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Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

We are proud of Japan's achievements. China and Japan have so many commonalities. We share a history, culture, public governance system and great genetical affinity. We have coexisted together and taught one another across the millennia.

No hard feeling on part of us when it comes to Japan's achievements.

I felt so glad when Toyota took over GM as world's No. 1 automaker.

We are each other's best teacher. We taught Japanese when we are stronger. Japanese treated us badly when they are stronger; however, past is past and we are pragmatic about future and are able to see the bigger picture.

Trolls that attempt to belittle China by praising Japan (not necessarily they admire Japan sincerely, but out of dirty, cheap geopolitical considerations) are bound to be disillusioned.

So, our civilization greatness does not take it to heart if others teach us sincerely. A good professor is the one who learns from his/her teachers.

In your face!

Look like you're in angr. Did I made you feel un-well with my simply comment !? :coffee:
Seem like you Chinese guys have inferiority complex when you face with your issues, first is Beast with his pathetic troll post ... :rolleyes:
I just said about that beach only ... :D
We are proud of Japan's achievements. China and Japan have so many commonalities. We share a history, culture, public governance system and great genetical affinity. We have coexisted together and taught one another across the millennia.

No hard feeling on part of us when it comes to Japan's achievements.

I felt so glad when Toyota took over GM as world's No. 1 automaker.

We are each other's best teacher. We taught Japanese when we are stronger. Japanese treated us badly when they are stronger; however, past is past and we are pragmatic about future and are able to see the bigger picture.

Trolls that attempt to belittle China by praising Japan (not necessarily they admire Japan sincerely, but out of dirty, cheap geopolitical considerations) are bound to be disillusioned.

So, our civilization greatness does not take it to heart if others teach us sincerely. A good professor is the one who learns from his/her teachers.

I think Chinese culture ever been bright, but Culture Revolution reform it. Hope one day the nice culture of Chinese fully recovered as I see it is going on ...
Separating East and West ... easily lead to racism.

We'd learn which is good and avoid which is bad.
We are proud of Japan's achievements. China and Japan have so many commonalities. We share a history, culture, public governance system and great genetical affinity. We have coexisted together and taught one another across the millennia.

No hard feeling on part of us when it comes to Japan's achievements.

I felt so glad when Toyota took over GM as world's No. 1 automaker.

We are each other's best teacher. We taught Japanese when we are stronger. Japanese treated us badly when they are stronger; however, past is past and we are pragmatic about future and are able to see the bigger picture.

Trolls that attempt to belittle China by praising Japan (not necessarily they admire Japan sincerely, but out of dirty, cheap geopolitical considerations) are bound to be disillusioned.

So, our civilization greatness does not take it to heart if others teach us sincerely. A good professor is the one who learns from his/her students.

True. In Tang dynasty, Japanese come to China to learn Chinese academic works, manners, and culture.

遣唐使 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
遣唐使 - Wikipedia

In late 19th and early 20th century, Chinese learnt from Japan. Because Qing and other governments was weak, China was weak, we need to catch up with the West, so we translate western works, but Japan was ahead of China, Meijin Reform made Japan a strong country, they learn almost everything from the west. They've done way more translations of western compositios, Chinese and Japanese language are somewhat similar, so Chinese borrow Japanese words instead, like 服务、组织、纪律、政治、革命、政府、党、方针、政策、申请、解决、理论、哲学、原则,经济、科学、商业、干部、健康、社会主义、资本主义、法律、封建、共和、美学、文学、美术、抽象, all of these are borrowed from Japanese and we still use it today.

Personally, I prefer 就事论事, on some matter, we should learn from them, but we should also remember, they are enemy.

Some trolls compare China with Japan, an economy and technology powerhouse, everywhere. I don't feel any uncomfortable. If they compare China with Vietnam, it will be truly a disaster.
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it's not applicable to Chinese here's why.

There's a hundred people helping you in every store, restaurant or establishment, not only do you not need to clean up after yourself, you actually have two people doing the job of one.

So.....Yea, it might seem like Chinese are not as clean as the Japanese, but that's only because while Japan is developed and undermanned, we are a more "spoiled" nation of people if you will.

My daily trips to the Bath houses, there's two dudes responsible just for storing and bring of the shoes. Come on man, and four dude, just to open lockers. That's all they do, OPEN A LOCKER, that would have taken me 2 seconds, they got 4 dudes, I swear to god.
Do you want to search in google and check out the number of perverted AV video Japanese made before you comment Japanese is good? Worst of all, AV is legalised in Japan. Their government and society allow such perverted act happen.

Whta has this got to do with the topic at hand bro? :disagree: You shouldnt be bringing up unrelated topics just to divert attention from the discussion. Japanese people are cleanest in Asia, this is something almost anybody who has been to several Asian country will tell you.

Anyway coming to the topic, i must say i myself have witnessed this when i first visited Japan, its such a clean and orderly country. The people there are even more clean than us in U.K , i stunned by how everything there is so orderly/planned/clean. This is one thing i havent seen in any country i have visited in the world, the Japanese are by far the cleanest.
In fact in Japan you will hardly ever see any protests whatsoever. People in Taiwan, China, India, U.S, U.K, France , etc do protest/riot when they are angry or want to make a point/their voice heard. But in Japan you will hardly ever see any protest(i dont recall ever hearing any riots/mass protest in Jpan, even during with fukushima nuclear fallout). This is something i myself still cant understand. Even recently during the recent government decision to pass a controversial state secrecy law, that people said is dictatorial(which i must confess it is), some people called for mass protests, but only a few hundred showed up,and this by Japanese standard was considered a mass protest.lol
Had it been in Taiwan, China, France, U.K, or even Hong kong, then believe me people would have come out in mass/huge numbers which would have made the government think twice.
I dont understand how the japanese government/society managed to shape Japanese people to be so obedient/orderly/clean , but i must say Japan sure is a unique country.:cheers::tup:
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Japanese culture emphasizes cleanliness. It is rather unique to other civilizations / cultures.

Even in Bushido,...this is stressed.

Thanks for the thanks bro. can you try and tell/explain to me why people in Japan hardly ever protest? even when it concerns genuine greviances like the recently passed state secrecy law(which is even more draconian than some one party state/dictatorial systems), This is something i find it hard to understand, since in many countries in Asia , Latin america, or even in Europe and U.S this will have led to wide spread demonstrations(even if it wouldn't have changed anything/government decision, but at least there would have been demonstrations), but in Japan its never the case. I dont understand how/why. though i admire it somehow.:bunny::enjoy:
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Japan soccer team brought shame to Asian. Japan rarely make out of the 1st round in world cup they participate in.

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