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Japan Deploys Destroyers for N. Korea Rocket

The constitution is not appointed by some supernatural entity, mate. it is appointed by the people of the country who upon war time can revoke it.

And you very well know what it will mean if Japanese militarize. They did that 60 years ago and half the world shat in their pants.

Only india shat in their Pants.

The rest fought with pride
The constitution is not appointed by some supernatural entity, mate. it is appointed by the people of the country who upon war time can revoke it.

And you very well know what it will mean if Japanese militarize. They did that 60 years ago and half the world shat in their pants.

Not that i am all for re-militarize Japan, but the fact to the matter is, Japan is a sovereign country, they cannot forever depend on US watching its back.

There are many reason Japan stay that way over the years, depends on what you are standing at. The problem is, US can no longer serve Japan as if they are their baggage. US have to let go of Japanese and let them do their own work, the situation we are having in Asia is now draining much of our resource to simply protect Japan from falling.

They are very much capable to defend themselve. The only thing stopping them is the Consitution and the shadow power in the US. The US is the one that sat on top of Japan, yes, it gave them protection, but also contribute to the stun of growth within the Japanese.

Look at how Japan spend money on Military hardware and you would know, 1% of GDP translate to 58 billions of dollar, that's every years since year 2000. I would say, even they considered spending much much more than most country in Asia (Infact i think only China spend more than Japan in Asia as of this moment) their Military strength did not growth accordingly. If India have Japanese budget, i would think Indian could already challenge China for a seat of top dog in Asia, but Japan, on the other hand, with Japanese money, will always stayed in the shadow in the US.

We need to turn them from protectorate into an allied. That way, we can shred less in Asian Region and more devoted back into our own backyard. This is what i throught.
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