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Japan protests over China military incident

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Japan protests over China military incident

Tokyo has protested to Beijing over the “extremely dangerous” actions of a Chinese military helicopter that buzzed a Japanese destroyer operating in the sensitive waters of the East China Sea.

The incident highlights the potential for frictions between East Asia's leading powers as China's increasingly potent military becomes a more assertive maritime player in the region.

It is the latest in a string of incidents in which regional neighbours have accused Chinese vessels or helicopters of reckless behaviour at sea.

Last week, Manila protested against an incident in which it said Chinese patrol boats threatened to ram a Philippine survey vessel in the strategically important and resource-rich South China Sea.

Concerns about China's rising power prompted Tokyo to last year order a sweeping reordering of its military forces intended to give it a stronger and more mobile presence in southern Japanese islands bordering the East China Sea.

Japan's defence ministry said the Chinese helicopter had been flying at an altitude of just 40m when it came within a horizontal distance of about 70m from the Japanese destroyer Samidare on Monday afternoon.

“This behaviour is extremely dangerous,” Toshimi Kitazawa, Japan's defence minister, told a news conference on Tuesday, adding that Tokyo had already protested to Beijing “through diplomatic channels”.

Officials said the Chinese helicopter had this time come even closer than during a similar incident in April last year that was also protested against by Tokyo.

The East China Sea is a focus of Sino-Japanese tensions, with both sides claiming large swathes of its resource-rich waters as their own exclusive economic zones.

A Japanese defence ministry official declined to give details of where the latest incident occurred, but denied media reports it was near the controversial Chunxiao gas field, where Tokyo says Chinese drilling operations could be drawing gas from across the “median line” that it claims as the border of its EEZ.

In 2008, Beijing and Tokyo announced they would work together to exploit gas reserves in disputed areas of the East China Sea, but progress has since stalled.

Beijing halted discussions on joint gas development last year after a Chinese fishing boat clashed with Japanese coastguard near a group of disputed islands known as the Senkakus in Japanese and the Diaoyus in Chinese.

Military officials from south-east Asian countries say Beijing has been evading dialogue on conflict prevention in disputed waters.

The Chinese government says it has been working to assuage regional concerns triggered by its growing power.

“We realise that some people doubt our strategy of peaceful development and have concerns over China’s rise,” said a senior Beijing official involved in foreign policy planning. But he blamed these doubts on foreigners’ ill will and failure to understand China.

The naval arm of China's People's Liberation Army is rapidly expanding the range of its patrols and exercises, but has said it aims to dispel doubts among neighbours by being more transparent. Last summer, it began announcing most of its regular naval exercises in advance.

Two years ago, the US accused China of a series of harassments of US Navy surveillance vessels in both the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

However, Chinese and US military officials have an ongoing dialogue about “rules of the road” meant to prevent collisions in regional waters, and US naval officials say there have been no new incidents between the two sides over the past year.

FT.com / Asia-Pacific - Japan protests over China military incident
Again the Western media resorted to outright lying. The helicopter in question belongs to State Oceanic Administration, which is a civilian agency and has nothing to do with the military.

It really seems that Japan is trying play up the China aggressive angle. Maybe they are afraid that America is going to cut down on its commitments in the area.
First of all, why is there a Japanese destroyer at the sensitive area? And how is a civilian helicopter becomes a military helicopter? Japanese are as usual playing with words as they have been doing since WW 2. ("We did not invade China, we were in there to help our little Chinese brothers..." Tokyo trial of Japanese war criminals)
The helicopter wasn't even military.

Which leaves me with two conclusions:

1. Japan's military views civilians as their rival


2. Japan is outright lying

In this case, the only nation that used its military is Japan
damn... why Japan still don't understand it's role when doing business with China?
wanna get out of U.S control? be a friend of China and Russia. Not was used by U.S and barking towards the two BIG neighbors.
stupid japanese. this is offensive, but they deserve it.

btw, who cares japanese? U.S? :no:
Again the Western media resorted to outright lying. The helicopter in question belongs to State Oceanic Administration, which is a civilian agency and has nothing to do with the military.

The Chinese media also said there was no SARS issue in china for anyone to be concerned .

Honestly- How do you expect anyone to believe you guys when your media is your govt mouthpiece? Your media is akin to Baghdad Bob! seriously... I'm not making it up. Its not a Free media

Japan is a peaceful country, they did not care to have much as far as a military... why would the world not believe them, when practically all china's neighbors almost every other month complain of such behavior from china? They even did such dangerous maneuvers on a American military ship a few months ago..

If it walks like a duck !!!
The Chinese media also said there was no SARS issue in china for anyone to be concerned .

Honestly- How do you expect anyone to believe you guys when your media is your govt mouthpiece? Your media is akin to Baghdad Bob! seriously... I'm not making it up. Its not a Free media

Japan is a peaceful country, they did not care to have much as far as a military... why would the world not believe them, when practically all china's neighbors almost every other month complain of such behavior from china? They even did such dangerous maneuvers on a American military ship a few months ago..

If it walks like a duck !!!

If you have any charges on the Chinese media, given connection, or you're lying.
If you have any charges on the Chinese media, given connection, or you're lying.

Whether or not japanese are ready for any war or conflict with China, know that what they did to China back in WWII, China has a plan in totality for japan, "they" will get the payback.
what r u guys doing is let JayAtl hav more fun on trolling in china defence board.
he is angry with china, a little bit obsessed with sluring china. that make me feel good, because that proves china is strong and our little enemy cant do anything.
Japan is a peaceful country
Are you born yesterday ? or you didn't know the world modern history at all??
Go back to your kindergarten to learn some basic history knowledge ,that will be help:woot::woot::woot:

Japan is no longer Imperial Japan... After WWII they have have adopted a pacifist constitution which does not support any war. Their constitution has held strong since then without a any amendments till now... and there is a greater confidence in rest of the world that they will remain pacifist.
Japan is a peaceful country

Are you born yesterday ? or you didn't know the world modern history at all??

Go back to your kindergarten to learn some basic history knowledge ,that will be help:woot::woot::woot:

I know this much kiddo- that

1. when it suits the Chinese they will reach far back in history and ignore the last few decades of an countries stance , to suit its meme.

2. I also know that China's military did this to an American military ship in recent months

3. as I said almost every month( not literally, but often enough) it has some neighbor complaining about such exact behavior

4. PLUS the Chinese military has gone rogue many a times - it makes several rash decisions, with serious international ramifications, without informing the central govt and your civilian leadership has confessed to being uninformed about it. e.g. they did not know the military shot down an satellite in space etc etc..

all of the above are factual accounts..
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