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Japan navy coming to Spratly along with the US


Feb 23, 2015
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United States
They have make promised to Asean, Japan navy is coming to Spratly along with the US.
I don't want a war personally , but I do want to have a Islands back without fighting.
does it possible.



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They have make promised to Asean, Japan navy is coming to Spratly along with the US.
I don't want a war personally , but I do want to have a Islands back without fighting.
does it possible.

You can always try, but don't get your hopes up.

President Ma to visit South China Sea island next month: report

2015/11/24 09:55:22

Taipei, Nov. 24 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) is expected to go to Taiping Island in the South China Sea on December 12 to highlight the sovereignty of the Republic of China and to reiterate his peace initiative for the internationally disputed waters, a local daily reported Tuesday.

Quoting unnamed national security sources, the Apple Daily said that Ma will also inaugurate a new wharf if its construction is completed in time. Ma and his entourage will fly to the island on a C-130H military transport aircraft.

If he goes to Taiping Island as planned, Ma will become the second ROC president to ever set foot on the island some 1,600 kilometers to the southwest of Taiwan's southern port city of Kaohsiung. His predecessor Chen Shui-bian went there in February 2008.

The daily said that members of the press, including some from foreign media outlets, will be allowed to cover Ma's trip to the island.

There is no immediate confirmation of the planned visit but the president said earlier this year that he would not rule out such a visit. Asked by reporters, the Presidential Office said Tuesday that a visit has never been ruled out but no dates have yet be set.

With an area of 0.49 square kilometers, Taiping, also known as Itu Aba, is the largest natural land mass in the Spratlys.

The South China Sea region, thought to be rich in oil deposits and marine biodiversity, is claimed either entirely or in part by Brunei, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Amid simmering tensions in the region, Ma proposed a South China Sea Peace Initiative in May, calling on the parties concerned to put aside their differences and jointly develop the resources in the area.

Tensions in the region have risen in recent months as China has been unilaterally reclaiming land in the South China Sea to establish military facilities.

President Ma to visit South China Sea island next month: report | Politics | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
China is on ‘High Alert’ for Japan’s ‘Intervention’ in South China Sea
Abe says Japan would consider patrols in the South China Sea, China isn’t too happy about the suggestion.


By Franz-Stefan Gady

China will remain on “high alert for intervention by Japan in the South China Sea issue” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told Xinhua today, urging Japan to reflect on its past aggression during the Second World War.

The Chinese statement was issued in response to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s remarks to U.S. President Barack Obama during a bilateral meeting at this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Manila that Japan would consider sending the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) on patrols in the South China Sea.

“China firmly safeguards navigation freedom of various countries in the South China Sea in accordance with international laws,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said. “In the meantime, China is strongly against any country using the excuse of navigation and overflight freedom to engage in activities threatening the sovereignty and security of other nations, and facilitating regional militarization.”

On Thursday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that “with regard to activity by the Self-Defense Forces in the South China Sea, I will consider it while focusing on what effect the situation has on Japan’s security.”

China is on ‘High Alert’ for Japan’s ‘Intervention’ in South China Sea | The Diplomat
highly doubt it. the two countries just got friendly a little bit recently. i doubt they want to throw all their hard work away. also, japs already has their hands full playing cat and mouse around diaoyu islands. me no think they want to double/ triple more headaches :D
highly doubt it. the two countries just got friendly a little bit recently. i doubt they want to throw all their hard work away. also, japs already has their hands full playing cat and mouse around diaoyu islands. me no think they want to double/ triple more headaches :D
JP-CN friendship could be like Russia-Turkey friendship. Yesterday was friends, the next day shooting down 'friend' fighter. :)
Japan enjoys the Chinese tourists inflow very much they don‘t want to mess that up. Only the dumb viets bite the hand that feeds them. lolz

Still you get some viet members here wonder why Japan is a developed country and Vietnam is a third world shithole.:rolleyes:
Japan enjoys the Chinese tourists inflow very much they don‘t want to mess that up. Only the dumb viets bite the hand that feeds them. lolz

Still you get some viet members here wonder why Japan is a developed country and Vietnam is a third world shithole.:rolleyes:

Wow, the kettle calling the pot black lol.
Without fighting, the islands won't back ... there need balls to start war with a nuclear-power China.
Without fighting, the islands won't back ... there need balls to start war with a nuclear-power China.
The island will be back without a fight. Trust the wisdom of 2000 years Chinese history.
Japan enjoys the Chinese tourists inflow very much they don‘t want to mess that up. Only the dumb viets bite the hand that feeds them. lolz

Still you get some viet members here wonder why Japan is a developed country and Vietnam is a third world shithole.:rolleyes:

Of course, feeding poison and unreliable goods. China deserve the bite.

JP-CN friendship could be like Russia-Turkey friendship. Yesterday was friends, the next day shooting down 'friend' fighter. :)

China is also the number 1 backstabbing country in the world.
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