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Jamaat man forced out of UK seminar


Apr 24, 2011
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A Jamaat man was forced to leave a seminar in London yesterday after a disturbance over terming the party a terrorist organisation.

He was Abu Bakar Mollah, spokesperson of Jamaat's UK chapter, said sources.

The seminar was titled “Economic Development of Bangladesh and Role of the Political Parties”. It was jointly chaired by member of British House of Lords Alexander Charles Carlile and ruling Conservative Party MP Ann Main.

Leaders of Awami League and BNP participated in the programme at the House of Commons, lower house of the British parliament.

The disturbance broke out when Abu Bakar was about to reject an Awami League leader's claim that Jamaat was a terrorist party. The AL leader said had he knew that someone from Jamaat would be present at the meeting, he would not have jointed it.

This sparked uproar at the seminar venue. At one stage, the Jamaat leader was forced to leave the seminar with the help of security men.

Complying with the UK laws, The Daily Star does not attribute the comments of the participants of the seminar.

Taking part in the discussion, representatives of international human rights organisations said the statements of the Bangladesh government's high-ups give an impression that there are no problems with country's human rights, democracy and rule of law. The government cannot avoid responsibilities by shifting blame on the opposition, they added.

AL leaders detailed the development projects implemented during the successive tenures of AL governments. They blamed the BNP-led 20-party alliance for the rise of militancy in the country.

Refuting the allegation, BNP leaders said party Chairperson Khaleda Zia called for a national unity after the Gulshan attack, but the government rejected the offer.

The AL and BNP were represented by HT Imam, adviser to the prime minister, and senior BNP leader Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury.

When A group of Islamists with significant follower base wants to be democratic and wants to take part in democratic process, You force them away from mainstream politics because that suits your agenda. But what if these elements turn radical as they were not given democratic rights. Who needs an enemy when you have leaders like these people?? And people on talk shows wonder what went wrong for Bangladesh.
When A group of Islamists with significant follower base wants to be democratic and wants to take part in democratic process, You force them away from mainstream politics because that suits your agenda. But what if these elements turn radical as they were not given democratic rights. Who needs an enemy when you have leaders like these people?? And people on talk shows wonder what went wrong for Bangladesh.

This is the core of terrorism. When you deprive people of their democratic rights you breed terrorism.
When A group of Islamists with significant follower base wants to be democratic and wants to take part in democratic process, You force them away from mainstream politics because that suits your agenda. But what if these elements turn radical as they were not given democratic rights. Who needs an enemy when you have leaders like these people?? And people on talk shows wonder what went wrong for Bangladesh.

You are so correct. Whatever you think of Jamaat, in a democratic system, they not only have a voice, but are entitled to it. Otherwise, you will force them into the fringes of society and into the hands of radicals. The recent spate of attacks by Islamists is partly the result of Hasina taking away political space of her opponents.


Don't Cry when they start killing like ISIS.

Oh I'm sorry...I forgot as a Jamaat apologist you believe all the people burned to death in the past 2 years were killed by Govt. agents. Jamaat and BNP sat at home wearing saris praying for 'democracy'.
Oh I'm sorry...I forgot as a Jamaat apologist you believe all the people burned to death in the past 2 years were killed by Govt. agents. Jamaat and BNP sat at home wearing saris praying for 'democracy'.

Yes they have killed, BNP and Awamileague have killed too. Awamileague this year killed 150 people during UP election. You consider them radical? Don't you?

If someone thinks Jamat is like ISIS, I don't need to be an apologist to ask the person to have thorough check up of his head. It's just common sense.
If ghamachi jamaati starts itching use talcum powder if stray dogs and jamaati increases just take them out. I think that is what happened. But Jamaati and BNP represents one another so he left his representative behind, not a big deal.
When A group of Islamists with significant follower base wants to be democratic and wants to take part in democratic process, You force them away from mainstream politics because that suits your agenda. But what if these elements turn radical as they were not given democratic rights. Who needs an enemy when you have leaders like these people?? And people on talk shows wonder what went wrong for Bangladesh.
If any organization turns to terrorism for lack of democratic participation,then that organization forfeit its right to be called democratic.True democratic organization will never turn to terrorism even if it severely repressed.Aung San Suu kiy and her party didn't became terrorist when junta severely repressed them for 5 decades.Same can be said for Nelson Mandela in Apartheid South Africa or Mahatma Ghandhi campaigning for Indian independence against unwilling British govt.But a terrorist organization will do terrorist acts at the slightest provocation,they pretend to be democratic to undermine it from within,actually they are wolfs in a sheep's clothing.


