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Japan's Abe Looks for Asian Allies to Say No to China

Every Countries now use US and China for auction which is great for everyone.

There are just two little problems.

1. Small fishes get grilled easily between two giants since they are dispensable, neither of those small fishes has the economic, political and military mean to fend themselves off if push comes to shove.

2. Nobody wants to end up at the losing side. although the US is still the biggest power, albeit a declining one. China on the other hand is still quite some miles away from US power but a ascending one.

We are living in interesting times.
I think VN keeps the neutral postion. China is too close.

Let China and Japan compete who gives more money and provides more opportunities to the region. It is not bad to have some sorts of balance of power as hegemony or dominance of one side is not healthy.
Action of the world? You mean the fucking West is the representation of the world now? LOL Let be honest with yourself here. If the world is against us, then show us the hard truth. Reject what we are trying to do. Defend our claims in the UN body? We don't need to because we can. Until you show your ball and directly confront us, we ain't blinking an eyes. LOL

Even the US had a hard time confronting us without fearing our retaliation, let alone you the Phillipines!

I agree west should be removed & world needs more balance
Honestly I see only Chinese are up for the task
India is having a tough time (hopefully after elections things will improve)
Russian recovery is very slow
Brazil is busy building football stadiums
& South Africa is very small
With China we have a good chance to end western dominance in world & bring more balance
Actually Vietnam leads in that category.

Britain first found Chinese fishermen from Hainan on the Spratly islands, then they launched the first modern legal claims to the islands.

Security and International Politics in the South China Sea: Towards a co ... - Google Books

War Or Peace in the South China Sea? - Google Books

Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Military History - Larry M. Wortzel, Robin D. S. Higham - Google Books

The Republic of China (Taiwan) garrisoned, claimed and occupied the Spratly islands before Vietnam was even independent from France. It was the first asian country to claim and garrison the islands and Chinese fishermen were there before Vietnam.

Vietnam Joins the World - Google Books

Where in the World is the Philippines?: Debating Its National Territory - Rodolfo Severino - Google Books

The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia: A Challenge for Cooperation - HÅi-gwŏn Pak - Google Books

Spratly Islands (reefs, South China Sea) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Vietnam controlled Islands first, liar.


Vietnam controlled Islands first, liar.



Congragulations on showing us how imcompetent and idiotic Vietnamese mapmakers were, since those islands on the map neither represent the location of the Spratly nor Paracel Islands. Also, drawing islands next to your country on a map does ot mean you own them. Hainan island is also marked on that map, and the map doesn't even show any national borders between countries like China, Vietnam Thailand. Etc.

The old Abe always never give up any silver lining to dick measuring with China, i admit Japan has the most well-developed adault video industry in the world which prevails China i would like to say the most.

China navy shend LPD to Phillipine to rescue. If Aquino doesn't have problem with it, what's your problem?

A fox hides behind a tiger pretends itself as a tiger as well. That describes you.

Again is just a saving face
Congragulations on showing us how imcompetent and idiotic Vietnamese mapmakers were, since those islands on the map neither represent the location of the Spratly nor Paracel Islands. Also, drawing islands next to your country on a map does ot mean you own them. Hainan island is also marked on that map, and the map doesn't even show any national borders between countries like China, Vietnam Thailand. Etc.

I found an article, could be useful.
There are just two little problems.

1. Small fishes get grilled easily between two giants since they are dispensable, neither of those small fishes has the economic, political and military mean to fend themselves off if push comes to shove.
That's so 90ish all small fishes are bargain with the 2 power, even Cambodia get a piece of the pie.
2. Nobody wants to end up at the losing side. although the US is still the biggest power, albeit a declining one. China on the other hand is still quite some miles away from US power but a ascending one.

We are living in interesting times.
With China come to power it benefit to all small fish. Back when US was the mail power everything have to be the US way are the highway. Now thing have change, and quite frankly thanks to China.
That's so 90ish all small fishes are bargain with the 2 power, even Cambodia get a piece of the pie.

With China come to power it benefit to all small fish. Back when US was the mail power everything have to be the US way are the highway. Now thing have change, and quite frankly thanks to China.

As long as the two giants are not going into full conflict, the small fishes will of course get their piece of the pie, some even a large piece of the pie if they manoeuvre cleverly.

I just hope that with China's ascendency into world power and with it its very different philosophical background than the Abrahamic culture that has plague us in Europe and the world we will see a more equitable world. What China so far has done in Africa is very promising.
America should have nuked China and the USSR in 1949. America missed its chance, and will never have a second chance. End of.

America is not a country that would do such a thing. No wonder Philippines never get a nuke because if it get one, it would tested it on someone else.
America is not a country that would do such a thing. No wonder Philippines never get a nuke because if it get one, it would tested it on someone else.

No because nukes are just stupid its only good for energy not for war killing your enemy is fine but killing them plus you plus everyone else is kinda stupid
Every Countries now use US and China for auction which is great for everyone.

Then why China afraid of going to UN to claim those islands?

I don't think "afraid" is the right word. Foreign policies and national interest should not be dictated by the UN and voting by tiny countries. Otherwise, what's the point of spending on defense and etc.?

I doubt any countries want their national interests to be dictated by votes from Brunei, , etc, etc.
I don't think "afraid" is the right word. Foreign policies and national interest should not be dictated by the UN and voting by tiny countries. Otherwise, what's the point of spending on defense and etc.?

I doubt any countries want their national interests to be dictated by votes from Brunei, , etc, etc.

Brunei is pro US which is why it sides with US on south China Sea. It does not actually claim any major Spratly island, but it hosts American military and relies on American support.

Brunei is America’s East Pacific Cash Cow and Military Base | Global Research

Malaysia on the other hand has been electing anti American politicians like Tun Dr. Mahatir which is why we see this.

BusinessMirror - Malaysia splits with Asean on China Sea threat

Malaysia Breaks Ranks on South China Sea: Video - Bloomberg

Archives | The Star Online.

Malaysia's Mahathir says China is no threat - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun


Mahathir Mohamad

The Dragon Looks South: China and Southeast Asia in the New Century - Bronson Percival - Google Books

ASEAN and the Rise of China - Ian Storey - Google Books
I don't think "afraid" is the right word. Foreign policies and national interest should not be dictated by the UN and voting by tiny countries. Otherwise, what's the point of spending on defense and etc.?

I doubt any countries want their national interests to be dictated by votes from Brunei, , etc, etc.
Only country don't have the rights to claim their territory will not wanted to go to UN and leave it fate to other countries.
Then why China in UN for, UN made of all countries not just big country. China don't have the history in SCS to back it up in court.
China only option is to invade SCS, or bait other countries to take false step like Philipine and use it against them. Which I think are barbaric and cower.
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