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Japanese nuclear disaster

on one hand its extremely sorry to listen to the above catastrophe but on the lighter side had it been in USA they would have labeled it as terrorist act and God forbidden would even have openly threatened others [?] to be nuked..
can u interpret this map ? what it means ? does it means that radiation is leaking and will cover the highlighted portiuon in the mentioned time ? y is itshown jusst heading in this curved elliptic manner ? y not circular / ellipticl fallout of radiation ? does nature blows this to ammerica as a reward [>?] for thier bombing of hiroshima ?
i found a video at rt youtubes channel where a guy says that the effect eould be on china,russia,eastern asia? but this map is ver contradictory to what he mentioned? so what is the source of this map? any other source besides just one
Thank God. It is not pollution in China.


An helicopter flies past Japan's Fukushima Daiichi No.1 Nuclear reactor March 12, 2011. An explosion blew the roof off the unstable reactor north of Tokyo on Saturday,Japanese media said, raising fears of a disastrous meltdown at a nuclear plant damaged in the massive earthquake that hit Japan. REUTERS
RIP to dead in japan and gl to the county.

Anyway whats the best case scenario?

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

on one hand its extremely sorry to listen to the above catastrophe but on the lighter side had it been in USA they would have labeled it as terrorist act and God forbidden would even have openly threatened others [?] to be nuked..

please tell me your kidding lol.i think ur confusing USA with the iranian regime.
RIP to dead in japan and gl to the county.

Anyway whats the best case scenario?

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

please tell me your kidding lol.i think ur confusing USA with the iranian regime.

After the stupid Iraq invasion, I don't think he is kidding.
Which has what to do with a nuclear reactor explosion?

although the negativity to your own "country" is good.(sarcasim)
one has to be mentally blind to term my above statement a kidding,, i m as serious as is thw warning label on poison or explosive.. *.. do u know about DU that was/is used in spreading democracy in Iraq and Afghanistsan.,, it seems a payback,,wages of nuking others ..
please tell me your kidding lol.i think ur confusing USA with the iranian regime.
Which has what to do with a nuclear reactor explosion?

although the negativity to your own "country" is good.(sarcasim)

Well, if I remember correctly, your country was a big supporter of that stupid invasion and your pm had a man crush on George Bush. The Kiwis were smart and stayed out.

It has to do with the current meltdown because the US has a history of invading random countries when bad things happen to it. He's afraid if 3 Mile Island happened today, the Israeli controlled US press would try to frame it on Iran. The US public has already proven it will accept such lies from the "free press".
Fukushima nuclear plant blast puts Japan on high alert
• Warnings of possible meltdown amid radiation leaks
• Tens of thousands evacuated after plant explosion
• Up to 1,300 killed in earthquake and tsunami

Ian Sample and Tania Branigan in Beijing guardian.co.uk, Saturday 12 March 2011 11.40 GMT


Smoke rises from Fukushima Daiichi No 1 nuclear reactor after an explosion following the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Photograph: Staff/Reuters​

Japan is battling to stave off a nuclear disaster after an explosion at a north-eastern nuclear plant in the wake of the enormous earthquake and tsunami.

Authorities are evacuating tens of thousands of residents living within a 12 mile (20km) radius of the Fukushima Daiichi plant and those within 6 miles of a second installation in Futuba, 150 miles north of Tokyo.

The explosion followed warnings of a possible meltdown after problems with the cooling system and confirmation of a radiation leak at Fukushima No 1 plant. But nuclear safety officials said it was unlikely the reactor had suffered serious damage, according to the Kyodo news agency.

It is feared that 1,300 people died in Friday's double disaster, most being killed as the wall of mud and water engulfed buildings, roads and vehicles, Japanese media reported. But the priority now is to tackle the crisis at the power plant.

Kyodo cited an official who said that the rate of hourly radiation leaking from Fukushima was equal to the amount usually permitted in a year.

Authorities had previously heralded a successful release of radioactive gases to reduce pressure inside the reactor, which might account for the high levels.

"We are now trying to analyse what is behind the explosion," said the chief cabinet secretary, Yukio Edano. "We ask everyone to take action to secure safety."

Television footage showed the walls of one building had crumbled, leaving only its metal frame, but it was not clear whether it housed the reactor.

The Tokyo Power Electric Company, which runs the Fukushima Daiichi plant, said four workers were injured in the explosion.

Hours after the blast, officials widened a 6-mile evacuation zone around the plant and around Fukushima No 2 plant.

The Tokyo fire department has dispatched an elite Hyper rescue team to the nuclear plant.

