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Japan´s arms build-up

I thought the Yen losing value was actually a good thing since it allows Japan to sell their products for lower price... the high yen value has caused their products to lose sales against competitions like samsung.

Yen losing value mean population becomes poorer. Imports cost more. Inflation will increase (For Japan inflation increasing is a good thing)

Japan trade balance - not good
F-35 costs $200ml a piece, similar to the price of a small frigate. I´m afraid only rich countries like Japan, Korea and Singapore can afford them, and only of a small amount.
Turkey will buy about 100 piece of these.

Turkey also cut its initial order of four aircraft to two, but confirmed plans to purchase 100 F-35As. Turkey will buy four F-35s to be delivered in 2015 and 2016, while the order may be increased from 100 to 120 aircraft.


Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indeed, F-35 values tend to drops as years passing by. More orders will result of more cheaper planes, and Indonesia too maybe in the future can look at F-35 as alternate fighter for our 5th Gen fighters in the future
Turkey doesn buy these because the price is dropping, Turkey is lever 3 partner of JSF program and produces some parts.

The order of 100 piece is nothing new.
I thought the Yen losing value was actually a good thing since it allows Japan to sell their products for lower price... the high yen value has caused their products to lose sales against competitions like samsung.
The reality is that this is not good for Japan. The Japanese Yen over the past 2 years has lost about 34% of her value. This means for Japan that when they import goods they will cost 34% more and when they export their goods they will make 34% less. Effectively comes down to a discount for their export partners. Japan is a nation that imports 70% of its food and nearly 100% of its energy and raw material needs. They have to pay 34% more for their raw materials and get 34% less for their products. Over the past year Japan's export have gone up by 18,4% but their import bills have gone up by 34% hints the growing trade deficits. Right now the more Japan export the bigger the trade deficit gets. The second problem for Japan is that domestically prices are increasing meaning inflation is on the rise. This is what the Japanese government said they want to achieve to get out of decades long deflation, but this is the wrong kind of inflation its headline inflation rather than demand-pull inflation. The latter is inflation created by consumption the former is killing consumption. And wages in Japan are stagnet if not falling while prices around them are rising meaning people their are facing stagflation. An of course the debt in Japan is also rapidly on the increase as well. And Japan already has one of the highest debt burdens in the world even before the money printing has started and will now grow at a excellerated pace. Sooner rather than later they are going to hit a brick wall with their economy.
The important thing is that when ever they attacked you, they managed to defeat you and rulled you as per their wish. You guys unable to put resistance and decided to build a wall to content them. What was that time frame ? was it a 100 years of time interval?

If the terrotory you claimed was yours than why you were silent till date. Have you discover any new historical evidence in last month so that you say that territory was yours.

You never surrendered????!!!! Your army ran away before Japan attacked you. I may post you tube video and many references but it is not allowed in PDF.

They surrender before being Nuke???!!! It is batter if you increase your knowledge of History and do not make yourself a laughing stock on PDF. They carried out Kami Kaze attack and make is virtually impossible for US to invade Japan without using Nuke.

Yes you can play behind the game as you rightly said. Fighting with open chest is none of your strength.

Today you are ruler of land and that is not your greatness. No country is slave today. It is because of the current prevailing international trend. The fact remains is that you guys have no spirit to fight. You are today rulled by worse than colonial power regime which deny you the basic right and freedom. You guys have no guts to raise the voice and oppose. Some brave students tried but crushed mercilessly. You guys got so afraid and stooped raising the voice. You guys remained scarred guys and nothing has changed since ages in your history.
Grow a fucking brain and improve your historical IQ so we can have proper discussion on WWII and our country history against foreign invader, my little Indian friend.

You are a total idiot about history. Chinese defeated numerous minority armies. Most famous of them are Huns, Turks, Mongolians. All the three minorities later invaded Europe and caused big disasters there.

For Mongolians, you guys only know the glorious Mongol Empire. But it's only small part of Mongolian history. Before and after Mongol Empire, Mongolians were trample by Chinese. They were sold to Chinese as slaves. In Ming Dynasty, there was a policy called "减丁政策“, which means "periodically reduce Mongolian manpower(by slaughter)".

Even in the Mongol Empire, Chinese were the one who resisted Mongolian army for the longest time. Chinese even killed Mongol Emperor in battle field, which by the way indirectly saved the West.

