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Featured Japan on Saturday marked the 75th anniversary of its surrender in World War II

Are you acting dumb or ignorant. Don't treat us as fools with your propangada statement. We are fully aware of the evil of Japanese in WWII. Dropping the 2 nuke on Japan were the right decision for WWII.
If Japan decide to extract the remain of convicted WWII war crime from yasukuni shrine and throw into rubbish bin and build a memorial like austrwitz camp telling the horror of their war crime in WWII in Japan. I am sure no more apology will be needed for past WWII victims.

Unfortunately, none of these 2 criteria are fulfilled.
when will cpc erect a memorial reminiscing all the massacres by their army? like the numerous civilian casualties during the seige of changchun for start?

If we take fair and universal standard for judging war-criminals,all of chinese ,europrean ,american ,korean leaders would be also designated 1st class war criminals.The showcase event of Tokyo Tribunal designating someone as war criminal means moot . How convenient it is to selectively pick US led propaganda and go with it, when it's convenient, meanwhile decrying about fake propaganda from US ,the rest of the time.

Are you acting dumb or ignorant. Don't treat us as fools with your propangada statement. We are fully aware of the evil of Japanese in WWII. Dropping the 2 nuke on Japan were the right decision for WWII.

Dropping the 2 nuke on Japan were the right decision for WWII.
Thank god China isn't a democracy yet or it would have been worse off then USA with toxic populace like this^
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when will cpc erect a memorial reminiscing all the massacres by their army? like the numerous civilian casualties during the seige of changchun for start?

If we take fair and universal standard for judging war-criminals,all of chinese ,europrean leaders wouold be also designated 1st class war criminals.The showcase event of Tokyo Tribunal designating someone as war criminal means moot. How convenient it is to selectively pick US propaganda and go with it, when it's convenient, meanwhile decrying about fake propaganda from US ,the rest of the time.

Thank god China isn't a democracy yet or it would have been worse off then USA with toxic populace like this^

You are making orange and apple comparison. Did during civil war American used their fellow POW conducted barbaric scientific experiment like burning or feed them with poison or sold all women as whores? Japanese soldiers did.

If by your stupid analogy, policemen shooting armed resistance robber can considered to be criminal too...
You are making orange and apple comparison. Did during civil war American used their fellow POW conducted barbaric scientific experiment like burning or feed them with poison or sold all women as whores? Japanese soldiers did.

If by your stupid analogy, policemen shooting armed resistance robber can considered to be criminal too...
\Go do some open research ,your claims are very childish fantastical stories meant for firing up emotions of those blindly adhering to it.
If we take fair and universal standard for judging war-criminals,all of chinese ,europrean ,american ,korean leaders would be also designated 1st class war criminals.

Haha, you can set up one and totally rewrite the history of WWII and today's world which is based on the result of it.
You can also set up a replacement of UN and have its headquarters in India.
\Go do some open research ,your claims are very childish fantastical stories meant for firing up emotions of those blindly adhering to it.
The one need to reflect and do research is you. Dont humiliate yourself with stupid reply like this.

No wonder Indian lack behind Chinese in everything in technology beside spewing rubbish.
Haha, you can set up one and totally rewrite the history of WWII and today's world which is based on the result of it.
You can also set up a replacement of UN and have its headquarters in India.

The one need to reflect and do research is you. Dont humiliate yourself with stupid reply like this.

No wonder Indian lack behind Chinese in everything in technology beside spewing rubbish.
I lost all my urge to invest my time writing a lengthy explanation for your childish retort.
Your knowledge starts and ends at gov propaganda about Imperial Japan.

I lost all my urge to invest my time writing a lengthy explanation for your childish retort.
Your knowledge starts and ends at gov propaganda about Imperial Japan.

You have successfully shown us how terrible it is to have an IQ of only 76. Thank you.
Spoken like a self-aggrandizing degenerate.
Whatever makes you feel better,I guess.
In China, there is an old saying: "if a smart person does not agree with you, it is worth considering. But if a group of Indians applaud you, you must be terrible."

We Chinese all know that it's a shame to be an Indian because your people are ignorant and lazy, your religion is famous for lying and sophistry, and your country is famous for being dishonest and shameless. This kind of bad environment makes people like you lack basic judgment of right and wrong.
Japanese are one of the most brutal, disgusting, & terrible warriors. Everyone seems to forget the atrocities committed by them in Nanjing (& many places!)
Apology statements were necessay for Japan to make in order for Japan to reintegrate back into global affairs and especially back into regional affairs.

The period has ended.

Apologize statements are no longer morally necessary. The PRC used Japanese WW2 atrocities as an excuse and as a politics tool to help it push for its own expansion instead of the PRC integrating peacefully into regional affairs. Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, the US, India, the UK, and so on have all supported Japan's reinterpretation of the constitution to enable "collective self-defense".

It's actually quite embarrassing to see pro-CcP China posters still trying to rely on imagery smear on today's Japan with WW2.
In China, there is an old saying: "if a smart person does not agree with you, it is worth considering. But if a group of Indians applaud you, you must be terrible."

We Chinese all know that it's a shame to be an Indian because your people are ignorant and lazy, your religion is famous for lying and sophistry, and your country is famous for being dishonest and shameless. This kind of bad environment makes people like you lack basic judgment of right and wrong.
None care what Chinese sayings is there, you can’t even reply straight & in conformity to the topic discussed.
Just grousing fatuously by yourself.
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