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Japan Will Pay Its Firms to Leave China, Relocate Production as Part of Stimulus Package

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Jul 25, 2016
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As part of its economic stimulus package, Japan has earmarked $2.2 billion to help its manufacturers shift production out of China.


Japan is willing to fund its companies to shift manufacturing operations out of China, Bloomberg has reported as the disruptions caused to production by the coronavirus pandemic has forced a rethink of supply chains between the major trading partners.

As part of its economic stimulus package, Japan has earmarked $2.2 billion to help its manufacturers shift production out of China. Of this amount, 220 billion yen ($2 billion)is for companies shifting production back to Japan and 23.5 billion yen for those seeking to move production to other countries.

China is Japan’s biggest trading partner under normal circumstances, but imports from China have slumped by almost half in February due to lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus hitting manufacturing and the supply chain.
Shinichi Seki, an economist at the Japan Research Institute, predicted that there would be a shift in the coming days as there already was renewed talk of Japanese firms reducing their reliance on China as a manufacturing base. “Having this in the budget will definitely provide an impetus,” he told Bloomberg.
Companies, such as car makers, which are manufacturing for the Chinese domestic market, will likely stay put, he said.

The Japanese government’s panel on future investment had last month discussed the need for manufacturing of high-added value products to be shifted back to Japan, and for production of other goods to be diversified across Southeast Asia.

More than 37 per cent of the 2,600 companies surveyed by Tokyo Shoko Research Ltd. in February had also said they were diversifying procurement to places other than China amid the coronavirus crisis.
The policy, however, could strain ties that had been on the mend lately and affect Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s years-long effort to restore relations with China.
Chinese President Xi Jinping was supposed to be on a state visit to Japan early this month. But what would have been the first visit of its sort in a decade was postponed a month ago amid the spread of the virus and no new date has been set.

Japans new retirement plan.
I'm not nervous when seeing news of firms from whatever country leave China. Cause China is not a normal developing country who relies on other countries' technologies and money. When they leave China, some other domestic companies will replace them very soon.
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I'm not nervous when seeing news of firms from whatever country leave China. Cause China is not a normal developing country who relies on other countries' technologies and money. When they leave China, some other domestic companies will replace them very soon.
Really? Android just left Hwei, and Hwei phones r dead out side CN now :lol:
Right now China is safest country for Corona, rest of the whoe world is dangerous. In one month the tide has turned the other way.
This is good for both sides. Chinese companies can take this opportunity to fill the void left by Japanese companies. And Japan can build new production chains. Japan and China both benefit
This is good for both sides. Chinese companies can take this opportunity to fill the void left by Japanese companies. And Japan can build new production chains. Japan and China both benefit

Japanese companies will still retain their marketing office, sales force, and warehouses in China, they just move the production outside China with higher possibility to relocate to ASEAN countries. So it doesnt mean Japanese companies will leave Chinese market.
Japanese companies will still retain their marketing office, sales force, and warehouses in China, they just move the production outside China with higher possibility to relocate to ASEAN countries.

This is also the problem that companies encounter in trade wars.

Not moving production outside of China, goods are taxed by the United States
Moving production outside of China, which wants to bring goods into China, will be subject to higher import taxes and difficult to compete with domestic manufacturing companies.

They have to choose between the Chinese market and the US market. No solution is perfect.

If Japan did this 20 years ago, China could be hit hard by this decision. But for now, China doesn't care.

Of course, labor costs in China have been much higher than 20 years ago. More expensive goods, saturated consumption markets and too many competitors. Japanese companies moving production outside of China is sooner or later
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This is also the problem that companies encounter in trade wars.

Not moving production outside of China, goods are taxed by the United States
Moving production outside of China, which wants to bring goods into China, will be subject to higher import taxes and difficult to compete with domestic manufacturing companies.

They have to choose between the Chinese market and the US market. No solution is perfect.

China has Free Trade Agreement with ASEAN since 2010, so China cannot just tax their product easily if they move their production into ASEAN countries. Anyway, labor cost in China is also raising rapidly so moving the factory into Vietnam/Indonesia/Philippine are not making the company less competitive either. By moving to ASEAN countries with their competitive labor cost and abundant raw material they can easily target both US and China market.

Japanese planner IMO has think about it deeply and they know it is the perfect time to move after their product already capture significant Chinese market and their sales force infrastructure has been widespread in the country. This is why they decide to do this plan. But Japanese companies IMO will still wait whether USA next administration is still continuing their trade war or not before they actually move.
What is it about this section that attracts low-IQ trolls? As tedious and dumb as they are, I guess I should be happy that all China's enemies are this stupid.

It is a kind of self-comforting mentality. They are happy to see China unlucky. Like two months ago Trump and the United States were very happy to learn that China was attacked by corona. At that time, Trump and many Americans believed that this was a golden opportunity to weaken China's economy
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Actually they only relocate the productions of goods for export, not for chinese market.
The production for chinese market remains there, such as toyota.

The company who relocate from china to SEA will benefit cheaper labour cost, but will suffer more costly supply chain
There are so many thing wrong with this action by Japan.

What Japan did is action and commit resource (2.2B) for these actions. This action negatively affects China and Chinese workers.

It is clearly not market based. Companies were bribed to leave China. It is one thing that Japanese companies leave China on their own accord due to their own marketing study of avoiding dependence on one location or higher labor cost. It is entirely different thing they are being bribed.

Also, it is targeting only one country, China. It is quite brazen. Japan could at least be a little more diplomatic in making it more vague by encouraging Japanese companies to leave any country (while in reality only China) where production is concentrated.

It is up to Chinese government now. Does the government want to commit actual resource to retaliate? or pretend it doesn't hurt.

The world is watching.
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