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Japan follows US sanctions with 23 visa bans

well, yes its true Japan is a U.S puppet/subordinate, but Japan is in this situation not because it wants to, but because it has no choice. They cant blame nobody but themselves for being on the wrong side of history during world war II(and surprisingly still refusing to accept their war crimes unlike Germany). The U.S will never leave their bases(unsinkable aircraft carrier as they call it.lol) in Japan, except the U.S economy collapses or there's is some unforeseen event that prompts the U.S to be unable to keep its troops there, which i don't see happening anytime soon(not at least in this century. lol). Japan is a nation with pride and honor, and they are the most nationalistic/conservative people i have ever encounter in my life/career. They see the U.S occupation as a terrible shame/embarrassment (though they wont admit it publicly, but they often do so in private). I cant blame them, because if not for the U.S and the fact that Japan was on the wrong side of world war II, then Japan will probably be a world power in its own right like the U.S , China or to an extent Russia. But they probably wont ever be in the foreseeable future. This can be seen in the fact that, even though they have a GDP higher than France, Germany, U.K, and even Germany, they have/and will continue to have in the decades to come less influence in the world than France, and Britain, forget about U.S and China. and things will only get worst for Japan, as the BRICS country continue growing faster and more influential. India nominal GDP will overtake Japan in the coming decade or so, and other emerging countries will grow even stronger. Its really sad to see how Japan despite its technological prowess is still all but a puppet to the U.S and will go against its own interest just to please the U.S. unfortunately for Japan its situated in a very unenviable region, surrounded by hostile neighbors with which it has territorial disputes on all sides, coupled with being occupied and dictated in its foreign policy by the U.S. In this situation i cant blame Japan, since they basically don't have much choice than to follow the worlds only superpower.:usflag:.
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