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Japan-South Korea Relations Warming Fast

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, left, and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol shake hands in Phnom Penh on Nov. 13.

Next week’s summit between Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol will be an important indication to domestic and international observers alike of both sides’ resolve to improve bilateral relations.

Building deeper trust as true partners will be essential as Tokyo and Seoul face up to the severe security environment, epitomized by issues involving North Korea and China.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, during his regular afternoon press conference Thursday, described South Korea as an “important neighbor” that Japan should cooperate with on various issues affecting the international community. He expressed hope that bilateral ties would “develop further” as he said that Yoon will visit Japan on March 16 and 17.

The announcement of Yoon’s visit was coordinated to coincide with the South Korean government’s own statement, as both sides issued positive messages about the upcoming summit.

Only three days had passed since the South Korean government announced Monday a plan to resolve the issue of lawsuits concerning former requisitioned workers from the Korean Peninsula.

The rapid-fire positive developments reveal the intentions of both governments to swiftly repair a relationship that had deteriorated to what some analysts considered the “lowest point in the years since World War II.”

Kishida and Yoon have met and held talks twice, but both times were 30-45 minutes on the sidelines of international meetings. A bilateral summit and dinner party are being scheduled during Yoon’s visit, which is shaping up as a golden opportunity for both leaders to exchange views in-depth and build trust on a personal level.

Radars and semiconductors​

Major items on the agenda at the summit likely will include working more closely together in the security field with regard to North Korea, and boosting cooperation on economic security, which is becoming increasingly important when dealing with China. These are also issues that the United States, an ally of Japan and South Korea, hopes to handle through trilateral efforts.

Tokyo, Washington and Seoul agreed during a trilateral summit in November on a plan to share North Korean missile warning data in real time. Although the coverage of Japan’s and South Korea’s radars differ because of their geographical location, enabling information to be shared in real time through the United States should significantly bolster the effectiveness of countermeasures against DPRK missiles.

Boosting defense exchanges between Japan and South Korea will be crucial for making this plan a reality. However, such exchanges have effectively been suspended since a South Korean destroyer directed its fire-control radar at a Self-Defense Forces aircraft in 2018. There are expectations that improved ties between the leaders of both nations could help mend the rift that currently exists in the defense arena.

Maintaining and strengthening a free and open Indo-Pacific region is another area in which Japan and South Korea must work together and with the United States trilaterally. Collective efforts by all three nations will be required to deal with China, which is cranking up its coercion of Taiwan and stepping up its hegemonic actions in the East and South China Seas.

The semiconductor industry holds the key to ensuring economic security. Japan possesses world-class semiconductor material technologies, and South Korea heads the pack in terms of manufacturing technologies. The involvement of Japan and South Korea will be crucial for any U.S.-led semiconductor policies designed to rein in China’s momentum in this field.

Efforts to promote Tokyo-Seoul cooperation likely will pick up speed if progress is made in talks aimed at removing strict export controls Japan has imposed on semiconductor materials and other items to South Korea in 2019.

“The inability of Japan and South Korea to cooperate because of political matters has been a huge burden for the United States,” said Meikai University Prof. Tetsuo Kotani, an expert on security issues. “I think cooperation between Japan, the United States and South Korea will steadily move forward.”

Seeking virtuous circle​

The plan to settle the former requisitioned workers issue has faced pushback in South Korea from critics who claim Japan’s response is insufficient. Some plaintiffs have shown a willingness to continue their court battles to demand compensation directly from Japanese companies.

Consequently, the Japan plans to carefully watch whether the South Korean government can reliably put its plan into practice.

At the same time, the Japanese government accepts the necessity of supporting Yoon.

“Beefing up cooperation and opening the door to more exchanges even before that plan is carried out would create a good environment, which would make it easier to push ahead with the plan,” a senior Foreign Ministry official told The Yomiuri Shimbun. “We want both sides to make efforts to create a virtuous circle.”
No shit. Japan was my greatest hope. Today every time when I read news from Japan I fall into depression. We will become consumer slave to Chinese primitive products. In Germany even sushi restaurants are cooked by Chinese. Japanese become few and fewer. No hope.
ain't no people these days care about who owns the sushi place or not even the sushi chef bro, I went to a korean served sushi once and it taste no difference
No shit. Japan was my greatest hope. Today every time when I read news from Japan I fall into depression. We will become consumer slave to Chinese primitive products. In Germany even sushi restaurants are cooked by Chinese. Japanese become few and fewer. No hope.
I am glad you are finally giving up your delusional hopes and realizing that Japan is a has been and is a country in deep decline. The world will soon start waking up to this.

