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Japan’s population slide set to accelerate

Potential immigrant pool:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Philippines
  3. Vietnam
  4. Malaysia
  5. Thailand
  6. China
  7. Korea
  8. India , Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh

Japan would most likely prefer Asian people that are genetically and culturally close to them. People that can be relativly easely assimilated into the country. No doubt the best choices will be the first 5 and Korea. The huge aging of Japan's population is a true demographic nightmare and its passive attitude toward it in the last couple years didnt exactly made the situation any better. Atleast its good that they have a proper long term plan for it. I dont want my daily Manga and Anime to suffer under it. :D
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Japan would most likely prefer Asian people that are genetically and culturally close to them. People that can be relativly easely assimilated into the country. No doubt the best choices will be the first 5 and Korea. The huge aging of Japan's population is a true demographic nightmare and its passive attitude toward it in the last couple years didnt exactly made the situation any better. Atleast its good that they have a proper long term plan for it. I dont want my daily Manga and Anime to suffer under it.

It is a catastrophe and a negative effect of development. In the pursuit of success at work and school, folks put off marriage and starting a family.
@Nihonjin1051 idk why i feel bad about this immigration things u should raise your populations

There was always one factor that resulted in a net increase in population and birth rates in Japan.


It is in war time that Japanese reproduce in epic proportion. In fact it is during war time that Japan industrializes quickly or is able to accomplish feats. In peace time we tend to become reticent and lazy. These past 70 some years of peace has resulted in our population decline.

I think it is time for a little war.
It is a catastrophe and a negative effect of development. In the pursuit of success at work and school, folks put off marriage and starting a family.

True. This can be said about most developed countries in the world sadly. Its the price you pay for succes and wealth. As a result they were all forced to import immigrants. Its the reason why i live in the Netherlands today as an Ethnic Turk.
until Japan is rid of its xenophobia, they cannot attract immigrants other than economic migrants from significantly poorer countries. The US attracts immigrants from even Western Europe not just due to economics but due to its ideology. China should learn from US immigration policy and not just attract economic migrants but also ideological migrants who are willing to give up their old culture to become Chinese, just like many westerners or even Asians give up their own culture to become Americans. How many German Americans can even speak one sentence of German, after all?


You seriously think all the undocumented Latinos who crossed the US border to reach 'El Norte' are not economic migrants?

Hint: There is no magic bullet when it comes to immigration. You accept the economic migrants along with the noble prize winners unless you want to be Singapore or Canada where South Asians with a doctorate are driving cabs and East Asian bank executives are running take-out restaurants.

You seriously think all the undocumented Latinos who crossed the US border to reach 'El Norte' are not economic migrants?

Hint: There is no magic bullet when it comes to immigration. You accept the economic migrants along with the noble prize winners unless you want to be Singapore or Canada where South Asians with a doctorate are driving cabs and East Asian bank executives are running take-out restaurants.

Danke, Danke !
Can you imagine the potential of a beautiful mix bred of Norwegian/Japanese women?


This lady's mother is Japanese, her father is Norwegian.


Can you imagine the potential of a beautiful mix bred of Norwegian/Japanese women?

You know the American actor Chad Murray? He's half Japanese, and the other half a mix of germanic races (swiss, german, english, irish). So id assume a Norwegian-Japanese male mix would look like him as well:

33% of Japanese think marriage is pointless: survey
Japan Today

Maybe Japan can become the 51st state..


This lady's mother is Japanese, her father is Norwegian.


You know the American actor Chad Murray? He's half Japanese, and the other half a mix of germanic races (swiss, german, english, irish). So id assume a Norwegian-Japanese male mix would look like him as well:

Half Japanese girls are the cutest :smitten:

You seriously think all the undocumented Latinos who crossed the US border to reach 'El Norte' are not economic migrants?

Hint: There is no magic bullet when it comes to immigration. You accept the economic migrants along with the noble prize winners unless you want to be Singapore or Canada where South Asians with a doctorate are driving cabs and East Asian bank executives are running take-out restaurants.

The Latinos are economic migrants, but the US is able to indoctrinate a large portion of them to believe in 'Murica. I've lived in the US for a while, theres a clear split in the Latino community between the super assimilated ones and the ones who have a strong Latino identity.
It is embarrassed that our normal people know less about our neighbor neither as a friend nor as a rival

Even a Japanese in this post does not understand their own culture.

Japan is not a country has culture to introduce a large amount of immigrants. Actually, East Asia countries have no such a culture. They will respect your culture and appreciate that you respect theirs. However, being a qualified immigrants in East Asia countries means you shall fully blend into local culture.
What about Japan accepting and settling refugees from Syria and Iraq ? Perfect timing and opportunity for the refugees and Japan.

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