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JAPAN seizes TAIWAN fishing boat

very good news taiwan deserved this for signing agreements with japan behind china back
HOHO... specially after TaiWan signed the fish agreement with Japan ... nothing to say except HOHO... face the truth Mr Ma got another trouble.
Then why are you sitting on Tibet? You can simply ask them to invest and they can earn loads if they call back Dalai Lama since loads of people would come to meet him?

The thing is that you CANT attack Taiwan as US supports Taiwan.

You are asking Monk to do business and running a capitalist? Lolz. You shall get your head check...

As for Taiwan.

UPDATE 2-Taiwan to allow China firms to buy bigger stakes in local banks | Reuters

Taiwan leader pledges to abide by ‘One China’ policy | Inquirer News

Why shall PRC attack ROC when its inside our camp and making money for us?
China's relation to Taiwan is not like India's relation to Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese are not ethnic "Indians" and there is no Indian "ethnicity".

But in Taiwan 98% of the population is ethnic Chinese and whatever the status of Taiwan, it is still ruled by Chinese and not Indians, Americans or Japanese.

I called HongWu a troll because he was clearly and purposefully falsely stating that Taiwanese people are not Chinese and it seems he is acting out what we call "Poe's Law", which is defined as- "Without a blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."

Taiwan never recognized India's claims to arunachal pradesh and aksai chin, both borders inherited by British colonialist mapmakers.
Captain, fishing boat both released by Japan: MOFA

TAIPEI -- A Taiwanese captain arrested by the Japanese authorities Tuesday in waters near Japan's Ishigaki Island for trespass has been released along with his detained fishing vessel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday.

The captain admitted to trespassing after his arrest earlier in the day and was released after paying a fine, said ministry spokeswoman Anna Kao.

The 48.25-ton Cheng Chang Fa No. 2 out of Kaohsiung was caught operating in waters 46 nautical miles southeast of Ishigaki, which is located about 250 km off Taiwan's east coast, the Coast Guard Administration said.

The Fisheries Agency confirmed that the fishing boat had operated beyond a “temporary law enforcement line” delineating where Taiwanese fishermen can and cannot operate.

Skipper Sun Chu-min was released after paying a fine of 4.016 million Japanese yen (US$39,582), the agency said.

Although Ishigaki Island is located within Taiwan's 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, the law enforcement line agreed to by Taiwan and Japan bars Taiwanese fishermen from operating in waters near the Yaeyama Island chain, which includes Ishigaki.

Captain, fishing boat both released by Japan: MOFA - The China Post

I have to admit, compare to 'some country' in the neighborhood, the Japanese handle affairs professionally and efficiently.
China's relation to Taiwan is not like India's relation to Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese are not ethnic "Indians" and there is no Indian "ethnicity".

But in Taiwan 98% of the population is ethnic Chinese and whatever the status of Taiwan, it is still ruled by Chinese and not Indians, Americans or Japanese.

I called HongWu a troll because he was clearly and purposefully falsely stating that Taiwanese people are not Chinese and it seems he is acting out what we call "Poe's Law", which is defined as- "Without a blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing."

Taiwan never recognized India's claims to arunachal pradesh and aksai chin, both borders inherited by British colonialist mapmakers.

there is no ground for you to call debazi racially chinese. debazi blood is dirty and mixed as the offspring of those native american women raped by spaniards, and in this bizarre age in which the racially and socially inferior proudly trumpet their inferiority and impurity, most debazi are proudly proclaiming their ugly adulterated non-chinese lineage as a source of pride. and unless you can get 98% debazi to concur with you about their racial purity, you have no ground here to tell other people not to call debazi racially impure. not to mention debazi today cherish the memory of enslavement of dutch and nipponzi much more than periods of chinese rule, so chinese have no reason to see debazi as a bunch of illegal aliens occupying chinese land whose only fate must be eviction or death.

i say a few KMT scums think too highly of themselves and think they can still speak for dewei and can still use that as a leverage to cow chinese into silence about their scum status. i will say this: because the weishengren no longer have the situation in dewei under control, you guys are of absolutely no utility to chinese civilization today and shall expect a fate no more lenient than the racially impure benshengren when pla lands on your house.
Why all those freaking countries using these poor fishermen for geopolitical games? Leave them alone, they have mouths to feed!

No one, including God, should/can stop a person from making a living!

under normal circumstances i would wholeheartedly agree with you: rousseau said in emile that it was utterly disgraceful to expose a street magician's tricks because he was just trying to make a living and it was utterly unsociable and thus unhuman to rob someone of his livelihood. there was not once when i was not moved by rousseau's humanity when reading this episode.

but when it comes to debazi, the thought that most of these guys who would one day take up arms to kill chinese (for, let's face it: debazi military is not designed to serve any other purpose than to be nipponzi and angloamerican tools) - that thought turned off any of my sympathies for an otherwise ordinary fisherman. after all, sociability is reserved for friends, that is, brothers. debazi know no brotherhood with us any more and there is barely any humanity in them any more when it comes to debazi treatment of chinese.
Taiwan people think they are better than mainland Chinese right? Well, no need for us to get involved, it'll just drag you down.

