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Javed Chaudhery thrashes GEO tv puppets & a blunder from Ganja.

Taking your words at face value, what kind of information Nawaz COULD have on the armed forces? For I doubt PA would reveal any Real information to him given his previous record and his personal vendetta against the army, or to any other politician for that matter.
There is only one entity in Pakistan which fall out of preview of government's audit (AGP) (or any audit in reality). Yep you guessed it right....So MastanKhan is correct that he would have sold some secrets because everything -even the things which are not secret- is opaque and secret in our military complex. Even discussing how defence budget is spent, or how a land is "acquired", or how a contract of arms is "awarded" is effectively just like leaking a secret.
1, i didnt said he is in power did this time due to army .. army since last 6 years havent middle in political affairs.
2. militry have enough say ..people in our country love militry .. if army wanted to hang him they could have done it in 1999 .. As i said he is the product of martial law and army supported him .. Just read about how IGI is formed by Genral hameed gul and how was nawaz sharif bought in power .. so u will know what im talking about ...
3. Pakistan was always most properous in dictator ship ..please read the comparison .. if
4., Judiary is biased. In last years u will see every decision against PP but all the nawaz sharif cases where never even heared or give stay on them .. u can ask anyone in pakistan .. even pro Nawaz sharif people ..

You are mixing history with current affairs. They are separate. 30 yearsa go, if some general pushed him into power....that was 30 years ago. I've actually met NS, Zia, Musharraff and late Mrs. Bhutto. What happened then was back then. 30 years from now, you'll be doing a lot of stuff that will have no resemblence to your actions 30 years prior.
We are talking about NOW, the current 2014. In which, NS has an elected government. He has the power to run the country and from the growth indicators, it looks good for the people of Pakistan. Then why not support him for 5 years, let him be accountable for his goods or bads in the next elections by the People....and see who gets picked? If the guy has done so much damaged to Pakistan....5 years from now, he won't be in the power right? Apparently everyone hates him. But the point is, for those 5 years, you guys should promote tolerance and patience to let an elected official run the course he was elected for and let the PEOPLE pick and choose who and what the want, based on the track record.
As far as the Military is concerned, it is a well respected institute and its primary job is to safeguard the borders of a country and provide support to the government when asked for. There is a reason why EVERYONE listing in the military takes an Oath of responsibility and that oat includes a CLEAR line that "I, under OATH agree and commit to never interfering in the civilian political system". So if someone does get involved....they automatically don't belong to the military as they've violated the military consitution and the oath. There is a reason why all top generals salute the PM. Not the other way around. President Obama not too long ago, had a top general flown in from Afghanistan and had relieved him from duty as the issue was to show and maintain civilian control over the military. Why is that not the case in the democratic Pakistan??
You are mixing history with current affairs. They are separate. 30 yearsa go, if some general pushed him into power....that was 30 years ago. I've actually met NS, Zia, Musharraff and late Mrs. Bhutto. What happened then was back then. 30 years from now, you'll be doing a lot of stuff that will have no resemblence to your actions 30 years prior.
We are talking about NOW, the current 2014. In which, NS has an elected government. He has the power to run the country and from the growth indicators, it looks good for the people of Pakistan. Then why not support him for 5 years, let him be accountable for his goods or bads in the next elections by the People....and see who gets picked? If the guy has done so much damaged to Pakistan....5 years from now, he won't be in the power right? Apparently everyone hates him. But the point is, for those 5 years, you guys should promote tolerance and patience to let an elected official run the course he was elected for and let the PEOPLE pick and choose who and what the want, based on the track record.
As far as the Military is concerned, it is a well respected institute and its primary job is to safeguard the borders of a country and provide support to the government when asked for. There is a reason why EVERYONE listing in the military takes an Oath of responsibility and that oat includes a CLEAR line that "I, under OATH agree and commit to never interfering in the civilian political system". So if someone does get involved....they automatically don't belong to the military as they've violated the military consitution and the oath. There is a reason why all top generals salute the PM. Not the other way around. President Obama not too long ago, had a top general flown in from Afghanistan and had relieved him from duty as the issue was to show and maintain civilian control over the military. Why is that not the case in the democratic Pakistan??
didnt see any answer .. all u r doing is pro democracy comments .. i have nothng against it
didnt see any answer .. all u r doing is pro democracy comments .. i have nothng against it
What answer were you looking for? The same personal biased based rhetoric that your current leaders were put in by the army? So what? That was 30 years ago. Look at what they are doing today and what democracy can bring to a country like Pakistan......I don't know what other answer were you expecting. You were just making statements without ANY support of legal sources!
What answer were you looking for? The same personal biased based rhetoric that your current leaders were put in by the army? So what? That was 30 years ago. Look at what they are doing today and what democracy can bring to a country like Pakistan......I don't know what other answer were you expecting. You were just making statements without ANY support of legal sources!
its not about 30 years ago .. Its about now .. if dictatorship is bad then family dictator ship is worse ... i do preffer to be ruled by a genral then from a few dumb members of a family ...
the answer i was looking for is that ... did u read about rigging .. how nawaz sharif got more then 100 vote in a polling station .. how can someone who love democracy can support a president who is involved in rigging him self/?? how can person who can love democracy , support a party who has no way of changing or electing leader? the party who expect that people who helped in coup against him? select every electable with no back ground check .
i do preffer to be ruled by a genral then from a few dumb members of a family ...
the answer i was looking for is that ... did u read about rigging .. how nawaz sharif got more then 100 vote in a polling station .. how can someone who love democracy can support a president who is involved in rigging him self/??
Both the questions or comments above tell me you udnerstand nothing but democracy. Families are n politics everywhere. Look at the President Busch's family, Reagan's, Clinton's, British, French, Indian and Chinese alike. That's just the nature of the business. If a family or its members are not helping the people and aren't god leaders.....the public removes them through VOTES. Not through violence or guns. Your desire to be ruled by the generals tells me all about your background and mentality.

