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Japan 'should develop nuclear weapons to defend itself'

given how sensitive japanese people are to nukes, it won't happen.
Americans would be weary if Japan gets nuke since they share military capabilities to a good degree and knows how eachother operate. If India goes and arms them with nuke, then they should arm the Germans too.

I personally do not careless. I think India should help Japan with it. I want to see how America and its NATO allies, Russia, China, North Korea, South Korea and Pakistan's responses to India would be :pop:

India ain't going to "go and arm Japan with nukes". The notion that India would even try is laughable. Ever hear of the non-proliferation treaty?
given how sensitive japanese people are to nukes, it won't happen.

Yes I can understand your point of view but you should also consider time has changed and Japan don’t want to leave with nuclear armed neighbors without having capable nuclear deterrence.

I think Japan don’t want another Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Preventions are better than cure.
The Japanese public would not allow any thing of this sort.
By that logic, I assume you are in favour of Japan developing nukes then?

For your info : Japan is the bully.

Japan invaded and colonized the Korean Peninsula.
Korea never invaded Japan.

Japan invaded and raped China.
China never invade Japan.

Therefore it would make sense for both Korea and China to have nukes to counter Japan.
India ain't going to "go and arm Japan with nukes". The notion that India would even try is laughable. Ever hear of the non-proliferation treaty?

I think you better talk to your fellow countrymen about it. I don't care If Indians help them with it or not. It makes no difference to me since the end result would only hurt both India and Japan :lol:
I think this is the only field where we can help Japan :smitten:

They can develop nuclear weapons whenever they want, given the kind of technical expertise they have.
The only thing that matters is their willingness to proceed in this field. :tup:
japanese are very sensitive to nuk's and they won't go for it..

Not they wont,it should be say they CANNOT. If they can of course they already developed nuke weapon and even earlier than india but after ww2 they have agreement that they cannot develop aggresive weapon.Japan should not and NEVER develop nuke to stop its imperialsim,well you know what they done in WW2.:coffee:
US cannot STOP Iran from going nuclear and top of that if Japan goes nuclear then its headache of china. It will be in favors of US only.

So better leave in peace and adopt flexible attitude instead of rigid...

Aha,if you think it is easy for japan to develop nuke why dont u.s just let em develop it? Dont put your natinalist on this issue lol and your CAP on Japan and Iran and small Cap on China make my day.
What a bunch of nonsense. Nuclear weapons won't deter a localized war. Ask any Southeast Asian countries who attempted to take over Chinese-controlled islands in South China Sea long after China acquired nukes.
India ain't going to "go and arm Japan with nukes". The notion that India would even try is laughable. Ever hear of the non-proliferation treaty?

If India want to follow the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Then it must give up its nuclear weapons. If by develop nuclear weapon, India is not violating the treaty, why would it care to follow the treaty when it spread nuclear weapon around?
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