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Jarba urges Syrian opposition friends for arms


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

Opposition leader of the Syrian National Coalition, Ahmed al-Jarba, said battle against Assad regime will be won by the rebels during a speech he gave on the third year anniversary of the Syrian uprising. (File photo: Reuters)
By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Saturday, 15 March 2014

The head of main opposition group the Syrian National Coalition urged allies on Saturday to supply rebel forces with weapons to beat President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, on the day of the Syrian uprising’s third anniversary.

“We are renewing our call to our friends for an immediate supply of arms, which they cut before Geneva,” Ahmed Jarba told reporters during a televised press conference.

Syrian opposition groups and Assad regime officials met in Switzerland earlier this year for the “Geneva II” peace talks in efforts to end the three-year conflict that has so far killed more than 146,000 people.

But the Geneva peace talks failed to result in any positive political resolution, with opposition members accusing the regime of imprisoning their relatives while the conference took place.

“We entered Geneva and we exited it after showing the phony face of the regime,” he said.

No civil war

Although observers have described the ongoing Syrian crisis as a civil war - after it started with peaceful protests against Assad but soon escalated into violent conflict - Jarba said: “Oh Syrian people, we are not in a civil war like what others wish.”

He added: “We are facing a barbaric invasion under the pretext to defend minorities. People around the world are starting to realize the lies of the regime.”

Jarba also said he will open political channels to speak with the “silent” dissidents.

While the Syrian government has long dubbed the rebels and opposition groups as “terrorists” and “hardline Islamists” – in what some have called a bid to gain support from the country’s religious minorities - Jarba warned against infiltration from militant Islamist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is fighting extremist gangs. We are cleaning our home from terrorists such as ISIS, who infiltrated the rebels to backstab them for the regime’s interests,” he said.

“FSA and peaceful protests have stood strongly against radicals just like when they did against the regime,” he added.

Jarba, who reiterated his accusations that Iran, Iraq and the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah were providing ground-based support for the Syrian regime, said: “We are here in memory of our family and people who were killed and injured by the regime’s forces. And not forget those who were displaced by the regime, inside and outside the country.”

To listen to Jarba’s full speech, please click link.

Promise of victory

Vowing that his side would be “victorious” in the conflict, the opposition head said “we have made a promise to God to continue the battle even if we are alone.”

The conflict has led to around 2.5 million Syrians fleeing the country, according the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR).

The UNHCR also said that about 6.5 million are internally displaced within Syria.

U.N. Under-Secretary General and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos said in a statement on Saturday: “We estimate that more than 9 million people need aid and protection inside Syria.”

“The humanitarian consequences of the fighting are staggering and despite our best efforts, aid workers are struggling to reach everyone who needs help,” she added.

She said there about 3.5 million people who are living in “hard-to-reach” areas and have received very little aid.

U.N. aid agencies had not been able to help some 220,000 people who have been besieged for months -including 175,000 living in areas controlled by the government and 45,000 in areas controlled by opposition groups, she said.

“The international community needs to show the courage and determination to do all that is necessary to reach a political solution. Without that, we will see years more of destruction and continued brutality meted out to the people of Syria.”

Fighting rages in Yabrud

Meanwhile, heavy clashes were underway Saturday inside the Syrian rebel bastion of Yabrud near the border with Lebanon, a Syrian military source said, a day after government troops entered the town.

Yabrud sits near key rebel supply lines stretching into Lebanon, and its fall would deal a major blow to the rebels as the war enters its fourth year.

“Fierce clashes are taking place inside the eastern neighbourhoods of Yabrud,” the source told Agence France-Presse, adding that “the 13 rebel chiefs leading operations are dead.”

The source said there had been “very many deaths among the insurgents” in the fighting.

During his speech, Jarba expressed defiance when he said the regime should “dig its grave in Yabrud.”

Last Update: Sunday, 16 March 2014 KSA 23:07 - GMT 20:07


Portable anti-aircrafts air defense missiles are in the way. That's what I have heard. There have been some hesitance on delivering them to the rebels in case they use them against commercial air-crafts. Though such hesitance led to the notorious barrel bombs massacres.
I don't believe MANPAD can make a difference. Mortars which are cheap, easy to deploy, accurate, devastating are surely the most deadly in this war. Neither would ATGM as SAA and co. are largely replacing tanks with ATGMs and RPGs which are deadlier than tanks.
Stinger..that was a game changer in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. No wonder the Americans named the invasion the " Soviet Union's Vietnam"!

None of it will help, this is a failed attempt to remove Bashar, turning it sectarian, including Al Qaeda & ISIS until they turned against the rest, more Syrians are returning to SAA side then going to the non existent FSA which is now made out of many groups claiming to be Islamic.

