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Featured Japan on Saturday marked the 75th anniversary of its surrender in World War II

None care what Chinese sayings is there, you can’t even reply straight & in conformity to the topic discussed.
Just grousing fatuously by yourself.
Arguing with a disgusting guy like you who never quoted credible information and only relying on your own imagination and unreliable Indian newspapers? Do you deserve it?

When I was studying in Canada, I often debated academic issues with Indian students in class. But after six months of patience of "spaceship 4000 years ago" and "super India 2020", we two Chinese and five local Nova Scotia beat up 12 Indian idiots together. From then on, I learned a truth that I should hit the Indian who is cheating next to me and scold the Indian who is cheating on the Internet, it is the best way to stop you from lying.
Arguing with a disgusting guy like you who never quoted credible information and only relying on your own imagination and unreliable Indian newspapers? Do you deserve it?

When I was studying in Canada, I often debated academic issues with Indian students in class. But after six months of patience of "spaceship 4000 years ago" and "super India 2020", we two Chinese and five local Nova Scotia beat up 12 Indian idiots together. From then on, I learned a truth that I should hit the Indian who is cheating next to me and scold the Indian who is cheating on the Internet, it is the best way to stop you from lying.
What is supposed to be credible information then? ccp's props according to your degenerate logic?
You can't even reply straight,and according to the topic,just throwing butthurt tantrum like a raging ape bc someone pointed out the filthy lies about Japanese massacres for convenient Chinese use to seek sympathy and political unity under japanese hatred .
Apology for what?for losing the war? ending western colonialism in Asia?
Not like ww2 was started by japan.

If anyone should apologize it should be US,for forcing war upon japan and committing the most heinous crime in history of dropping 2 nukes on civilians to test the effect and repercussions of a nuclear bomb.
And all the former colonial nations and whole of asia should pay tribute to japan for their sacrifice on behalf of liberating Asia from the yoke of western colonialism.

What is supposed to be credible information then? ccp's props according to your degenerate logic?
You can't even reply straight,and according to the topic,just throwing butthurt tantrum like a raging ape bc someone pointed out the filthy lies about Japanese massacres for convenient Chinese use to seek sympathy and political unity under japanese hatred .
You don't deserve to make me angry. A mindless Indian like you deserves to be a disgusting toad.
Take pity on Japan, guys. Their society today is soooooo tired. With corporate slaves work almost 24/7, their men prefer anime girls more than the real one, and the girls need to become a JAV actress to satisfy their need, as finding a husband is almost impossible. Their youth even prefer to live alone in their own private island (read: Bedroom) and like to avoid contact with real persons. Their society is soooo unhealthy. So please take pity on them.

They are different from their samurai grandpa who have abundant lust of blood.

Even without the need to apology, and the world give them the right to militarized themselves again, they still have a long way to go. As those Japanese are being tortured by their own society.
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