Next, there was marginal rigging according to the international monitoring institutes. Again, back to democracy. If you suspect that, then also be sure that the corrupt ones won't come back in the next elections. But if they do.....you are just creating conspiracy theories. In fact, the current government of Pakistan is working on projects never seen in the 70 or so years worth of history. Also, how come all the high courts and the supreme courts havn't put NS in jail if your claim is for real? The answer is.....it is NOT. You just don't like them as people or you have your self focused political agenda. You should take a look at who is doing the work for people than puttin your personal likes above all!
Man you've lived here long enough.....how many times a cop or the FBI agent has pointed a gun at you??


This is a less than intelligent comment----the police or the bureau don't need to point the gun at me---. It is a common and general knowledge that trigger happy cops have executed civilians many a times and the bureau has wiped out many when they wanted to. Cop killings are random---for minor infractions----.

With your comments---you are trying opt be a little too clever. The police and the bureau and the agency are protected in the democratic united states like in no other country---by the state and by the judges---.

If I was you, I'd be looking at that. The suspicious mandate you referred to......hasn't been proved by anyone has it? Why didn't the supreme court punish him? You guys are not democratic and THAT is the problem. When the tolerance is out, fundamentalism is born. Why? Because people lose the patience to tolerate an individual or a party, etc in command and they'd go out of their way to get rid of it. Look at Musharraf's deal, Zia's deal with Bhutto, MQM in Karachi, Terrorism in Baluchistan, Fata, etc, etc and everywhere and all..... Democratic values bring about tolerance as you learn to respect who people voted for EVEN if you don't like that party or person and you tolerate for years and hope for the change through a paper vote..... Not Gun. This patience makes you learn to live with people and no one gets kiled or the society doesn't see crap liek Talibastards.........and a tolerant society is born. When are you guys going to grow up and learn to behave and tolerate others as simply human beings that have a rigth to live and do what they are doing????


There is terrorism in baluchistan is because the govt allowed free speech to the media and did not curtail them like the U S govt does to the cnn, foxnews, MSNBC and others---.

The insurgency has been fueled by the reporting of the media---like in case of Red mosque---or in case of the death of Akbar Bugti---. The media incited the public---the goal was to overthrow the govt---.

In case of mumbai attacks----the geo channel incited india with its reporting---. There was no justification for a pakistan news media to volunteer any information about the so called mumbai attacker---.

Mr Orangzaib----there is no indutrial development in pakistan---no new licenses have been given out for the last five years---all of pakistan's industrial base is moving to the arab emirates---.

A average pakistani men's shirt is worth around $30 U S in pakistan---.

An incompetent democracy is like a cancer---it is worst than the worst form of dictatorship.
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Cop killings are random---for minor infractions----.

With your comments---you are trying opt be a little too clever. The police and the bureau and the agency are protected in the democratic united states like in no other country---by the state and by the judges---.

There is terrorism in baluchistan is because the govt allowed free speech to the media and did not curtail them like the U S govt does to the cnn, foxnews, MSNBC and others---.

In case of mumbai attacks----the geo channel incited india with its reporting---. There was no justification for a pakistan news media to volunteer any information about the so called mumbai attacker---.

Mr Orangzaib----there is no indutrial development in pakistan---no new licenses have been given out for the last five years---all of pakistan's industrial base is moving to the arab emirates---.
An incompetent democracy is like a cancer---it is worst than the worst form of dictatorship.

1) Please point me to news coverage where cops or the bureau has killed people for minor infractions. In some cases, stuff like this has happened but that was ALL over the media. I can even name incidents. But those are rare. For small tickets and stuff, yes, the gov't does listen to officers as they are trained and have the responsibility. But, if you can get an attorney to prove them wrong...you are a free man. Many cases are examples here. That's the judiciary for ya.

2) When you talk about National Security related matters....any country's intelligence agencies will be protected by its institutions. No one wants to lose their NS objectives.....be it India, China, the UK or Pakistan. Same is the case for the US. In fact more than others due to the level the US is at and its involvement everywhere, both economically and militarily.

3) Industrialists were moving to Malaysia and elsewhere till the recent gov't took the office. That has stopped for the majority of the degree. And I am actually aware of a TON of projects that are ongoing right now. Not sure why you'd tell me otherwise as I can produce list on my own. I was in Pakistan for about 7 day last year before heading to India and Dubai. So I know what I am talking about and I can even give you dollar figures too.

The US went through a lot of changes just 70 year ago. We had slavery, no educational rights for others, etc, etc. The situations and test like the Brown vs. the State of KS that opened up education for minorities and many other issues made America what it is today. Had these issues not exist, we wouldn't know how to get better at stuff.
Similarly, the "worst case of democracy" you referred to.....means everything as people, institutions and everyone will learn to live with others in situations elected by the people. Which would then mean your biggest issue of intolerance would be resolved. If everything has an answer in the shape of a military general....then you'll never see a democratic Pakistan and it'll go downhill. Remember, Pakistan can't afford more adventures. Your economy and world standing is at the last stage. The only force that can fix it is the same democracy that many direct or indirect Pak military members on here don't like.....
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