And also, if you weren’t such a resentful bitter hater and had any sense of objectivity, you’d realize that China’s products are not cheap and shoddy but in reality China has far surpassed Japan in technology and capability. This was the case more than five years ago but people are just waking up to this reality because ingrained perceptions take a long time to change especially when people’s biases are so deeply invested.

Just a warning, the future will bring even more bad news to your hating clown ***.
I am glad you are finally giving up your delusional hopes and realizing that Japan is a has been and is a country in deep decline. The world will soon start waking up to this.

And also, if you weren’t such a resentful bitter hater and had any sense of objectivity, you’d realize that China’s products are not cheap and shoddy but in reality China has far surpassed Japan in technology and capability. This was the case more than five years ago but people are just waking up to this reality because ingrained perceptions take a long time to change especially when people’s biases are so deeply invested.

Just a warning, the future will bring even more bad news to your hating clown ***.
Nonsense not true, I am not a hater, where do you get the idea I am bitter hater of China? Because I said cheap Chinese products? When I say cheap German product I hate Germany? As engineer I assess things from technical standpoints. nothing else. I come from Vietnam and as such like 99 percent of Viet population we admire chinese civilization.
Nonsense not true, I am not a hater, where do you get the idea I am bitter hater of China? Because I said cheap Chinese products? When I say cheap German product I hate Germany? As engineer I assess things from technical standpoints. nothing else. I come from Vietnam and as such like 99 percent of Viet population we admire chinese civilization.
Bro you’ve been a hater the second you stepped onto this forum lol you hate on China like fish breathe water through their gills lol

I can tell that the heaviness of the dark truth is slowly dawning on you though. It’s pretty clear that China has become too powerful to ignore and even countries that you once admired as the standard bearers of progress like Japan and Germany are and will be left behind. No doubt about that. China is already technologically ahead, has access to immense amounts of cheap energy and has millions of scientists. Germany and Japan’s energy costs are skyrocketing because of their idiotic sanctions on Russia and it will only speed up the decline of their industrial prowess which was already on the way down.
Bro you’ve been a hater the second you stepped onto this forum lol you hate on China like fish breathe water through their gills lol

I can tell that the heaviness of the dark truth is slowly dawning on you though. It’s pretty clear that China has become too powerful to ignore and even countries that you once admired as the standard bearers of progress like Japan and Germany are and will be left behind. No doubt about that. China is already technologically ahead, has access to immense amounts of cheap energy and has millions of scientists. Germany and Japan’s energy costs are skyrocketing because of their idiotic sanctions on Russia and it will only speed up the decline of their industrial prowess which was already on the way down.
Many Vietnamese, like Indians and Americans are the most hateful of China and Chinese indeed as shown on the PDF.
Many Vietnamese, like Indians and Americans are the most hateful of China and Chinese indeed as shown on the PDF.
I will love China more if you scrap the rediculous 9 dash line.
I will love China more if you scrap the rediculous 9 dash line.
So, you want China to give up its rightful historical claims in SCS, why doesnt Vietnam give back those large number of Chinese islands Vietnam occupies to China for good relation insead.
So, you want China to give up its rightful historical claims in SCS, why doesnt Vietnam give back those large number of Chinese islands Vietnam occupies to China for good relation insead.
The south seas never belong to China. That’s a historic fact. Even Taiwan was never a part of imperial China. Everything is invented by Ccp.

We are off topic.
The south seas never belong to China. That’s a historic fact. Even Taiwan was never a part of imperial China. Everything is invented by Ccp.

We are off topic.
Oh yeah, you and Vietnam are invented BS too. You think China needs you Vietnamese support and approval for the reunification of Taiwan and claim of islands in SCS. You Viets are what Chinese call 狼子野心.
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This kind of news will certainly leave some PDF members burning, I think it's good news

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