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Linguistic features are different from the racial/ethnic ones just how speaking English does not make one Anglo Saxon or not speaking English does not make an Anglo Saxon someone else. There is little difference between a Burmese and a Korean and if there is any, it is because Burmese or Korean are mixed with other races.

Language is not a determinant for the classification of races.

One of the golden rule in linguistics is that languages match well with specific ethnic group as whole, and speakers of languages in same language family are related genetically.
You can't even find a origin of all Han Chinese since Han is a huge mix of hundreds ancient Chinese ethnics.

May be, I am not aware of that in detail, what I know is that all Mongoloid men are of Homo Erectus ancestral origin as I found it on WikiPedia. Homo Erectus lived in Africa, Eurasia (Java, China, India, Caucasus).

One of the golden rule in linguistics is that languages match well with specific ethnic group as whole, and speakers of languages in same language family are related genetically.

History of evolution can be traced back to much earlier period in which languages, as we see today, were not even invented.
You can't even find a origin of all Han Chinese since Han is a huge mix of hundreds ancient Chinese ethnics.

However, I think, just like how Homo Neanderthalensis disappeared, Homo Erectus will one day disappear because they are not fit to survive. Some species are not meant to survive. Homo Erectus and Homo Neanderthalensis had their own day and after the arrival of Homo Sapiens, we see how Homo Neanderthalensis dying out completely and also from Eurasia and Caucasian regions Homo Erectus were replaced by Homo Sapiens. In India, with the arrival of the Aryans or Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus got extinct and only in the north east region, some still live.

In China, Homo Erectus will also gradually disappear in an evolutionary way, this is why we will see more Chinese men having Caucasoid features like pointed noses and strong muscular body built and more than present average Chinese height. With the change of Chinese genes, Chinese cultural traits will change, so will Chinese foreign policy. China can only be a superpower if Chinese men turn into men who look like the Europeans.

To be honest, India will have to deal with another China that day. It would be a nightmare for entire South Asia to have China as a neighbor which is populated by White skinned Europeans as Chinese.
Han Chinese are Southeast Asian rice farmers originating from Burma. This is why Han Chinese look Southeast Asian, speak a toned Southeast Asian language.

Above the Great Wall, Altaic people occupy the land, who speak toneless Altaic languages completely unrelated to Sinitic languages, and feature physical adaptation to cold weather.

Wrong, you should brush up on your education before making uninformed claims such as this.

Old Chinese is non-tonal. It was only during the Imperial China period, with its expansion south, did Chinese phonology eventually lose nearly all of its consonant clusters and developed tones.

And obviously you don't know that there are quite a fair bit of physical differences between north and south in general, Northerners look a bit more Altaic while Southerners look a bit more Austronesian.
However, I think, just like how Homo Neanderthalensis disappeared, Homo Erectus will one day disappear because they are not fit to survive. Some species are not meant to survive. Homo Erectus and Homo Neanderthalensis had their own day and after the arrival of Homo Sapiens, we see how Homo Neanderthalensis dying out completely and also from Eurasia and Caucasian regions Homo Erectus were replaced by Homo Sapiens. In India, with the arrival of the Aryans or Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus got extinct and only in the north east region, some still live.

In China, Homo Erectus will also gradually disappear in an evolutionary way, this is why we will see more Chinese men having Caucasoid features like pointed noses and strong muscular body built and more than present average Chinese height. With the change of Chinese genes, Chinese cultural traits will change, so will Chinese foreign policy. China can only be a superpower if Chinese men turn into men who look like the Europeans.

To be honest, India will have to deal with another China that day. It would be a nightmare for entire South Asia to have China as a neighbor which is populated by White skinned Europeans as Chinese.

/Indian commenting style
LOL :P not this again. I heard this now from almost every country claiming they are the ayrian, from Sweden to that little albania. The last thing i expect is the dark skinned indians. Only a "collored" race can top now that. U know that dogs looks different, some races are stronger, some are more intelligent. "Collored" people are awsome strong, Indians have small dicks. They all differs, like Han-Chinese and u Indians. The best race will survive and it looks good for us Chinese. I mean, how can our civilisation last so long and its even going to be stronger. So good luck Indians. LOLOLOLOL :woot::cheesy:
/end of that style

I think some people have an inferrior complex. Often they were "look down" by the others. To offset it, they want to equal themself to people, who often were seen as superior, like the germans in the 2.WW, the ayran race. This sometimes can be that stupid, that even if they have a totally different appearance like the skin collor. Thats why u can find neo-nazis even in the worst **** hole country on earth. What i want to say is that the superiority can only be measured in the practice, not the appearance or how often which country lost a war.
Damn. Some Chinese members here claim that Indian girls are the worst looking in Asia. When did we get to 2nd position ? :what:

NO, I've been to China many times and they consider Indian girls very good looking. According to them every Indian girls have big eye, nice eye lashes and eye brows which make them beautiful

Guys you do not need to hate Chinese. If you do, do it based on facts.

Of-course you need to ignore some trolls :)
/Indian commenting style
LOL :P not this again. I heard this now from almost every country claiming they are the ayrian, from Sweden to that little albania. The last thing i expect is the dark skinned indians. Only a "collored" race can top now that. U know that dogs looks different, some races are stronger, some are more intelligent. "Collored" people are awsome strong, Indians have small dicks. They all differs, like Han-Chinese and u Indians. The best race will survive and it looks good for us Chinese. I mean, how can our civilisation last so long and its even going to be stronger. So good luck Indians. LOLOLOLOL :woot::cheesy:
/end of that style

I think some people have an inferrior complex. Often they were "look down" by the others. To offset it, they want to equal themself to people, who often were seen as superior, like the germans in the 2.WW, the ayran race. This sometimes can be that stupid, that even if they have a totally different appearance like the skin collor. Thats why u can find neo-nazis even in the worst **** hole country on earth. What i want to say is that the superiority can only be measured in the practice, not the appearance or how often which country lost a war.

There is a reason Europeans admire Indian civilization because it symbolizes the victory of Homo Sapiens over inferior Homo Erectus. I think, you are not educated enough to understand what the term Homo Hierarchicus stands for. Have you ever heard of Louis Dumont's treatise Homo Hierarchicus: Essai sur le système des castes?

I presented my view which is backed by scientific analysis. The story of evolution is that the strongest will survive and the weakest will die out. Homo Erectus are not fit to survive and that is why they disappeared in other parts of the world except East Asia and Central Asia. But these parts are no longer inaccessible to Homo Sapiens who will somehow managed to eat up the remaining Homo Erectus. In other words, Homo Erectus will be replaced by Homo Sapiens in East Asia. It may not mean, Homo Sapien men will invade present Homo Erectus homelands in a conventional sense, it may also mean, Homo Erectus men will marry Homo Sapiens women and will become part of the evolution. In either ways, Homo Erectus DNA will go extinct just how Homo Neanderthalensis went extinct long ago. This is how evolution works.

I did not insult Chinese in my post. I said it is no coincidence that newer generation Chinese men are seen having broad pointed noses, muscular bodies and taller heights. These Chinese men will have better chances to survive as they will easily get wives who will bear their children or DNA.

And one day, Chinese will have a Chinese military general who will look like him:


He is General Douglas MacArthur.

That day, China will truly become a superpower.
scherz, aryans as envisioned by hitler was more of a propaganda to unify germany than to do with real facts.
the aryan invasion of india is disputed by indian historians but is still widely held.

there are many theories of HOW they became successful in invading india, like this one
watch from 15:22
Battles BC - Alexander Lord of War - YouTube
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