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Japan nuked US during World War II: GCERT social science textbook

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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Japan nuked US during World War II: GCERT social science textbook

AHMEDABAD: The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was assassinated on October 30, 1948. And it was Japan that nuked US during World War II! These are just two of the 'nuggets of wisdom' out of an inexhaustible mine of factual errors in Social Science English medium textbook for Standard 8 published by the Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training ( GCERT).

In this information age, when the answer to any question is just a mouse click away, such errors are unacceptable.

The textbook, which is being studied by more than 50,000 children in the English medium schools of Gujarat board,
even suggests that leaders like Dadabhai Navroji, Surendranath Bannerjee and Gopal Krishna Gokhale were among leaders considered 'extremists' within the Congress during the Indian freedom movement. (They were, in fact, the moderate faces of the party.)

The textbook also teaches impressionable minds that after Partition in 1947, a new nation was born called, 'Islamic Islamabad', and that its capital was Khyber Ghat in the Hindukush mountains.

Two chapters of the textbook are dedicated to Gandhiji. In these sections, the authors and reviewers of the social science textbook ratify that the Mahatma set up his first Satyagraha Ashram at Kochrab in Ahmedabad in May 1925 (instead of 1915).

If children are expected to treat their textbooks as gospel truth, they would be committing blasphemy every time they leaf through the social science book prescribed for them. A cursory glance through the textbook of 124 pages reveals 59 shocking factual errors that have the potential of turning history on its head, apart from more than 100 spelling errors, including names of reformers and revolutionaries and their works.


Worst of all, the first chapter of this textbook on 'Socio-Religious Awakening' identifies just seven reformers in the country. Under the contributions of Raja Rammohan Roy, the book mentions that he fought against the 'evil practices of Sati' and 'dudhpiti' without explaining what these practices were.

Names like Ishwarchand Vidyasagar, Pandita Rambai, Veerasalingam Pantulu, Henry Derozio, Keshub Chandrasen and EV Ramaswamy Naicker (Periyaar) have been conveniently ignored.

"I have been told that there are many errors. We are trying to bring out an errors list and publish it on the internet. We cannot recall the books at this stage. But we give an assurance that we will correct the mistakes," said executive president, Gujarat state board of school textbooks, Nitin Pethani.

Till then, one only hopes that the teachers or the students are smart enough to spot the errors and rectify them for themselves. Otherwise, one whole class would end up misguided and misled.

Japan nuked US during World War II: GCERT social science textbook - The Times of India

I think Narendra Modi have written these books as his bloopers, lies and knowledge is similar to these books. :enjoy:
wait a minute.................Narendra modi can't become PM, because in the state which he is CM of, there is a textbook content which is completely wrong.

& You guys were favoring a chai wall for PM.

Atleast RG knows, who bombed whom, so RG for PM :tup:
Mods plz merge the thread
there is a similar thread running by the name India's knowledge
Japan nuked US during World War II: GCERT social science textbook

AHMEDABAD: The Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was assassinated on October 30, 1948. And it was Japan that nuked US during World War II! These are just two of the 'nuggets of wisdom' out of an inexhaustible mine of factual errors in Social Science English medium textbook for Standard 8 published by the Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training ( GCERT).

In this information age, when the answer to any question is just a mouse click away, such errors are unacceptable.
The textbook, which is being studied by more than 50,000 children in the English medium schools of Gujarat board, even suggests that leaders like Dadabhai Navroji, Surendranath Bannerjee and Gopal Krishna Gokhale were among leaders considered 'extremists' within the Congress during the Indian freedom movement. (They were, in fact, the moderate faces of the party.)

The textbook also teaches impressionable minds that after Partition in 1947, a new nation was born called, 'Islamic Islamabad', and that its capital was Khyber Ghat in the Hindukush mountains.

Two chapters of the textbook are dedicated to Gandhiji. In these sections, the authors and reviewers of the social science textbook ratify that the Mahatma set up his first Satyagraha Ashram at Kochrab in Ahmedabad in May 1925 (instead of 1915).

If children are expected to treat their textbooks as gospel truth, they would be committing blasphemy every time they leaf through the social science book prescribed for them. A cursory glance through the textbook of 124 pages reveals 59 shocking factual errors that have the potential of turning history on its head, apart from more than 100 spelling errors, including names of reformers and revolutionaries and their works.


Worst of all, the first chapter of this textbook on 'Socio-Religious Awakening' identifies just seven reformers in the country. Under the contributions of Raja Rammohan Roy, the book mentions that he fought against the 'evil practices of Sati' and 'dudhpiti' without explaining what these practices were.

Names like Ishwarchand Vidyasagar, Pandita Rambai, Veerasalingam Pantulu, Henry Derozio, Keshub Chandrasen and EV Ramaswamy Naicker (Periyaar) have been conveniently ignored.

"I have been told that there are many errors. We are trying to bring out an errors list and publish it on the internet. We cannot recall the books at this stage. But we give an assurance that we will correct the mistakes," said executive president, Gujarat state board of school textbooks, Nitin Pethani.

Till then, one only hopes that the teachers or the students are smart enough to spot the errors and rectify them for themselves. Otherwise, one whole class would end up misguided and misled.

Japan nuked US during World War II: GCERT social science textbook - The Times of India

I think Narendra Modi have written these books as his bloopers, lies and knowledge is similar to these books. :enjoy:
now i know.. why NM goof up history in speech...
but it bad ...if this is quality of education.. god help us.. may be a error .. but what officials are doing ...?
indian education all along is in mess..
need some revamp
This thread explains the Indian pdf members outrageous and outlandish claims, I now see that it is not them who are to blame but their education.....
This thread explains the Indian pdf members outrageous and outlandish claims, I now see that it is not them who are to blame but their education.....
And our education system is constantly branded as madrasah education by our beloved neighbors
This thread explains the Indian pdf members outrageous and outlandish claims, I now see that it is not them who are to blame but their education.....

This is the level of education in Gujarat and Modi fan's IQ and knowledge can be judged by it. :rolleyes:

you guys do understand the difference between printing errors and hate education,dont you????

Its not a printing error or typo these types of knowledge Modi disseminates in kid's brain and fool people all over India with good rule.

Its the Modi govt.'s official books. If any other govt. or party makes any mistake that can be ignored but not of Modi because he claims himself best and his fans worship him as god and god can't be wrong.
And since such mistakes were allowed by the UPA Government at the Centre, UPA has to go!
Being the Central Authority of the Nation, they have failed in their duty.
We cannot allow UPA to continue to let Indian children learn such factual errors. Hai ki nahi, @Bhai Zakir ?:azn:

And has anyone noticed, even Congress supporters in Gujarat would have learnt the same 'facts'.:lol:
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