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Japan Will Pay Its Firms to Leave China, Relocate Production as Part of Stimulus Package

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It is true that China was largely a cheap copycat for decades, primarily because it lacked an industrial base and had to start from the bottom. However, in the past 20 years it has invested significantly in education and has immensely expanded college enrollment. At this point, China is at a major confluence where it has immense capital, a well developed foundation of technology and a young and well educated research/scientist labor pool that is now equal in size to the US and still rapidly increasing. This is why China is a major threat.

As far as innovations, they are recent but in terms of 5G (Huawei), Mobile Pay (Wechat and Alipay), Drone technology (DJI), China has begun to take the lead. Not to mention that it has dominated the Supercomputer list in recent years and is now investing heavily into quantum computing.

The US is undoubtedly still the leader but China is fast catching up in its innovative capabilities.

Japan however has receded greatly in the last 15 years. China is far ahead of Japan technologically in most fields except for some very specific fields involving advanced robotics or industrial machinery. That might change in the next 5 years.
China is nowhere Japan is in technology.
Would you buy a chinese or japanese car?
japan should instead develop new startup in japan and try to compete with its competitors in china by improving efficiency,bribing already existing company will lead to loss in long run as it is not legit manner and opposite to law of economics for any company to compete in market as there is extent to which you can pump money for providing subsidy to company and will promote corruption in companies

It's too late. Like I mentioned before, Japan's culture is in a state of malaise and slow decline. It no longer has the drive and ambition to compete. Even South Korea has overtaken Japan in many fields.

China's size is immense next to Japan. Japan was only ahead because it was able to fully industrialize and thus could wield its full potential. China is now industrializing and moving up the ladder of development, it will keep developing more and more resources which are already dwarfing Japan.

Japan's only real hope in staying relevant is to remain a steadfast US ally in Asia and a bulwark against China's advance. In terms of overtaking China or matching China's power, that time has long gone and won't ever come back.

China is nowhere Japan is in technology.
Would you buy a chinese or japanese car?

The top Chinese manufacturers now rival the Japanese, their brands are just not as established.

In terms of EV, China is ahead of Japan and that is the new frontier.
It's too late. Like I mentioned before, Japan's culture is in a state of malaise and slow decline. It no longer has the drive and ambition to compete. Even South Korea has overtaken Japan in many fields.

China's size is immense next to Japan. Japan was only ahead because it was able to fully industrialize and thus could wield its full potential. China is now industrializing and moving up the ladder of development, it will keep developing more and more resources which are already dwarfing Japan.

Japan's only real hope in staying relevant is to remain a steadfast US ally in Asia and a bulwark against China's advance. In terms of overtaking China or matching China's power, that time has long gone and won't ever come back.

The top Chinese manufacturers now rival the Japanese, their brands are just not as established.

In terms of EV, China is ahead of Japan and that is the new frontier.
EV cars are made up few parts. Much easier to make than combustible engine cars.

Same for Drone. It is a technology for a small group of users, not for the mass.
for the mass chinese companies should do more.
almost 50 percent of all world’s internet traffic run on equipment of a US company: Cisco. That’s what matters.
i think nkorea is enough to deter japan and they fire missile above japan airspace but japan fails to stop them every time
It's too late. Like I mentioned before, Japan's culture is in a state of malaise and slow decline. It no longer has the drive and ambition to compete. Even South Korea has overtaken Japan in many fields.

China's size is immense next to Japan. Japan was only ahead because it was able to fully industrialize and thus could wield its full potential. China is now industrializing and moving up the ladder of development, it will keep developing more and more resources which are already dwarfing Japan.

Japan's only real hope in staying relevant is to remain a steadfast US ally in Asia and a bulwark against China's advance. In terms of overtaking China or matching China's power, that time has long gone and won't ever come back.

The top Chinese manufacturers now rival the Japanese, their brands are just not as established.

In terms of EV, China is ahead of Japan and that is the new frontier.
China is nowhere Japan is in technology.
Would you buy a chinese or japanese car?

This question is so juvenile. Let me ask you this to put it in perspective:

Which tech would you choose, Chinese or Japanese?

5G? Well, Chinese obviously because Japan does not have this technology.

Space station tech? Chinese obviously because Japan does not have this technology.

Stealth fighters? Does Japan have a rival to China's J20?

Internet tech? Where is Japan's rivals to Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu or Bytedance? Oh yeah, Japan's internet is stuck in 2001.

Smartphones? Is Sony producing better phones than Huawei, Oppo, Vivo or Xiaomi? Go ahead, get a Sony phone.

Drone technology? Does Japan have a rival to DJI or Ehang?

Supercomputers? China dominates the list and has the world's fastest supercomputers.

Quantum technology? Again China is only 2nd to the US here and there are immense fears that China may overtake the US soon since this is a young field and China is pouring in billions.

In most major fields, China has pulled far ahead of Japan. However, Japan is still ahead in a few crucial fields so it is definitely not out.
If nobody want a Chinese car but Japanese car then why keep posting about VinFast? VinFast is even worse than Chinese cars technology wise speaking.
This question is so juvenile. Let me ask you this to put it in perspective:

Which tech would you choose, Chinese or Japanese?

5G? Well, Chinese obviously because Japan does not have this technology.

Space station tech? Chinese obviously because Japan does not have this technology.

Stealth fighters? Does Japan have a rival to China's J20?

