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Japan navy coming to Spratly along with the US

As do I. I hope there will be a big war between China and Japan soon. I'm tired of hearing Wahabis blowing themselves up everyday.

Wow your arrogant SOB typical keyboard warrior can you fight in war? the horror of war is far different from the patriotic games you play in local maoist pc hut well i let you find that out as if china can survived multiple wars
Wow your arrogant SOB typical keyboard warrior can you fight in war? the horror of war is far different from the patriotic games you play in local maoist pc hut well i let you find that out as if china can survived multiple wars
VN young buffalo want war, world war wanted
Will fight when we need to but we should not be looking for war let it come but be prepared
VN young buffalo trapeze pants as running away

Will fight when we need to but we should not be looking for war let it come but be prepared
Babies do not take up arms, the American buffalo Central Russia very sad. Try weapons.
Will fight when we need to but we should not be looking for war let it come but be prepared
US NSA Central Russia China. VN weak buffalo poor kids do not have what mother prepare.

à prepare, prepare pants run away.
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