An uncontrolled temperature rise at the plant could lead to a meltdown of the uranium reactor core. This could burn through the walls of the vessel and release radiation into a containment building that surrounds the reactor. Some fuel is already thought to have melted in the reactor.

Japanese media said officials had detected iodine and caesium, elements released when overheating causes core damage.

The UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said it was urgently seeking information.

An explosion of the pressure vessel at the Chernobyl reactor in 1986 led to a vast release of radiation.

But experts and authorities urged people to remain calm, suggesting the chances of a major disaster were slight.

The crisis began when the 8.9 magnitude earthquake cut out power, turning off the water supply needed to cool the system. The tsunami is thought to have cut off the backup diesel generator an hour later, leading to pressure rising rapidly within the reactor.

Earlier in the day a Japanese nuclear safety panel said radiation levels were 1,000 times higher than normal in a control room and eight times higher than normal just outside the plant.

Speaking before the blast, Naoto Sekimura, a professor at the University of Tokyo, told the Associated Press a major radioactive disaster was unlikely.

"No Chernobyl is possible at a light water reactor. Loss of coolant means a temperature rise, but it also will stop the reaction," he said.

"Even in the worst-case scenario, that would mean some radioactive leakage and equipment damage, but not an explosion. If venting is done carefully, there will be little leakage. Certainly not beyond the 3km radius."

A partial meltdown in one of the light water reactors at Three Mile Island in 1979 resulted in the release of radioactive gases in the most serious incident in the history of the US nuclear power industry. The reactor was eventually brought under control despite a series of errors.

The blast has compounded the fears of survivors in the worst hit region, north-eastern Tohoku, where aftershocks continue to rock the ground.

@DavidHalton in Sendai city tweeted: "Constant sirens and aircraft that I hope are military that on top of worrying about nuclear fallout and tremors."

Residents woke up after a freezing night on rooftops and in emergency shelters to a sea of mud, water and debris. Earthquakes continued to rock the north-east coast overnight, although some said the worst tremors appeared to be subsiding.

Kyodo said rail operators had yet to find four trains after losing contact with them as they operated on coastal lines on Friday.

East Japan Railway Company said it did not know how many people were on board the trains.

Japan downgraded tsunami warnings in most areas but Tohoku remained on high alert for waves of up to 10 metres high.

The tsunami has reached countries across the Pacific region but there were no reports of major damage outside Japan.

The country has mobilised 50,000 rescuers, and footage showed some winching people to safety from rooftops.

Witnesses said the tsunami had swept inland by up to six miles in Sendai, which has around 1 million inhabitants and is 80 miles from the epicentre.

"The flood came in from behind the store and swept around both sides. Cars were flowing right by," said Wakio Fushima, who owns a grocery shop.

"The tsunami was unbelievably fast. Smaller cars were being swept around me and all I could do was sit in my truck," said driver Koichi Takairin, who was trapped in his four-tonne vehicle by the torrent.
guys the map is fake .. it shows the source as POCO.CN- which is some chinese online store ..

Not fake. "POCO.CN" is the image storage site markers.
Now is the winter, Northwest wind in East Asia.
June, the wind will change into a southeast wind.

Now it is a troubles in the USA and Canada.
What will happen if reactor core melt ?.

A British nuclear expert, Professor Paddy Regan, offers this analysis of what happened at Fukushima.

Regan, professor of nuclear physics at the University of Surrey, said:

"It looks as if the coolant pumps had initially stopped working. They shut down automatically when the reactor shuts down, but there is a backup system running off a diesel generator - it looks as though that's the bit that failed.

"As a result there is no way of pumping heat out of the reactor, so it has to cool naturally. If the reactor gets too hot, in principle this means the fuel rods can melt - but it looks unlikely this has happened to any great extent in this case.

"To reduce the pressure, you would have to release some steam into the atmosphere from the system. In that steam, there will be small but measurable amounts of radioactive nitrogen - nitrogen 16 (produced when neutrons hit water). This remains radioactive for only about 5 seconds, after which it decays to natural oxygen.

"But if any of the fuel rods have been compromised, there would be evidence of a small amount of other radioisotopes in the atmosphere called fission fragments (radio-caesium and radio-iodine). The amount that you measure would tell you to what degree the fuel rods have been compromised. Scientists in Japan should be able to establish this very quickly using gamma ray spectroscopy as the isotopes have characteristic decay signatures. Current reports seem consistent with a small leak to relieve pressure.

"But we still need to establish the cause and exact location of the explosion, which is a separate issue. So far it looks like it's not the reactor core that's affected which would be good news."
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