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Japan drops ban on military exports


Mar 15, 2010
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Japan has relaxed its self-imposed decades-old ban on military equipment exports in a move that will open up new markets to its defence contractors and help it squeeze more out of its defence budget.

The rule adopted in 1967 banned sales to communist countries, and those involved in international conflicts or subject to United Nations sanctions. It later became a blanket ban on exports and on the development and production of weapons with countries other than the United States, making it impossible for manufacturers to participate in multinational projects.

The government's security council agreed to the relaxing of the ban to allow Japan to take part in the joint development and production of arms with other countries and to supply military equipment for humanitarian missions, chief cabinet secretary Osamu Fujimura said.

"The new standards [on weapons exports] are a result of the government considering measures that required attention amid recent changes to the environment surrounding international defence equipment," Fujimura said, referring to rising arms costs that could put strain on the government, with public debt twice the size of its economy.

The relaxing of the rules does not mean Japan will begin openly selling its military products to the world. Exports will be limited to strategic allies like the US.

It could still allow companies such as Mitsubishi Heavy to join the development of Lockheed Martin's F-35, which Tokyo picked last week as its next frontline fighter, planning to buy 42 machines at an estimated cost of more than US$7bn.

"The regulations on weapons exports are based on the concept that as a pacifist country Japan should aim to avoid fanning international conflicts, and we will keep a close watch on exports," Fujimura said.

Although Japan is the world's sixth-biggest military spender, it often pays more than double other nations for the same equipment because local export-restricted manufacturers can only fill small orders at a high cost.

Removing the ban will stretch Japan's defence purse further as military spending in neighbouring China expands. This year Beijing raised military outlays by 12.7%. That included money for its own stealth fighter, the J-20, which made its maiden flight in January.

In contrast Japan's defence budget has been shrinking in past years as ballooning costs for social security and servicing its growing debt pile squeeze other spending.

Japan drops ban on military exports | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Japanese could probably ROFL stomp you guys again in 5 years GuanDong style if they wanted to, lol.
Japan becoming more assertive.

I think it is only a matter of time before the Japanese Self defense forces are officially renamed as Japanese Army.
What they have in their hands which can compete with US or Russian arms in market??
Any products coming from Japan are going to be overpriced like the european hardware. I prefer Chinese Military Hardware because it is more cost effective and GOOD BANG FOR THE BUCK.
Respect the Japanese....for they know the way of the samurai.
First problem with Japanese export in weaponary is that they are very pricey, more so than even American or European exporters. Users with limited budget will still stick with Chinese/Russian toys while those with good amount of cash will keep going for American/European made trinkets. That's the primary problem.

The secondary problem is that Japan is depending on foreign designs/technologies to manufacture their own. In another words, foreign components and copyright issues will arise when they attempt to export, especially against European/American companies which the Japanese designs are based on. The lack of core technologies hinders their ability to deliver a product.

Given the factors above, this is more of a political statement than substantial development in the arms market.
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