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Japan backs down, will release Chinese boat captain


May 25, 2010
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Japan to free Chinese boat captain - latimes.com

The move, a reversal on the part of Tokyo, comes amid mounting pressure from Beijing.

By Megan K. Stack
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
September 24, 2010|2:42 a.m.
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Reporting from Beijing — Japan will release the hapless Chinese fishing captain whose detention after straying into disputed waters had enraged Beijing and spiraled into the worst diplomatic crisis to rile the long-contentious neighbors in years, prosecutors in southern Japan said Friday.

The decision was an abrupt reversal on Japan's part, and came as mounting pressure and threats from Beijing stirred fears of serious economic repercussions for the island nation.

"Considering the future of Japan-China relations and the possible consequences for the Japanese public, we decided that keeping the suspect in custody and continuing the investigation was not appropriate," Toru Suzuki, an official from the prosecutors' office in Naha, Okinawa, told NHK TV in Japan.

The 15-man fishing crew was seized this month after colliding with Japanese coast guard vessels near disputed islands known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan. The rest of the crew was soon released.

But Japan kept the captain in custody, accusing him of illegal fishing and deliberately ramming his craft into the Japanese patrol boats. Earlier this week, to the fury of Chinese officials, a Japanese court decided to extend his detention until Sept. 29.

Friday's announcement handed an undeniable psychological victory to Beijing, and news of the impending release was greeted in China with a mix of satisfaction and lingering indignation. The Chinese foreign ministry said it would send a chartered plane to ferry the fisherman back to his homeland -- and sharply warned Japan against pressing charges.

"I want to reiterate that any form of prosecution brought upon the Chinese captain by the Japanese government is illegal and invalid," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in Beijing.

At the heart of the dispute lay clashing claims on the islands, which are controlled by Japan but seen as rightful territory by China and Taiwan. In recent years, an increasingly nationalistic Chinese public has griped that the government has shown weakness by failing to stand up to Japan and press its claims to the islands.

Like all irritations between the two longtime rivals, the anger over the fisherman's detention was deepened by lingering bitterness in China from Japan's invasion and brutal oppression during World War II.

At the United Nations this week, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao called upon Japan to "immediately and unconditionally" release the captain, and warned of further repercussions if Tokyo ignored the threat.

As anger swelled, China made plain its willingness to take harsh steps to free the fishing boat skipper. On Friday, Japan's trade minister accused China's trade ministry of instructing exporters of rare earth metals to halt badly needed shipments to Japan. China flatly denied reports of imposing a boycott on the exports.

Meanwhile, Chinese state security officials told state-run news agency Xinhua that four Japanese citizens were being investigated for illegally entering a military zone without permission. It wasn't clear whether the Japanese had been detained.

The men had traveled to China's Hebei province this week to research a bid on a project to dispose of abandoned chemical weapons, explained their employer, Tokyo-based Fujita Corp. The company told reporters one of the men sent a one-word text message reading "help" just before they vanished, along with a Chinese employee.

China had already reacted to the fishing boat incident by dissuading its citizens from spending tourist dollars in Japan and cutting off bilateral government contacts at the Cabinet level.

"The release of the captain will help both governments contain the damage, but the damage has already been done," said Jin Canrong, dean of international relations at China's Renmin University. "The government can see the possible danger in coming years. Japan is in a political drift, and nobody is really taking charge. And we don't know how to deal with Japan.

It was not yet clear when the captain, Zhan Qixiong, would be returned to China.

In a pathos-laden dispatch from his village, Xinhua reported that stress over Qixiong's detention had killed his elderly grandmother, and that the family was too depressed to buy traditional pastries to celebrate the autumn festival. Instead, the dispatch said, the fisherman's family would eat instant noodles.

Special correspondent Kenji Hall contributed from Tokyo
Copyright © 2010, Los Angeles Times
Japan backs down, will release Chinese fisherman

2010-09-24 14:30:00
Last Updated: 2010-09-24 14:48:58

Tokyo: Japan Friday decided to release a Chinese fishing boat captain whose arrest near disputed islands sparked a diplomatic dispute, a news report said.

Prosecutors in the southern city of Naha made the decision, Japan's Kyodo News agency said.

China reacted to the announcement by reasserting its position that Japan's action against the captain was 'illegal and invalid'.

'I reiterate that any form of the so-called judicial procedures taken by Japan against the Chinese captain are illegal and invalid,' Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in a statement.

Jiang said the Chinese government planned to send a plane to Japan to fly the captain, Zhan Qixiong, back to China.

China had repeatedly demanded the 'immediate and unconditional' release of the 41-year-old sailor who was arrested Sep 7.

Zhan was taken into custody after his boat collided twice with Japan Coast Guard vessels. The incident took place near islands known as Senkaku in Japan, Diaoyu in China and Tiaoyutai in Taiwan.

The islands, together with the oil-rich surrounding area, are claimed by all three governments.
Japan is having such border dispute with ALL neighbors, you have to question whether they have changed since the WWII.

Japan is now having trouble with Russia on those 4 Russian islands.
Japan is having problems with China on the Diaoyu island.
Japan is having disputes with South Korea on some tiny islands.
Japan is having issues with Taiwan with the Diaoyu island.

Japan is having such border dispute with ALL neighbors, you have to question whether they have changed since the WWII.

Japan is now having trouble with Russia on those 4 Russian islands.
Japan is having problems with China on the Diaoyu island.
Japan is having disputes with South Korea on some tiny islands.
Japan is having issues with Taiwan with the Diaoyu island.


Welcome our Taiwanese compatriot.

A good news for Taiwanese compatriots also.
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