unbiased.
Although this 'zani' leader is not my leader. But I will accept him as my leader if given a choice between the bastards who loot my country, default loans, launder money and build business empires abroad or those who have political parties with active militant wings.

Sir jee the other guy used to teach fiqah and Hadith to a female singer in Lal Sohanra park. However there is no second thought about you second sentence.
The first thing should have been registering of case, investigation from driver, gunman or any witnesses. Evidence collection from crime scene, the car itself and other available technical means. I think it was a poor show on PM's part, I believe intentionally or unintentionally government is guilty of losing very important evidence and thereby becoming party with Geo against PM's very own institution or at least didnot remain apparently unbiased.


It is not e job of the PM to register a case----. The PM can only show concern at what has happened---it is he job oflocaladmins care care heisss.

It is not e job of the PM to register a case----. The PM can only show concern at what has happened---it is he job oflocaladmins care care heisss.

Surely it was not job of PM to register a case but what was hurry to detail a commission once very basic things were not done by Hamid Mir's family , geo group or local police.
The first thing should have been registering of case, investigation from driver, gunman or any witnesses. Evidence collection from crime scene, the car itself and other available technical means. I think it was a poor show on PM's part, I believe intentionally or unintentionally government is guilty of losing very important evidence and thereby becoming party with Geo against PM's very own institution or at least didnot remain apparently unbiased.
or govt is the next hand of the same body, which is involved in bashing pakarmy?
look its minsters they were the one leading it , far far before this incident happend ?
You sound like a few of our guys from the mid-west. Do you have any proofs? I am sure many wants to see.......
Just because a leader asks the military to commit to following its OWN oath and stay out of politics.....how is that a threat to the national security? Its called democracy and people gave him the right to be soluted by the military. Welcome to a democratic system....
first of all that the leader is made by army so he had no moral value to talk shit about them ... if it wasnt for army a 3rd grade matric pass person can even get the job of a clerk ...u cant use militry to get in power then u back stab them
now the second mark point .. Nawaz has histry of messing with state institutions .. be it police, army, judiciary or the rival parties.. that always destables country that is why i consider him any threat..

now lets come to the thrid point ..first of all his mandate is suspecious ..that is why he is running away from thumb verification... even in his own area from where he won the election.. in a polling station more then 100 & votes are casted .. and guess who won from that polling station ..Our beloved bolt nawaz sharif ... secondly most in pakistan the 33 & of people votes are casted ... this time it was a higher .. so techincally majority of people still hate this fing democracy
first of all that the leader is made by army so he had no moral value to talk shit about them ... if it wasnt for army a 3rd grade matric pass person can even get the job of a clerk

now lets come to the thrid point ..first of all his mandate is suspecious ..that is why he is running away from thumb verification...

I want you to reread your response THREE times and before you write back, and think in your head what you just read in your own post and if it makes sense or not. I think you are smart enough to find the answer. The difference between you guys and India (and India's progress over Pakistan) is the same thing which I am seeing here. You guys put your personal biases first without putting your nation and country's benefits first. I'd never put anything worldy above the USA. That's just me. Who I like or dislike in politics is determined by what they did for the country and its people's welfar.

Now to address your first point. Prove to me that the current government is in power due to military support. Who went to school with who 20 years ago or was friends with who.....is the past. None of that is applicable here.
Frankly speaking, if the military had its say, your current PM wouldn't be living now. He'd have become Bhutto part two in 1999. Which is barbaric and unconstitutional as NO military has ANY right to interveen in a country's political process or kill civilians. There is the supreme court to punish criminals no matter who they are....