Don't Cry when they start killing like ISIS.
So we have to appease Jammat for not killing ISIS style? :lol:That's like saying,'Hand over your daughter to that pervert,otherwise he will turn rapist and start raping random woman in the street.'
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If any organization turns to terrorism for lack of democratic participation,then that organization forfeit its right to be called democratic.True democratic organization will never turn to terrorism even if it severely repressed.Aung San Suu kiy and her party didn't became terrorist when junta severely repressed them for 5 decades.Same can be said for Nelson Mandela in Apartheid South Africa or Mahatma Ghandhi campaigning for Indian independence against unwilling British govt.But a terrorist organization will do terrorist acts at the slightest provocation,they pretend to be democratic to undermine it from within,actually they are wolfs in a sheep's clothing.

I agree. Thanks for a sensible reply.

I condemn those attacks. I had to travel during that time everyday and I know how I felt.

However Not only Jamat, using Gun powder to burn commoners on road was also done by the Party in power at present.

The Army even had a confession on tape of that killing. So do you want declare awamileague a terrorist organization as well???

Always consider what is good for the nation. For example Banning Hijbut Tahrir. What is
the outcome? While HT runs freely in countries like Australia, in Bangladesh recently we have found HT terrorists. It is the outcome I want to avoid.

So we have to appease Jammat for not killing ISIS style? :lol:That's like saying,'Hand over your daughter to that pervert,otherwise he will turn rapist and start raping random woman in the street.'

No you have to give the Pervert Cognitive Behavioural therapy so he doesn't become rapist. You wont understand. Leave it.
You are so correct. Whatever you think of Jamaat, in a democratic system, they not only have a voice, but are entitled to it. Otherwise, you will force them into the fringes of society and into the hands of radicals. The recent spate of attacks by Islamists is partly the result of Hasina taking away political space of her opponents.

The purpose of "parties" like Jamaat is to use democracy as a vehicle to get to power and then get rid of the vehicle as soon as they reach that destination. They are not democrats or believe in democracy, they think of it as merely a tool to an end.
For those that believe in democracy these entities represent a existential challenge to democracy.
Remember Hitler used democracy to get to power and then wiped out the democrats as did Bolsheviks, Mussolini, general Franco, and many others.
They were not democrats, they were authoritarian totalitarians who scream democracy, freedom, etc until they get into power by hook or by crook and then the elimination of all opponents takes its very bloody course
The purpose of "parties" like Jamaat is to use democracy as a vehicle to get to power and then get rid of the vehicle as soon as they reach that destination. They are not democrats or believe in democracy, they think of it as merely a tool to an end.
For those that believe in democracy these entities represent a existential challenge to democracy.
Remember Hitler used democracy to get to power and then wiped out the democrats as did Bolsheviks, Mussolini, general Franco, and many others.
They were not democrats, they were authoritarian totalitarians who scream democracy, freedom, etc until they get into power by hook or by crook and then the elimination of all opponents takes its very bloody course

nice to find a Nostradamus here in PDF, specially when Jamat has never been to power and when their two leaders were made ministers by BNP they turned out corruption free.
The purpose of "parties" like Jamaat is to use democracy as a vehicle to get to power and then get rid of the vehicle as soon as they reach that destination. They are not democrats or believe in democracy, they think of it as merely a tool to an end.
For those that believe in democracy these entities represent a existential challenge to democracy.
Remember Hitler used democracy to get to power and then wiped out the democrats as did Bolsheviks, Mussolini, general Franco, and many others.
They were not democrats, they were authoritarian totalitarians who scream democracy, freedom, etc until they get into power by hook or by crook and then the elimination of all opponents takes its very bloody course

There is some truth in what you say: that parties like Jamaat – in fact all Islamist parties – are inherently anti-democratic. But the problem doesn’t lie with such parties, but the political system in which they operate under. Parliamentary democracy works in that the majority party can pass any laws it chooses. It can change the constitution rather easily. And in times of emergency it call also suspend constitution. This is the inherent flaw of such a democracy. A flaw that allowed dictators such as Hitler, Mussolini, etc., to seize power.

On the other hand, if a Jamaat was voted in power by a popular vote, knowing what Jamaat is capable of, are they not just following the will of the people?

These are some of the reasons the United States never adopted a parliamentary system, why its president is directly elected, and why its constitution can never be suspended, for any reason, and why changing the constitution literally involves moving the sun and the moon.
On the other hand, if a Jamaat was voted in power by a popular vote, knowing what Jamaat is capable of, are they not just following the will of the people?
Jamaat is never going to declare what it REALLY thinks about democracy, it is a means to an end. If Jamaat was honest and declared they would do away with democracy and democrats and the people voted for them, then ypu might have a case.
I dont like governance systems where ultimately the people who rule in our name cannot be got rid of via a peaceful use of a secret ballot because they answer to a supernatural deity.

nice to find a Nostradamus here in PDF, specially when Jamat has never been to power and when their two leaders were made ministers by BNP they turned out corruption free.

If you study your history you would know that the Nazis had ministers in government for a long time as minority party in a coalition. It was part of the process to use democracy to attain their ultimate totalitarian goal. Their coalition partners were convinced by the Nazis that they would work in the democratic setup until they felt they had reached a certain critical mass after which they butchered all that stood in their way
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