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Japan Deploys Destroyers for N. Korea Rocket


May 5, 2010
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Japan Deploys Destroyers for N. Korea Rocket


TOKYO — Japan on Dec. 6 dispatched three destroyers to waters over which North Korea says its satellite-bearing rocket will travel.

Television footage showed three Aegis destroyers armed with SM-3 missile interceptors leaving their base in Sasebo, some 900 kilometers (560 miles) west of Tokyo.

They were reportedly bound for the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan, a stretch of water known to Koreans as the East Sea.

Separately, a naval ship carrying PAC-3 (Patriot Advanced Capability-3) ballistic missiles arrived in the Okinawan island of Miyakojima the same morning.

Television footage showed Self-Defense Force units unloading the missiles from the vessel at a harbor on the island, which lies on the expected flight path of the rocket.

In Tokyo, the defense ministry has deployed another PAC-3 battery at its headquarters as part of its effort to intercept anything headed toward the Japanese mainland.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s cabinet plans to hold a security meeting Dec. 7 to issue an advance order to shoot down the rocket if it looks set to fall on Japanese territory, Jiji Press reported.

Immediate confirmation of the reports was not available.

The communist North announced Dec. 1 that it would launch a rocket between Dec. 10 and 22 — its second long-range rocket launch this year after a much-hyped but botched attempt in April.

Japan took similar defensive steps at the time.

It has reportedly notified neighbors, including Japan, of the trajectory of the planned launch.

Pyongyang insists its efforts are directed solely at the peaceful use of space, but many in the international community say the satellite launch is a poorly disguised missile test.

Washington and Seoul urged Pyongyang to scrap the launch while Tokyo postponed talks due this week with North Korea.

Japan Deploys Destroyers for N. Korea Rocket | Defense News | defensenews.com
Japan ... should know its role ... its a tiny country should respect its neighbours


Area 377,944 km2
Population 126,659,683
Est. 2011 GDP $4.444 trillion
The JMSDF is one of the world's largest navies and the second largest navy in Asia.

North Korea
Area 120,540 km2
Population 24,554,000
GDP (ppp) $45 billion

South Korea
Area:100,210 km2
Population: 50,004,441
GDP (ppp): $1.622 trillion

Area: 331,210 km2
Population: 87,840,000
GDP (ppp): $320.874 billion

Area 513,120 km2
Population 66,720,153
GDP (PPP) $616.783 billion
Japan being a small country lol. Russia has a similar sized population yet much less GDP.

If Japan chooses to go on an Arab-like Spending spree, they can create much better airforce and army.
Japan ... should know its role ... its a tiny country should respect its neighbours

Dude, North Korea is a tinier country than Japan.

You're comparing two countries that are on two opposite ends of the development spectrum.

Japan is simply protecting its sovereign airspace rights.

Will you bear the responsibility if that rocket fails and falls on some populated area in Japan?

Tell me.

Area 377,944 km2
Population 126,659,683
Est. 2011 GDP $4.444 trillion
The JMSDF is one of the world's largest navies and the second largest navy in Asia.

North Korea
Area 120,540 km2
Population 24,554,000
GDP (ppp) $45 billion

South Korea
Area:100,210 km2
Population: 50,004,441
GDP (ppp): $1.622 trillion

Area: 331,210 km2
Population: 87,840,000
GDP (ppp): $320.874 billion

Area 513,120 km2
Population 66,720,153
GDP (PPP) $616.783 billion

:taz: You forgot one country

Area 9,596,960 km²
population 1,347,350,000
GDP (PPP) $11.299 trillion

(These numbers excludes Taiwan, Hongkong, Macau and the Chinese controlled Aksai Chin and Trans-Karakoram Tract)
:taz: You forgot one country

Area 9,596,960 km²
population 1,347,350,000
GDP (PPP) $11.299 trillion

(These numbers excludes Taiwan, Hongkong, Macau and the Chinese controlled Aksai Chin and Trans-Karakoram Tract)

Read better, smart Alec! I said SECOND LARGEST navy in ASIA (guess who first largest is...). I left out China because it is obvisously way bigger a country than any other country in the region.
Japan ... should know its role ... its a tiny country should respect its neighbours
Tiny country?
And which neighbours are you talikng about ?
China and North Korea?
If either one of them would engage in a war with Japan,they would be destroyed very fast.
Japan is the Israel of that neighbourhood,big brother waiting to engage and all the neighbours know that.
Japan being a small country lol. Russia has a similar sized population yet much less GDP.

If Japan chooses to go on an Arab-like Spending spree, they can create much better airforce and army.

lol they can't, article 9 of their constitution give the limit of spending to 1% of GDP.

Mine you, that is 58 billions USD in 2011, China only 2 times as much spending, and US only 12 times as uch on spending. It spend even more than India
Japan is the real Dragon of the east ... Currently tamed by Usa ... Will b let lose by Usa as the relative might of us economy is decaying compared to china ... Japan once left alone will awaken the fierce japanese military machine ... Subduing korea and china ... But usa knows once japan clears out lesser of its own race ... it will come back to hunt down usa ... first from asia then on its own soil...
Japan's approach is like Cancer neither it develop it's ICBM nor let others to develop them.
Japan is the real Dragon of the east ... Currently tamed by Usa ... Will b let lose by Usa as the relative might of us economy is decaying compared to china ... Japan once left alone will awaken the fierce japanese military machine ... Subduing korea and china ... But usa knows once japan clears out lesser of its own race ... it will come back to hunt down usa ... first from asia then on its own soil...

lol someone got a slave mentality here, bet u would jump at the chance to lick the British feet should they come back.

japan couldn't conquer china at the formers strongest and the latter's weakest, what makes you think japan can hope to fight china now? they be lucky if Tokyo isnt a crater by wars end if they started something today.

Japan being a small country lol. Russia has a similar sized population yet much less GDP.

If Japan chooses to go on an Arab-like Spending spree, they can create much better airforce and army.

except japan cant spend like the arabs due to the huge mountain of national debt and the 2 decades long stagnating economy they're sitting on. can they go 2%? sure but that means that much more money comming out of other programs and more debt that they can barely afford as is.
lol someone got a slave mentality here, bet u would jump at the chance to lick the British feet should they come back.

japan couldn't conquer china at the formers strongest and the latter's weakest, what makes you think japan can hope to fight china now? they be lucky if Tokyo isnt a crater by wars end if they started something today.

except japan cant spend like the arabs due to the huge mountain of national debt and the 2 decades long stagnating economy they're sitting on. can they go 2%? sure but that means that much more money comming out of other programs and more debt that they can barely afford as is.

You are SENIOR MEMBERS and you live in USA, but the way you said.... haizz....no need to insult other for promote yourself!
If Japan change their policy, everything will change follow it (economy, political, military...etc).
lol they can't, article 9 of their constitution give the limit of spending to 1% of GDP.

Mine you, that is 58 billions USD in 2011, China only 2 times as much spending, and US only 12 times as uch on spending. It spend even more than India

The constitution is not appointed by some supernatural entity, mate. it is appointed by the people of the country who upon war time can revoke it.

And you very well know what it will mean if Japanese militarize. They did that 60 years ago and half the world shat in their pants.
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