All that we see from the opposition are some ATGW fire in their defensive positions, the only major attacks come from ISIS and Nusra using armoured trucks as suicide attacks.

Stinger..that was a game changer in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. No wonder the Americans named the invasion the " Soviet Union's Vietnam"!

View attachment 21343

Yet all useless in this case, tanks are not needed either all that the SAA needs is well equipped/trained infantry, not heavy weapons.
None of it will help, this is a failed attempt to remove Bashar, turning it sectarian, including Al Qaeda & ISIS until they turned against the rest, more Syrians are returning to SAA side then going to the non existent FSA which is now made out of many groups claiming to be Islamic.

Pro-regime Sunni fighters in Aleppo defy sectarian narrative - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

NDF is majority Sunni. I would say about 55% Sunni, 20% Alawite + other Shia, 20% Christian, 5% Druze.

Yet all useless in this case, tanks are not needed either all that the SAA needs is well equipped/trained infantry, not heavy weapons

yes, like this

Stinger..that was a game changer in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. No wonder the Americans named the invasion the " Soviet Union's Vietnam"!

View attachment 21343

No it wasn't. It was due to poorly managed economy that led to the downfall of the Socialist Republic of Afghanistan.
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Yet the useless Child-Murdering mercenaries that have enlisted every Nusayri, Shia and Christian over the age of 16 cannot defeat them let alone control 50% of their own country despite getting billions of dollars in aid from Iran and Russia. Not to mention them controlling the airs. Had there been a no-fly zone from the very beginning in Syria then this hideous regime would not have lasted this long but at most 1 year or so. It would have ended like in Libya.

Only a minority of those against the Child-Murderer have picked up arms for obvious reasons. Most are either too young, women, elders or simply worrying to not starve to death since the Child-Murderer has kept the majority Sunni Muslim Arab areas under constant siege and bombardments.

But everything has its end and it's a question of time before the army combined of child-murdering Nusayri/Shia mercenaries and the thousands of Iraqi, Farsi etc. terrorists are defeated.
There are nearly no Sunni Muslim Arabs fighting for that mercenary army anymore. Only hardcore Ba'athi (Arab nationalists) are left. 90% of the child-murdering mercenary army and Shabiha trash etc. are made up entirely by Nusayris, Christians, Shias and foreign Shia terrorists.
why open another thread when there is a thread for Syrian conflict??

Civil Conflict in Syria: News & Discussions - Thread 3

or you want to show how those terrorists are desperate for weapons and begging for money and weapons from the west and their puppets :lol:.... a true revolting would not need any foreign help no matter what....

anyways this thread should be moved to the Syrian conflict thread...
None of it will help, this is a failed attempt to remove Bashar, turning it sectarian, including Al Qaeda & ISIS until they turned against the rest, more Syrians are returning to SAA side then going to the non existent FSA which is now made out of many groups claiming to be Islamic.

All that we see from the opposition are some ATGW fire in their defensive positions, the only major attacks come from ISIS and Nusra using armoured trucks as suicide attacks.

Yet all useless in this case, tanks are not needed either all that the SAA needs is well equipped/trained infantry, not heavy weapons.

A large number of portable air-defense missiles can severally weaken Al Asad's air force. They are now flying freely, virtually without any reliable air-defense system against them.
why open another thread when there is a thread for Syrian conflict??

Civil Conflict in Syria: News & Discussions - Thread 3

or you want to show how those terrorists are desperate for weapons and begging for money and weapons from the west and their puppets :lol:.... a true revolting would not need any foreign help no matter what....

anyways this thread should be moved to the Syrian conflict thread...

Yet your Nusayri led terror regime is living off the mercy of a certain Putin and the fake wannabe-Arab Mullah elite in Iran.

You need THOUSANDS of Iraqi, Farsi and other Shia terrorists to help your fellow Nusayris to stay in power in 50% of Syria. Rest is out of your control and have been that for 2.5 years by now 3 years into the conflict.

Yet your Nusayri led terror regime is living off the mercy of a certain Putin and the fake wannabe-Arab Mullah elite in Iran.

You need THOUSANDS of Iraqi, Farsi and other Shia terrorists to help your fellow Nusayris to stay in power in 50% of Syria. Rest is out of your control.

yet the Syrian government never claimed they are revolting:partay:...
Portable anti-aircrafts air defense missiles are in the way. That's what I have heard. There have been some hesitance on delivering them to the rebels in case they use them against commercial air-crafts. Though such hesitance led to the notorious barrel bombs massacres.

I really hope from my heart that one day Saudi Arabia gives Palestinian some arms even if light arms. :(

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