For Manchus, they got their rule in China by luck. When Manchu was rising, China was suffering plague, famine and peasant uprisings everywhere. When China's capital was captured by the peasant army and the emperor hanged himself, Manchus were still staying outside of Great Wall. But after the famous general Wu Sangui(who was the Great Wall defender) surrendered to Manchus, everything changed. Another fact, Manchus had the world strongest cavalry at that time. Later they defeated mighty Galdan and Russia.
Don't forget to add to this idiot. The rise of Nurhaci was aid by the declining of the Ming troop after a hard fought war to aid the Korean against the Japanese invasion.
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Grow a fucking brain and improve your historical IQ so we can have proper discussion on WWII and our country history against foreign invader, my little Indian friend.

Actually i was surprised to see you arguing seriously. Now you show your (Here word "your" is used to mention the class and not individual) true colors. I am happy that you did not prove me wrong. (Correct word is Historical knowledge and not historical IQ )

I sincerely thank you for addressing me as a friend. Have a good day.
Actually i was surprised to see you arguing seriously. Now you show your (Here word "your" is used to mention the class and not individual) true colors. I am happy that you did not prove me wrong. (Correct word is Historical knowledge and not historical IQ )

I sincerely thank you for addressing me as a friend. Have a good day.
I consider your low IQ is a reflection of the low knowledge base on history, thus I formed the two together and made it "historical IQ". Sorry for any confusion I might have cause to you. Thank you very much, my friend.
Why are chinese pis$ing in pants when Japan is doing arms build up??

China has been doing it since last decade.
Japan are technologically advanced country and they knew China will challenge their authority in East sea, Every country does some estimations and they plan for decades in advance.

Japanese know how to counter China. They can test their nukes with in a short time and they can also build advanced Military tech in no time. Japanese have the economy and technology.
Why are chinese pis$ing in pants when Japan is doing arms build up??

China has been doing it since last decade.
Japan are technologically advanced country and they knew China will challenge their authority in East sea, Every country does some estimations and they plan for decades in advance.

Japanese know how to counter China. They can test their nukes with in a short time and they can also build advanced Military tech in no time. Japanese have the economy and technology.

Japan has nukes? That's something i don't hear everyday.
Japan has nukes? That's something i don't hear everyday.

Why would any one keep silent when a Giant is rising over the past decade, Country's security is the prime concern for any one in the Government.

Is Japan Developing a Nuclear Weapons Program?

The Wall Street Journal published an article on May 1 entitled “Japan’s nuclear plan unsettles US.” It indicated concerns in Washington that the opening of a huge reprocessing plant could be used to stockpile plutonium for the future manufacture of nuclear weapons.

The Rokkasho reprocessing facility in northern Honshu can produce nine tonnes of weapons-grade plutonium annually, or enough to construct up to 2,000 bombs. While Japanese officials insist that the plutonium will be used solely to provide nuclear power, only two of the country’s 50 nuclear power reactors are currently operating.

The Journal article reported that Tatsujiro Suzuki, vice chairman of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission, discussed the issue last month with senior US officials, including Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman and Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Countryman.

Their message, as paraphrased by Suzuki, was: “Allowing Japan to acquire large amounts of plutonium without clear prospects for a plutonium-use plan is a bad example for the rest of the world.” In a separate article in the Japan Times, Suzuki declared: “It was an unprecedentedly severe reaction.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, Washington was concerned that other countries would follow suit. “US officials believe Japan’s neighbors, particularly China, South Korea and Taiwan, are closely monitoring Rokkasho and its possible commissioning to gauge whether they also should seek to develop their own nuclear-fuel technologies, or in Beijing’s case, expand them,” it stated.

The South Korean government is already pressing the US to alter the nuclear co-operation agreement between the two countries to allow plutonium reprocessing and uranium enrichment—technologies that can be used to produce fuel for power reactors or for nuclear weapons. While South Korean negotiators have assured Washington that Seoul is only seeking to manufacture fuel for its power reactors, senior figures inside the ruling right-wing Saenuri Party have publicly called for the country to build its own nuclear weapons to counter North Korea. Last month, South Korea acquiesced to US demands for a delay and prolonged the existing co-operation agreement for another two years.

As with South Korea, the Obama administration’s real concern over the Rokkasho reprocessing plant is that Japan is edging toward building its own nuclear arsenal. If either country did so, it would trigger a nuclear arms race in the region. A nuclear-armed Japan would dramatically alter relations in Asia, as it would be less dependent on the US militarily and more able to independently prosecute its economic and strategic interests.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who took office in December, is a right-wing nationalist who has called for a “strong Japan” and a “strong military.” He has not openly supported the building of nuclear weapons, but has called for the restarting of Japan’s nuclear industry, which was largely shut down after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.

