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Japan 'should develop nuclear weapons to defend itself'

I think Bangladesh, Nepal , Bhutan, Burma and Sri Lanka should also develop nukes to balance India's ever growing Nuke arsenal and military might.


Non of them fought war with India
Do you know what it takes to make a nuke arsenal and maintain it and why would they develope nukes there is no need at all and you sure have some problem thread was about JAPAN why do you want to bring india in every thing :angry:
I think Bangladesh, Nepal , Bhutan, Burma and Sri Lanka should also develop nukes to balance India's ever growing Nuke arsenal and military might.
I think Bangladesh, Nepal , Bhutan, Burma and Sri Lanka should also develop nukes to balance India's ever growing Nuke arsenal and military might.
LOL are u comparing japan wid bangladesh,sri lanka,nepal and buthan....?
are u out of mind,these countries never experienced war..
but japan has ..WWII..

how the hell can u compare Japan economy with these countries....

u have no logic..just paranoid....
Interesting, however it is not possible since they are not allowed to have military development. I wonder what the Germans would think? They were on the same boat and ultimately suffered the same fate. Russia, China and the US, as permanent UN security council members, all have reasons to not allow that to happen. US won't want to lose one of its anchor in Asia, China and Russia disputes with Kuril and Diaoyu Islands etc.
Pakistan developed Nukes because India wanted to annex Pakistan and place it under the Indian Map but China and N. Korea did not and will not annex Japan.

Do you seriously think ONLY N. Korea treating Japan. :azn:

Non of them fought war with India

India - regional bully or friend?
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India - regional bully or friend?

To many in the rest of the world India is an emerging economic success story and a working secular democracy.

But ask people in its neighbouring countries for their views and you may well get a much more hostile response.

Culturally, India and its neighbours are more similar than dissimilar. It's hard to tell an Indian from a Pakistani, a Nepali, a Bangladeshi, or a Sri Lankan.

The food is similar, the music comes from the same scales, in films they have the same tastes. They even share holy places.

Many in Pakistan thought that Indian help during the October 2005 earthquake was a gesture of friendship. Others saw it as a ploy to gather intelligence over Kashmir.

To some India was capable of providing the solution to last year's political crisis in Nepal. Others say India was the problem, interfering where it was not wanted.

India played an active role in the birth of Bangladesh. Today Bangladesh refuses to sell gas to India.

Back in the 1980s, the Indian army became involved in peace-keeping efforts in Sri Lanka which went badly wrong.

Should India's neighbours still view it as a threat? Is Indian industry a big shark waiting to chew up the smaller fishes?

As part of the BBC's India Rising week, the BBC Hindi Service is hosting a regional debate Indian television's NDTV channel in both English and Hindi.

"India - Brother or Bully?" is the theme.

An audience comprising diplomats, politicians, artists, industrialists and students in Islamabad, Dhaka, Kathmandu and Colombo will join a panel in Delhi through satellite video-link.

The Indian panel will feature former foreign minister Yashwant Sinha and vice-chairman of telecom giant Bharti Enterprises Rakesh Mittal.

The radio broadcast will be on 11 February. It will be televised on 17 and 18 February. You can participate by sending in your questions or views for the panellists by 8 of February.

Use the form at the top right-hand side of this page. Below are a selection of comments sent so far.

To keep the bully in check , Small South Asian countries need to arm themselves with nukes to counter the Indian threat.
To keep the bully in check , Small South Asian countries need to arm themselves with nukes to counter the Indian threat.

If we go by your logic so all East Asian countries need nuke weapon to counter china's thread ... What you think??

Japan, South Koria and Taiwan badly need it :smokin:
japan is the only country suffered the nuclear bomb and the country which dropped the bomb just is US.so US will never allow japan to develop nuclear weapon.
japan is the only country suffered the nuclear bomb and the country which dropped the bomb just is US.so US will never allow japan to develop nuclear weapon.

US cannot STOP Iran from going nuclear and top of that if Japan goes nuclear then its headache of china. It will be in favors of US only.

So better leave in peace and adopt flexible attitude instead of rigid...
US cannot STOP Iran from going nuclear and top of that if Japan goes nuclear then its headache of china. It will be in favors of US only.

So better leave in peace and adopt flexible attitude instead of rigid...

I think this is the only field where we can help Japan :smitten:
I think Bangladesh, Nepal , Bhutan, Burma and Sri Lanka should also develop nukes to balance India's ever growing Nuke arsenal and military might.

It amazes me how you manage to bring India into every thread to try indulge in some India bashing. Unfortunately for you even your Chinese friends aren't with you on this one.

Anyway since you asked, I hear the Burmese are indeed trying to develop nuclear weapons. Although for what intent I don't know. As for Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka it is highly doubtful whether these countries have the technological savvy or the funding to be able to develop them. Even Burma is having some trouble.

Making nukes isn't as easy as eating grass ya' know.

Burma: Burma's nuclear weapons intent 'clear and disturbing' | World news | The Guardian
I think this is the only field where we can help Japan :smitten:

Americans would be weary if Japan gets nuke since they share military capabilities to a good degree and knows how eachother operate. If India goes and arms them with nuke, then they should arm the Germans too.

I personally do not careless. I think India should help Japan with it. I want to see how America and its NATO allies, Russia, China, North Korea, South Korea and Pakistan's responses to India would be :pop:
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