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Japan’s Abe Visits Controversial Shrine

I have been to the Yasukuni Shrine, though not to the inner portion as I am a gaijin. It was, by my observation, very inspiring to elderly Japanese military veterans. All nations, including the Japanese, are entitled to their heroes and honored ancestors. The fact that Chinese celebrate the birthday of one of the most vicious megalomaniacal killers in the history of man, Mao Tse-tung, shows that the Chinese have no moral standing to criticize Abe for honoring the patriots of his own country at Yasukuni.

If you are saying like that, then you never visited Yasukini Shrine.

Sorry for not believing your story.
German's admit that they were on the wrong side of the war....but it seems that the Japanese can't accept the fact they were on the wrong side too!
One movie is only the start.

The movies don't have to be "heavy" -- even a sentimental love story or crime thriller set in the backdrop of the Japanese invasion would send the subconscious message. Gratuitous references to Japanese atrocities in the middle of an unrelated story also work.

Ideally, the movie should be 100% western -- from director, producer to cast.

Chinese individuals and companies have the money to buy shares in Hollywood companies or (indirectly) underwrite Hollywood movies.

Make 'Nanking' a household word, just like 'Auschwitz'.

Hollywood is a ready-made global propaganda machine. Use it.

The movie wasn't heavier than any Holocaust movies. It was what it is, the rape of nanking. Any movies with any references to Nanking would go unnoticed, the average Americans simply have no clue about Nanking or modern East Asian history,

No doubt, Hollywood is a global propaganda machine, but one that serves the US more than it does China. Money aside, there's a big cultural and racial barrier for Chinese to penetrate Hollywood.
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BTW, my reference to visiting Yasukuni (in 1984), but not going into the "inner portion", meant the "inner sanctum" of the shrine, where Tojo's remains are interred. I'm not sure who is allowed into the inner sanctum. Abe was led into there during his lastest visit by a Shinto priest, according to the news stories. It is my understanding that the Japanese laity, and certainly not a gaigin like myself, would not be allowed entry into this area accept accompanied by a high ranking priest of the shrine.
You don't even know what a fascist is, do you. Dumb (Marx) and dumber (Mao).
Are you mad that Mao kept your *** out of North Korea? Your idol Washington was a genocidal slave owner, like vast majority of your founding fathers.

BTW, my reference to visiting Yasukuni (in 1984), but not going into the "inner portion", meant the "inner sanctum" of the shrine, where Tojo's remains are interred. I'm not sure who is allowed into the inner sanctum. Abe was led into there during his lastest visit by a Shinto priest, according to the news stories. It is my understanding that the Japanese laity, and certainly not a gaigin like myself, would not be allowed entry into this area accept accompanied by a high ranking priest of the shrine.
According to your retarded logic, United States has no moral authority to criticize being attacked on 911 because Americans regularly invade and commit acts of state terrorism around the globe. Therefore, all your victims should shut up and not be upset if Saudi Arabia worships the attackers in Mecca.
The movie wasn't heavier than any Holocaust movies. It was what it is, the rape of nanking. Any movies with any references to Nanking would go unnoticed, the average Americans simply have no clue about Nanking or modern East Asian history,

The movie doesn't have to be about Nanking. The movie can be a romance story or a crime thriller.

One -- just one -- crucial scene in the movie has to be designed around a Nanking memorial or event, in such a way that any discussion of the scene would invoke the historical context. The purpose of the entire 90 minute movie is to convey that one scene.

Think of it like a rocket: the payload is maybe 1% of the mass; the other 99% is there to deliver the 1% to its destination.

No doubt, Hollywood is a global propaganda machine, but one that serves the US more than it does China. Money aside, there's a big cultural and racial barrier for Chinese to penetrate Hollywood.

Yes, there is a strong racial barrier, which is why I wrote that everything -- except the story and underwriting dollars -- has to be western. Have Chinese (even Chinese-American) writers write such a story, get funding from Chinese corporations, and hire a Hollywood director, crew and actors to make the movie.

US likes it!

It's just a publicity stunt.

To mainland Chinese here: May be, it's time to arming North Korea and Cuba.

I do not think so. It does mess up S Korea - Japan relationship....and that in turn affects US pivot.
It does nothing good to Japan. It will affect Japan exports to China. It pushes S Korea towards China.