Internet tech? Where is Japan's rivals to Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu or Bytedance? Oh yeah, Japan's internet is stuck in 2001.

Drone technology? Does Japan have a rival to DJI or Ehang?

Supercomputers? China dominates the list and has the world's fastest supercomputers.

Quantum technology? Again China is only 2nd to the US here and there are immense fears that China may overtake the US soon since this is a young field and China is pouring in billions.

In most major fields, China has pulled far ahead of Japan. However, Japan is still ahead in a few crucial fields so it is definitely not out.
5g is not invented by China. Pls learn that 5g is not a single piece of technology but many technologies in one box.
Certainly I don’t deny China progress in many fields. They certainly have many talented people.
Thing is what you describe is a moment of time.
Once foreigners leave China, the country will risk to slip back into agony. No progress, no innovation. They will return to the place where they started: making cheap stuffs for the world.

the problem for you:

the place for making shoes is now occupied by Bangladesh.
Ok China has capital. China has people. Technology? Sorry, what China does not have is technology. You don’t mind if China falls back in making shoes? But Ok that’s your opinion.
I think you are mistaking brand recognition to technology. Alot of things Japanese companies produce require components from domestic Chinese companies. There are some niche products which we can't make, ex: semiconductor equipment and civilian aircraft engine parts. Other than that, we are pretty much self sufficient with domestic companies supplying it. My bet is if Japan withdraws from the China market these small domestic companies will grow into global giants and start competing directly with Japanese companies.
5g is not invented by China. Pls learn that 5g is not a single piece of technology but many technologies in one box.
Certainly I don’t deny China progress in many fields. They certainly have many talented people.
Thing is what you describe is a moment of time.
Once foreigners leave China, the country will risk to slip into agony. No progress, no innovation. They will return to the place where they started: making cheap stuffs for the world.

The concept of 5G wasn't invented in China. But Huawei has created the most advanced 5G in the world and this was done by innovation.

You must believe in White supremacy to think that Chinese are not capable of innovation. The reason why China was a copycat in the past was because it had a miniscule R&D sector with a tiny labor pool of scientists as well as lacking the capital resources and domestic market for technology goods.

Today, China has an indigenous innovation sector that is a rival to the US. It's pool of scientists and research personnel is fast approaching the size of the US and may overtake the US in the next five years. It has immense capital and a well developed finance structure to fund startups as exemplified by the fact that it rivals the US in the number of unicorns. It also has the world's largest domestic market for most technology goods.

But somehow you think these millions of scientists are just going go back to making shoes and trinkets? LMAO delusion is strong with you.
If nobody want a Chinese car but Japanese car then why keep posting about VinFast? VinFast is even worse than Chinese cars technology wise speaking.
It is a double standard
When BKAV introduced Bphone. At that time, many Vietnamese people called on others to buy this phone for national pride. And the truth is that no one bought it even though they said Bphone was better than Iphone.
The same thing happened to Asanzo, all Vietnamese were proud of it until it was discovered that Asanzo TVs used Chinese components.
I think you are mistaking brand recognition to technology. Alot of things Japanese companies produce require components from domestic Chinese companies. There are some niche products which we can't make, ex: semiconductor equipment and civilian aircraft engine parts. Other than that, we are pretty much self sufficient with domestic companies supplying it. My bet is if Japan withdraws from the China market these small domestic companies will grow into global giants and start competing directly with Japanese companies.
Pls understand technology is a secret, to invent a thing, how to make it.
Take again Cisco. The company that controls the internet traffic. They have technology to make devices called router and switch. They make the software that runs on those devices. If I open the boxes, I see many components are made in China. Now you imagine, one day if Cisco withdraws from China, all other Chinese companies including Huawei will run out of ideas because they have nothing to copy, to learn from it.
Pls understand technology is a secret, to invent a thing, how to make it.
Take again Cisco. The company that controls the internet traffic. They have technology to make devices called router and switch. If I open the boxes, I see many components are made in China. Imagine, once Cisco withdraws from China, all other Chinese companies including Huawei will run out of ideas because they have nothing to copy, to learn from it.

Huawei has more advanced technology than Cisco. What are you talking about?

If all the MNC's withdraw from China, undoubtedly, it will hurt China. But the fact is, China has already built a large indigenous foundation of innovation where it can largely drive itself moving forward. I think if there is a significant decoupling, we will see two technological spheres where China will lead in certain areas and the US will lead in others.
Huawei has more advanced technology than Cisco. What are you talking about?

If all the MNC's withdraw from China, undoubtedly, it will hurt China. But the fact is, China has already built a large indigenous foundation of innovation where it can largely drive itself moving forward. I think if there is a significant decoupling, we will see two technological spheres where China will lead in certain areas and the US will lead in others.
Huawei occupies only a small pie on the market: the telephone vendors. All major companies from manufacturing to banks, insurance buy Cisco, Arista, HP, Extremes, etc. all are US companies.

Huawei has success in vendor markets because the components are cheaper not more technology advanced.
Huawei occupies only a small pie on the market: the telephone vendors. All major companies from manufacturing to banks, insurance buy Cisco, Arista, HP, Extremes, etc. all are US companies.

I disagree. Huawei is actually the most important telecommunications company at this point. 5G will basically dominate global telecommunications and that is why it is highly sensitive. I actually agree that the US should not depend on foreign tech for 5G although I think it has been self destructive in its obsession with Huawei.
Each individual has their own point of view.
True-false debate is a waste of time
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