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Japan Calls for China To Explain Aircraft Carrier

This is a very simple logic. The Chinese doctrine says that it only protect the interest of China. This look like a non aggressive doctrine. However the main point is how to define the national interest which will determine the aggressive nature of the country. In the history, most of the casus belli is to some how protect the country interest: secure trade routes, reclaim some land from history, promote religion, ... For a example, the invasion of Poland in 1939, a casus belli for Germany was to take back its Danzig and built a railway to connect two Eastern and Western Germany, a casus belli for Soviet Union is also to take back parts of Poland which it had owned until 1920. This is a simply matter of propaganda. People in an aggressive country will never recognize that they are aggressive but instead think that they are righteous and try to protect their own like the German in WW2.

The biggest problem now is the interests which China is trying to "peacefully protect" recently is conflict with those of all of its neighbors: Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, Russia Philippine, Malaysia, Taiwan... and China becomes more and more assertive to seize these interests by force e.g: aiming thousand of missile toward Taiwan, building up aircraft carrier,... and more and more voices from China keep demanding for making war but still many Chinese here think that they are very peaceful nation. Even Indonesia which have no conflict in South China Sea is alert with the presence of the fisher from China and the surveillance ships in its EEZ.

Many countries are now aware of will China sometime in the future declare some part of interest of EEZ is its interests or even "core interests" and try to "protect" them. The Chinese will of course think that other countries are envy of them and try to stop their advance. However if they look at the emerge of India, they could see that most countries warmly welcome it because it is very peaceful one in the sense that India does not want to "protect" by force some interests which conflicts with other countries, of course except Pakistan, a China's fruitful ally.

I wanted to laugh, sir, you'd better learn more about India, even here, that there are members of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh do not agree with you.
We will use the aircraft carrier to defend against Japanese aggression.

That is all.

No need to hide the plan bro, let speak out like VietNam: we will controll the Straight of Malacca to destroy enemies warship and their cargo ship also :partay:
I wanted to laugh, sir, you'd better learn more about India, even here, that there are members of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh do not agree with you.

Please sir show us these members. Comparing to India, all countries surround China e.g: Vietnam, Korea, Russia, Philippine, Singapore... and even Myanmar are now much aware of its "peacefully rise" by huge military expense and readiness to "peacefully protect" its own interests by force.
first the yanks, now the japanese? :laugh:

tomorrow, new guinea and the moros islands will express similar concern
just tell them the carriers are carrying barrels of Szechuan's finest hot & sour soup

God forbid those AIRCRAFT carriers carry fighter aircrafts!!!! Who does such a thing in this day and age?

just ask those who are asking for explanation to explain in full writing why they call for explanations

AUG 2011 09:37

TOKYO - Japan's defense minister called
on China on Aug. 12 to explain why it
needs an aircraft carrier, after Beijing
sparked increased concerns over its
military expansion by starting sea trials
for the vessel. "As an aircraft carrier, it is of a highly
maneuverable and offensive nature. We
want China to explain the reasons why
it needs it," Toshimi Kitazawa told
reporters. "There is no doubt that it will have a big
impact on the region," he added. China put the revamped Soviet-built
aircraft carrier Varyag to sea on Aug.
10, prompting the United States to call
for an explanation. Beijing has sought to play down the
vessel's capability, saying it will mainly
be used for training and "research." In its annual defense report last week,
Japan expressed concern over China's growing assertiveness and widening
naval reach in nearby waters and the Pacific and over what it called the "opaqueness" of Beijing's military budget. China criticized the report as "irresponsible," insisting its drive to
modernize its forces was entirely
i call on japan to explain the 30,000 u.s troops stationed there
most of you are missing the point. China is another American wanna be. Chinese are no different than Americans. But the main difference is that if China is a superpower, the world would be in Chaos. Most people don't want to live under the communist system. Some of you can disagree with me but majority of people around the world want to live freely. I see lots of reason why other nations feel threaten by chinese's military expansion. I know for a fact that America is Chinese idol and they are doing pretty good.

Chinese Official Statement on Explaination

"Its a Air Craft Carrier and second is being build"
........and then in the future they will ask "why China have a space station?".......all China should response is "for protecting the friendship between China and Japan!!!"

stop that lame trolling...just few decades ago the "sole superpower" dare to beat you out the **** for not listening to its commands!!! Don't you forget!?

...and why Indian have to have an AC, does Indian a sole superpower too???? :rolleyes:

Because in the history of the India, it never invade to any country but China is it. That's why!
Because in the history of the India, it never invade to any country but China is it. That's why!
you're not in position to say that India has never invade other countries...because you know nothing about India history..yes we invade Vietnam so many time to make it a tributery state of China...happy?
I don't think US is a Nazi but China does. China using Pakistan to control India and sit down wait for 2 countries happend then ... China eat them both.

Know one know Chinese more than Chinese. China history is my proof and Tibet is the one I prove it to you.

Clear now?
I agreed. Special Bill Clinton signed bills and gave jobs for China to feed up to 1 billion lives. US and EU just raise a bab guy. Russia also ...

Next will be Ukrain technology will bleed out!

Proud of Fake in China or Copy in China.
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