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Japan PM Noda declares Japan will never compromise with China on Dioyudai


Jul 25, 2011
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Japan Won’t Compromise With China on Claim to Islands: Noda
By Flavia Krause-Jackson and Stuart Biggs on September 26, 2012 Tweet Facebook LinkedIn

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Japan will never budge on its ownership over islands in the East China Sea also claimed by China, doing little to ease tensions with Asia’s top economic power.

While Japan isn’t seeking a military confrontation with China and wants to keep talking “calmly,” the disputed islands “are an inherent part of our territory in light of history and also under international law,” Noda told reporters in New York yesterday. “There can’t be any compromise that would be a step back from this basic position.”

Well, China CAN take Japan to ICJ as Japan agreed to the forced ICJ arbitration, but China is then exposed to Philippines and Vietnam taking China to the ICJ.
What you expect him to say. It's a non issue here. How about Taiwan asked Japan to go to ICJ last week?
Japan doesn't have to answer to Taiwan's demand because Japan doesn't recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state.

China can take Japan tot the ICJ and Japan is automatically compelled to accept the challenge. But the use of this card would mean that China too must accept ICJ challenges from Vietnam and Philippines.

The bad news for China is that the guys in line to replace Noda's office are even more nutjobs than Noda is.
Japan doesn't have to answer to Taiwan's demand because Japan doesn't recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state.

China can take Japan tot the ICJ and Japan is automatically compelled to accept the challenge. But the use of this card would mean that China too must accept ICJ challenges from Vietnam and Philippines.

The bad news for China is that the guys in line to replace Noda's office are even more nutjobs than Noda is.

It's a principle of China is she'll not let any law decides her soveignty fates where she has no imputs in such laws. So relax that scenario would never happen. But you should worry about the incoming 'nutjob' though for he might decide to take the Dodko to satisfy his constituencies.
What you expect him to say. It's a non issue here. How about Taiwan asked Japan to go to ICJ last week?
This is one of the biggest territorial disputes in the South China Sea and you call it a 'non issue'? Which world are you living in? Get out of your shoebox and smell the air outside.
Japan will never compromise with S.Korea on Takeshima either.

Being stolen territory by Korea, a former colony country of Japan is a huge shame to Japan.

Japan will raise the issue to international community how to solve Diaoyu/Senkakus issue.
This is one of the biggest territorial disputes in the South China Sea and you call it a 'non issue'? Which world are you living in? Get out of your shoebox and smell the air outside.

Reread my post and at least try to understand what I meant in context of the post I was answering to. Have fun.

Oh BTW it's not South China Sea but rather East China Sea.
What you expect him to say. It's a non issue here. How about Taiwan asked Japan to go to ICJ last week?

You are recognizing Taiwan as sovereign country then :D

Japan will never compromise with S.Korea on Takeshima either.

Being stolen territory by Korea, a former colony country of Japan is a huge shame to Japan.

Japan will raise the issue to international community how to solve Diaoyu/Senkakus issue.

More Chinese than Chinese them selves :lol:
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