Besides, you signed away your own seas, it's your problem. Not ours. You want independence, you want to handle your own foreign affairs, you got your wish.

Though it's interesting, it's not Chinese fishermen shot or arrested. I guess at least some sense is still within the minds of these people.
there is no ground for you to call debazi racially chinese. debazi blood is dirty and mixed as the offspring of those native american women raped by spaniards, and in this bizarre age in which the racially and socially inferior proudly trumpet their inferiority and impurity, most debazi are proudly proclaiming their ugly adulterated non-chinese lineage as a source of pride. and unless you can get 98% debazi to concur with you about their racial purity, you have no ground here to tell other people not to call debazi racially impure. not to mention debazi today cherish the memory of enslavement of dutch and nipponzi much more than periods of chinese rule, so chinese have no reason to see debazi as a bunch of illegal aliens occupying chinese land whose only fate must be eviction or death.

i say a few KMT scums think too highly of themselves and think they can still speak for dewei and can still use that as a leverage to cow chinese into silence about their scum status. i will say this: because the weishengren no longer have the situation in dewei under control, you guys are of absolutely no utility to chinese civilization today and shall expect a fate no more lenient than the racially impure benshengren when pla lands on your house.

Your autism level is reaching new heights, as is your fantastical rewrite of history. It was after the defeat of the Dutch by Zheng Chenggong's hakka and hokkien forces that they started settling in Taiwan in large numbers. In most of our cultures only descent from the patrilineal line matters.

The aboriginals were also the first inhabitants and they fought everyone else who came after them. They fought and killed American and Japanese sailors and revolted twice against Japanese rule, the first time along with hokkien people.

I am not "the KMT". Many people who fled from the mainland to Taiwan were not KMT members. The KMT seized the property of many rich landowners and merchants in their nationalization program for their government controlled economy and sometimes their soldiers directly stole and looted rich people's property. These people then had to flee to Taiwan along with the KMT, because the CCP would take everything from them a second time and punish them again for being rich.
Your autism level is reaching new heights, as is your fantastical rewrite of history. It was after the defeat of the Dutch by Zheng Chenggong's hakka and hokkien forces that they started settling in Taiwan in large numbers. In most of our cultures only descent from the patrilineal line matters.

The aboriginals were also the first inhabitants and they fought everyone else who came after them. They fought and killed American and Japanese sailors and revolted twice against Japanese rule, the first time along with hokkien people.

I am not "the KMT". Many people who fled from the mainland to Taiwan were not KMT members. The KMT seized the property of many rich landowners and merchants in their nationalization program for their government controlled economy and sometimes their soldiers directly stole and looted rich people's property. These people then had to flee to Taiwan along with the KMT, because the CCP would take everything from them a second time and punish them again for being rich.

wealth is a social "debt" (rousseau, adam smith both agreed). you guys ran away because you owed your fellow chinese a debt and so you fled. and so chinese can rightly seize you one day and make you pay, and trust me, the debt is not easily paid off until you lose your head.

and i don't see how the sequence of zheng or dutch conquest (i certainly didn't raise the issue) changes the current fact that debazi are 99% racially impure and are 100% proud of their racial impurity. if you guys are going to trumpet your racial impurity, i will cheer for nipponzi and fino macacas to kill more of your lot; this is just pure causality.
wealth is a social "debt" (rousseau, adam smith both agreed). you guys ran away because you owed your fellow chinese a debt and so you fled. and so chinese can rightly seize you one day and make you pay, and trust me, the debt is not easily paid off until you lose your head.

and i don't see how the sequence of zheng or dutch conquest (i certainly didn't raise the issue) changes the current fact that debazi are 99% racially impure and are 100% proud of their racial impurity. if you guys are going to trumpet your racial impurity, i will cheer for nipponzi and fino macacas to kill more of your lot; this is just pure causality.

There is no debt you fool, the KMT nationalized everything the first time. When people arrived on Taiwan, they were forced to live in government built apartment buildings and start over at the bottom of society, taking low prestige jobs. Some of these people used to live in estates with mansions in China but the KMT stole it all in the name of revolution, nationalization, and social welfare. Only KMT members lived like rich people.
There is no debt you fool, the KMT nationalized everything the first time. When people arrived on Taiwan, they were forced to live in government built apartment buildings and start over at the bottom of society, taking low prestige jobs. Some of these people used to live in estates with mansions in China but the KMT stole it all in the name of revolution, nationalization, and social welfare. Only KMT members lived like rich people.

if you debazi don't understand why enlightenment philosophers call wealth a "debt", you could have said so and not bothered with a meaningless and also very distorted history of economic reforms KMT carried out in mainland and in dewei. and you couldn't earn my sympathy whether you are a native, a benshengren or a KMT involuntary conscript: i wish all races and ethnicities on dewei equal ill!
Well in this new case at least the fishermen did not try to ram the Japanese vessel.

Kudos Japan :cheers:
Well in this new case at least the fishermen did not try to ram the Japanese vessel.

Kudos Japan :cheers:

at least the japanese are not murderers and they are not faking up every details in the incidence this time around

where is the video tape on the Taiwanese gotten murdered incidence?
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