The Abe government is well aware of the deep-seated hostility in Japan, especially in the working class, to the construction of nuclear weapons. That opposition stems not only from the devastation of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US atomic bombs in 1945, but also from the repression and crimes committed by Japan’s wartime militarist regime.

Within Japanese ruling circles, however, there has been a barely concealed ambition to have a nuclear arsenal. Japan’s extensive nuclear industry was established in part to ensure that the country had the capacity to build such weapons. Leading members of Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) have on more than one occasion sought to open up a public debate on the issue.

Abe’s finance minister Taro Aso, a former prime minister, declared in 2006 that there was nothing wrong with discussing whether Japan should possess nuclear arms. A Japan Times article last month, entitled “Nuclear arms card for Japan,” noted that politicians who had advocated nuclear weapons, officially and unofficially, included former prime ministers—Nobusuke Kishi (Abe’s grandfather), Hayato Ikeda, Eisato Sato, Yasuo Fukuda and Aso.

During the election campaign last year, Shintaro Ishihara, who was an LDP member until last year and now leads the extreme nationalist Japan Restoration Party, declared: “It’s high time Japan made simulations of possessing nuclear arms,” saying that it would be a form of deterrent against China. He has previously insisted that Japan had to have nuclear weapons.

The same Japan Times article reported that the Japanese government in September 2006 compiled an internal report examining “the possibility of domestically producing nuclear weapons.” A Defence Ministry source told the newspaper that the secret document had been produced by the Foreign Ministry and had aroused serious concerns in the US State Department.

According to the article, the report found that it would take three to five years and 200 to 300 billion yen ($US2.2 to 3.3 billion) for Japan to manufacture nuclear weapons. A significant obstacle was the impurity of the plutonium produced in Japan’s commercial power reactors. The Rokkasho reprocessing facility, which has taken more than $US21 billion and two decades to build, would be able to provide weapons-grade plutonium. No date has been set for its start up but the Japan Atomic Energy Commission and the plant’s operator, Japan Nuclear Fuel, say it could be as early as October. However, the Nuclear Regulation Authority has indicated that safety guidelines will not be ready until December.

At present, it appears unlikely that the Japanese government has made a decision to build nuclear weapons. To do so would require ending international inspection of its nuclear facilities, withdrawing from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and abrogating other nuclear agreements, including with the US. Yet, the issue is clearly being discussed in ruling circles and preparations are being made.

The Obama administration might not want a nuclear-armed Japan, but its aggressive “pivot to Asia” aimed at containing China, has encouraged right-wing, militarist sections of the ruling elite in countries throughout the region. Abe has already announced the first increase in the Japan’s defence budget in a decade and has declared his determination to counter, including militarily, any Chinese move to claim disputed islands in the East China Sea.

In March and April, Washington deliberately inflamed tensions on the Korean Peninsula, provocatively sending nuclear-capable strategic bombers to South Korea, supposedly to counter North Korean threats. The US sought to use the crisis to put pressure on China for economic and strategic concessions, including to rein in Pyongyang.

However, the Abe government also exploited the North Korean “threat” to deploy anti-missile systems in Japan, and establish a political climate of fear to justify military rearmament—including potentially with nuclear weapons. The US is directly responsible for creating the conditions for a nuclear arms race in Asia that would enormously heighten the danger of conflict and war.

Is Japan Developing a Nuclear Weapons Program? | Global Research
I consider your low IQ is a reflection of the low knowledge base on history, thus I formed the two together and made it "historical IQ".

So your typical Chinese skill of forming two together found an application in your post also?!!!

Any way, I like your spin but I would advice you as a friend to refrain from using this kind of combination else where. Good bye.
Why would any one keep silent when a Giant is rising over the past decade, Country's security is the prime concern for any one in the Government.

Skip the BS talk, the whole article didn't answer the question. Does Japan has nukes? the answer is NO period. Will they have nukes in the future? Lets ask Uncle Sam first.
Skip the BS talk, the whole article didn't answer the question. Does Japan has nukes? the answer is NO period. Will they have nukes in the future? Lets ask Uncle Sam first.

Did I mentioned that Japanese have nukes readily available??

All I said is that they can test the nuclear bomb in a short time with the readily available fissile material and technology.

Chinese IQ ...... :lol:
China is driving other countries in its vicinity to go on an arms race. All wise nations keeps a friendly relation with their neighbor. Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, India....God knows what these commis are up to. Their thinking defies every logic of diplomacy....
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