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Japanese nuclear disaster

CNN reporting that all workers have been evacuated from damaged nuclear power plant. Does that mean that they gave up and waiting for the worst?

Friends from Japan informed me thats not much they can do except praying for the best once they evaculated all personnels from the nuclear plant. May god bless, hope for the best for all the people in Japan.
Why are they using U-Pu alloy instead of uranium oxide fuel? I doubt it's simply a limit of their reactors. Most reactors have 2 circuits of water, this one has only 1 and directly exposes the turbine water to the core. Japan is likely stockpiling nuclear material in violation of the nonproliferation treaty and its own constitution.

Even if that was true then it would be the government's fault, not the civilians.

This photo released by Tokyo Electric Power Co shows damaged No 3 (right) and No 4 reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant


In this screenshot from Japan's NHK television, the No 4 unit of the Fukushima Daiichi complex is seen damaged on 15 March. Photograph: AP
4.50am GMT: Japan's health ministry announced the rise in the legal radiation exposure limit because workers could no longer get close enough to the Fukushima Daiichi No 4 reactor for urgent attempts to repair the reactor's cooling system.

The ministry raised the level two and a half times, to 250 millseiverts.

Erlier, Kyodo news agency said 730 out of a total of 800 workers had been evacuated from the site.
China is evacuating its nationals from the north-east - ie closer to the stricken facility - citing its concerns about the plant and France has recommended that its citizens leave Tokyo. The Austrian embassy announced yesterday that it was moving to Osaka due to radiation fears.

But like many more countries, the UK is not recommending that nationals leave the capital. Radiation levels there are slightly higher than normal, but nowhere near a level of concern, say experts.
6.12am GMT (3.12pm JST): A useful summary of what we know about the status of the reactors at Fukushima No 1 plant, from Kyodo news agency:

-- Reactor No. 1 - Cooling failure, partial melting of core, vapor vented, building damaged Saturday by hydrogen explosion, seawater being pumped in.

-- Reactor No. 2 - Cooling failure, seawater being pumped in, fuel rods fully exposed temporarily, vapor vented, building damaged Monday by blast at Reactor No. 3, damage to containment vessel on Tuesday, potential meltdown feared.

-- Reactor No. 3 - Cooling failure, partial melting of core feared, vapor vented, seawater being pumped in, building damaged Monday by hydrogen explosion, high-level radiation measured nearby on Tuesday, plume of smoke observed Wednesday, damage to containment vessel likely.

-- Reactor No. 4 - Under maintenance when quake struck, fire Tuesday possibly caused by hydrogen explosion at pool holding spent fuel rods, pool water level not observed, fire observed Wednesday at building housing reactor, no water poured in to cool pool.

-- Reactor No. 5, No. 6 - Under maintenance when quake struck, temperature slightly rising in spent fuel pool.
Japan's nuclear crisis escalates amid another fire at crippled nuclear plant - People's Daily Online March 16, 2011

As Japan is struggling to contain a spiraling nuclear crisis, another fire broke out again at a quake-crippled nuclear plant on Wednesday, raising fears of more radiation contamination.

The fire struck on early Wednesday at the building housing of the No.4 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, said Tokyo Electric Power Co.(TEPCO), the plant's operator.

Workers saw a blaze erupt at 5:45 a.m.(2110 GMT) at the northwestern corner of the building's fourth floor and about 30 minutes later, the smoke and fire could no longer be seen within 10 meters away, public broadcaster NHK reported.

It is the second fire to hit the spent fuel storage pond at No.4 reactor in just over 24 hours, signalling a deterioration in the situation.

On Tuesday, a fire broke out in the same reactor's fuel storage pond, an area where used nuclear fuel is kept cool, sending radiation into the atmosphere.

Tokyo Electric Power said the new blaze erupted because the initial fire had not been fully extinguished.

Unlike other three reactors that saw explosions over the past few days, the No.4 reactor was shut down for maintenance when the quake and tsunami struck last Friday.

Reactors in the No.5 and No.6 units also saw an increase in temperatures, although there have been no reports of abnormalcies or explosions.

On Wednesday, Japan's nuclear safety agency said 70 percent of the nuclear fuel rods may have been damaged at Fukushima Daiichi No.1 reactor that was first stricken last week, triggering the crisis.

At the moment, detectors showed 400 millisieverts per hour near the No.3 reactor, and 100 millisieverts at No.4 reactor, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said. Exposure to over 100 millisieverts a year is a level which can lead to cancer.

The crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi complex which houses six nuclear reactors began when the historic 9.0-magnitude earthquake devastated northeast Japan and knocked out its cooling systems.

Two hydrogen explosions rocked No.1 reactor and No. 3 reactor on Saturday and Monday respectively due to the failure of the cooling function, damaging the outer walls. But it did not pierce the reactors' steel and concrete containment vessel.

On Tuesday morning, a third blast occurred at the No.2 reactor and damaged the reactor's suppression pool, raising radiation in the area to dangerous levels.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan warned of further leaks and told people living within a radius of 30 km of the troubled plant to stay indoors.

Following Tuesday's explosion, radiation levels in Tokyo, one of the world's most populous cities, rose 10 times above average, spreading fear among many of the 33 million residents in the metropolitan area.

Concern now centers on damage to the No.4 reactor which stores spent rods in pools of water outside the containment area, and also to the No.2 reactor that helps cool and trap the majority of cesium, iodine and strontium in its water.

If the government fails to put the No. 2 reactor under control, cooling work on No.1 and No.3 reactors would be forced to halt, experts warned.

Authorities have been flooding the chambers of the quake-shaken reactors with sea water to cool the reactors down in an effort to avert a possible meltdown.

Prime Minister Kan said earlier Tuesday that his government and TEPCO will set up integrated headquarters, headed by the premier, to address issues at the Fukushima No. 1 plant.

Right now, U.S. and Russian nuclear experts are rushing to Japan to help the country deal with its nuclear safety crisis. On Monday, the Japanese government had appealed to the IAEA for help.

Source: Xinhua
It doesn't look good. I wish Japan all the best and hope that they can rectify and sort out the mess on those reactors.
On Monday, the Japanese government had appealed to the IAEA for help.

Only now they are asking? For f**ks sake they should have asked when it started.
On Monday, the Japanese government had appealed to the IAEA for help.

Only now they are asking? For f**ks sake they should have asked when it started.

Their government was covering up since the start. They know how bad it was but to prevent further esculations of panic, they chose to play it down and lie to the world about it.

Even the Americans are taking precautions.
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I think that is based on the radiation dosage they've already received.
As usual the public only knows about it afterwards.
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