Now second, he is the PM, he has his government and from what I've seen, heard and read about, they are doing a good enough job to bring in stability, investments and progress to the country's economy. All of this will help the common and poor person make more money, educate their children, get away from intolerance and fundamentalism and take your country to a better place than where it is today.
If I was you, I'd be looking at that. The suspicious mandate you referred to......hasn't been proved by anyone has it? Why didn't the supreme court punish him? You guys are not democratic and THAT is the problem. When the tolerance is out, fundamentalism is born. Why? Because people lose the patience to tolerate an individual or a party, etc in command and they'd go out of their way to get rid of it. Look at Musharraf's deal, Zia's deal with Bhutto, MQM in Karachi, Terrorism in Baluchistan, Fata, etc, etc and everywhere and all..... Democratic values bring about tolerance as you learn to respect who people voted for EVEN if you don't like that party or person and you tolerate for years and hope for the change through a paper vote..... Not Gun. This patience makes you learn to live with people and no one gets kiled or the society doesn't see crap liek Talibastards.........and a tolerant society is born. When are you guys going to grow up and learn to behave and tolerate others as simply human beings that have a rigth to live and do what they are doing????
I want you to reread your response THREE times and before you write back, and think in your head what you just read in your own post and if it makes sense or not. I think you are smart enough to find the answer. The difference between you guys and India (and India's progress over Pakistan) is the same thing which I am seeing here. You guys put your personal biases first without putting your nation and country's benefits first. I'd never put anything worldy above the USA. That's just me. Who I like or dislike in politics is determined by what they did for the country and its people's welfar.

Now to address your first point.1. Prove to me that the current government is in power due to military support. Who went to school with who 20 years ago or was friends with who.....is the past. None of that is applicable here.
Frankly speaking, 2. if the military had its say, your current PM wouldn't be living now. He'd have become Bhutto part two in 1999. Which is barbaric and unconstitutional as NO military has ANY right to interveen in a country's political process or kill civilians. There is the supreme court to punish criminals no matter who they are....

Now second, he is the PM, he has his government and from what I've seen, heard and read about, they are doing a good enough job to bring in stability, investments and progress to the country's economy. 3. All of this will help the common and poor person make more money, educate their children, get away from intolerance and fundamentalism and take your country to a better place than where it is today.
If I was you, I'd be looking at that. The suspicious mandate you referred to......hasn't been proved by anyone has it? 4. Why didn't the supreme court punish him? You guys are not democratic and THAT is the problem. When the tolerance is out, fundamentalism is born. Why? Because people lose the patience to tolerate an individual or a party, etc in command and they'd go out of their way to get rid of it. Look at Musharraf's deal, Zia's deal with Bhutto, MQM in Karachi, Terrorism in Baluchistan, Fata, etc, etc and everywhere and all..... Democratic values bring about tolerance as you learn to respect who people voted for EVEN if you don't like that party or person and you tolerate for years and hope for the change through a paper vote..... Not Gun. This patience makes you learn to live with people and no one gets kiled or the society doesn't see crap liek Talibastards.........and a tolerant society is born. When are you guys going to grow up and learn to behave and tolerate others as simply human beings that have a rigth to live and do what they are doing????
1, i didnt said he is in power did this time due to army .. army since last 6 years havent middle in political affairs. People read the histry who introduced PM into politics .. who made him CM .. IT was Zia , a dictator .. what moral high ground u have against martial laws when you are product of martial laws ...

2. militry have enough say ..people in our country love militry .. if army wanted to hang him they could have done it in 1999 .. As i said he is the product of martial law and army supported him .. Just read about how IGI is formed by Genral hameed gul and how was nawaz sharif bought in power .. so u will know what im talking about ...

3. Pakistan was always most properous in dictator ship ..please read the comparison .. if u couldnt ffind anythng on internet let me know ill give u the links. During musharraf tenuie was so far the best in recent 3 or 4 decades

4., Judiary is biased. In last years u will see every decision against PP but all the nawaz sharif cases where never even heared or give stay on them .. u can ask anyone in pakistan .. even pro Nawaz sharif people .. Now lets come to the point why didnt they punish him for rigging .. Imran khan took case in supreme court but the court refused to hear him and told him that they have 10000's case pending ... so they cant hear it .. read about it and tell me if im lieing .. now for more details for u to serach on .. PML N promised to do tumb verfication but later backed out ..,. Read about what they did with nadra chairman who was giving honest details ..

as u not in pakistan .. u might not know about all this .. read the things i told u about then come to me and tell me if my facts are wrong ...
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