China since 2010 has been giving Japan the hard line even before Abe.
China maybe intentionally pushing Japan to the right all along.
Singapore regrets Japanese PM's visit to Yasukuni shrine

SINGAPORE — The visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Yasukuni war shrine is regrettable, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said today (Dec 29).

An MFA spokesperson said that Singapore’s consistent position has been that such visits reopen old grievances, and are unhelpful to building trust and confidence in the region.

Singapore regrets Japanese PM's visit to Yasukuni shrine | TODAYonline
The movie doesn't have to be about Nanking. The movie can be a romance story or a crime thriller.

One -- just one -- crucial scene in the movie has to be designed around a Nanking memorial or event, in such a way that any discussion of the scene would invoke the historical context. The purpose of the entire 90 minute movie is to convey that one scene.

Think of it like a rocket: the payload is maybe 1% of the mass; the other 99% is there to deliver the 1% to its destination.

How will one scene help to educate the American public when they know next to nothing about modern East Asian history? Some basic knowledge of the subject matter is required in order for such message to work. References to Holocaust can be easily picked up, it's in their cultural context, not Japanese war crime.

The rocket won't even take off.
I reckon an out-and-out Nanking movie would generate more awareness, however bad it performs at the US box office. Movies like The War of Flowers and City of Life and Death generated quite a bit of media publicity.

Yes, there is a strong racial barrier, which is why I wrote that everything -- except the story and underwriting dollars -- has to be western. Have Chinese (even Chinese-American) writers write such a story, get funding from Chinese corporations, and hire a Hollywood director, crew and actors to make the movie.

If such production is made for Chinese market, yes. For American and global market, it'll be tough, no company can go on making unprofitable investment, especially just for that one scene. Nanking (2007) is an American production inspired by Iris Chang, it flopped in the US box office.
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How will one scene help to educate the American public when they know next to nothing about modern East Asian history? Some basic knowledge of the subject matter is required in order for such message to work.

There is nothing to educate. You are going for a simple emotional message: the Japanese did terrible things in Nanking. That can be woven into any kind of story into a crucial scene.

Keep repeating that message in a number of movies until Nanking becomes synonymous with Japanese crimes, in the same way that Auscwitz is synonymous with Nazi crimes.

The details can wait.

The general public's education about the Holocaust didn't happen overnight. It took decades of media effort.

References to Holocaust can be easily picked up, it's in their cultural context, not Japanese war crime.

Most people around the world don't know much about the Holocaust. All they know is that Nazis did terrible things to Jews in gas chambers. You need to go for a similar simple message.

I reckon an out-and-out Nanking movie would generate more awareness, however bad it performs at the US box office.

The general public outside China is not going to watch a serious movie about Nanking.

Start with the simple emotional association "Nanking = Japanese crimes".

Once that sinks in, detailed movies like Schindler's List can come later.
There is nothing to educate. You are going for a simple emotional message: the Japanese did terrible things in Nanking. That can be woven into any kind of story into a crucial scene.

Keep repeating that message in a number of movies until Nanking becomes synonymous with Japanese crimes, in the same way that Auscwitz is synonymous with Nazi crimes.

The details can wait.

The general public's education about the Holocaust didn't happen overnight. It took decades of media effort.

Most people around the world don't know much about the Holocaust. All they know is that Nazis did terrible things to Jews in gas chambers. You need to go for a similar simple message.

When one has absolutely no knowledge of something, how is that one scene going to help? He would either be totally clueless or brush it off as "movie scene"
And how much money can companies afford to lose making such one scene movies?

American public are well aware of NAzi war crime. Holocaust is a well taught in American schools, many Holocaust museums are based in the US too. Jews are a big part of American society.

Most people around the world don't know much about the Holocaust. All they know is that Nazis did terrible things to Jews in gas chambers. You need to go for a similar simple message.

WW2 was started by the Nazi, the world knows about Nazi and Holocaust, maybe not in detail but they have an idea. But most people have not the slightest clue about Nanking. A simple message won't work for nanking.

The general public outside China is not going to watch a serious movie about Nanking.

Start with the simple emotional association "Nanking = Japanese crimes".

Once that sinks in, detailed movies like Schindler's List can come later.

Yes, but the general public has no clue about Nanking either, that one scene will have no impact. A movie on Nanking would create far more awareness thru media publicity even if it flops in box office.
Movie-goers would at least read up a little, or talk to friends, before deciding if they want to watch it. Awareness is created.
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