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Japan condole flood damages, offers assistance to Pakistan


May 29, 2014
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United States

- The Japanese government on Monday said that it was grieved over the loss of lives and damages caused by the floods in Pakistan, according to a statement issued here by the Japanese Embassy in Islamabad.

The statement quoted the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs press secretary as saying, "I was deeply saddened by the flooding and landslide caused by the torrential rain which left many casualties in north-eastern Pakistan. I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to those affected by the disaster."

The press secretary said that upon the request from the government of Pakistan, the Japanese government stands ready to offer necessary assistance to the afflicted people as quickly as possible.

Japan condole flood damages, offers assistance to Pakistan

ISLAMABAD - The Japanese government on Monday said that it was grieved over the loss of lives and damages caused by the floods in Pakistan, according to a statement issued here by the Japanese Embassy in Islamabad.

The statement quoted the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs press secretary as saying, "I was deeply saddened by the flooding and landslide caused by the torrential rain which left many casualties in north-eastern Pakistan. I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to those affected by the disaster."

The press secretary said that upon the request from the government of Pakistan, the Japanese government stands ready to offer necessary assistance to the afflicted people as quickly as possible.

Japan condole flood damages, offers assistance to Pakistan
Thank you Japan :)
Thank you japan for showing your care. :D :D

We should take them on their offer and ask them for assistance in controlling flooding projects.
Japan and South Korea are true gentleman of Asia. Hope we could learn something from them.
[Intended Trolling]

By the way Japan is the enemy to your Chinese Brothers... how can your 'Ghairat' allow you to hob-nob with your brothers enemy and accepting aid from them...:D:D

[/Intended Trolling]
[Intended Trolling]

By the way Japan is the enemy to your Chinese Brothers... how can your 'Ghairat' allow you to hob-nob with your brothers enemy and accepting aid from them...:D:D

[/Intended Trolling]

Enemy of an enemy is a friend. Enemy of a friend is not necessarily an enemy.
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