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JAPAN seizes TAIWAN fishing boat

at least the japanese are not murderers and they are not faking up every details in the incidence this time around
Our men did what is right. That's what the illegal poachers get when they are not listening. Well I hope that will serve as a lesson for them.

Anyway it's an exclusive rights of Japan to seize a vessel within its EEZ, just like we did to Taiwan.
Our men did what is right. That's what the illegal poachers get when they are not listening. Well I hope that will serve as a lesson for them.

Anyway it's an exclusive rights of Japan to seize a vessel within its EEZ, just like we did to Taiwan.

I have not looked into the Taiwanese vs japanese conflict yet

As regards to philippines claim of their EEZ, this is never the case. It happened in disputed area

there are always conflicting and fleeting presentations on your side

First no shooting then admission
Now you accused ramming by the fishermen and you got it taped
Where is the tape?
I have not looked into the Taiwanese vs japanese conflict yet

As regards to philippines claim of their EEZ, this is never the case. It happened in disputed area

there are always conflicting and fleeting presentations on your side

First no shooting then admission
Now you accused ramming by the fishermen and you got it taped
Where is the tape?
Alibi alibi :lol:


It's very clear that they are in our territory. As for the tape it's still under investigation.
you monkeys might have claimed these waters for yourselves, but chiina has also claimed these waters. now i am glad some deep-green debazi was dead, but it is unforgivable that you monkeys violated chinese space and preempted our right to kill debazi, and this would earn you monkeys some terrible consequences, like some dead monkeys.

the only good that can come out of a dead debazi (in addition to his death, of course) is some dead fino monkeys.
nah your claim is BOGUS and as usual BULL$hit :nana:
Alibi alibi :lol:

It's very clear that they are in our territory. As for the tape it's still under investigation.

It takes ages for you to call up the tech director of Avatar!?! You should also call up the tech director of Titanic (or their first assistants). Have you thought out the plot yet? Are the props made? What about the make-ups and casting? Problem to find someone in the philippines Chinese community for look-alikes of the Taiwanese fishermen?

You have left out your claim of EEZ in the letter. This is an admission of your agreement that the territory is in dispute.
iajj shouldnt be taken serious i remembered when he trolled the Turkish defence thread then he got banned now he trolls here.
Oh and when you didnt know Taiwan is mainly chinese and are ethnically more chinese then most chinese in western and southern provinces.
On Topic:The Taiwanese ship violated the japanese searight so they had the right to seize them.
Calm down boys, u off the topic far far away...
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