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Jamaat is terrorist group: FBCCI

It's FBCCI duty to certify people on terrorism.
I can understand why you say this but am not sure if banning this extremist organization is the right thing to do.

1. Most Islamic organizations in Bangladesh are not too keen on them, Deobandis dislike them, Tableeghis are pro-Awami and Fultolis and other Sufi types hate them.

I have had the impression that JeI is hated by these organizations because of their more liberal and fundamental approach towards interpretation of Quran and Sunnah, not because of 'over-politicization of Islam' though they may use this phrase to have the relatively secular forces by their side. For example, Jamaat is opposed to 'grave worshiping' and blind following of 'peers'.

- They hate the Bangladeshi national anthem.

- They hate the Bangladeshi flag.

- They hate the language of Bangladesh, Bengali and prefer Urdu.

Not aware of that. Except hating BD flag (? didn't even hear of this) I've seen many religious people doing that irrespective of their political allegiance.

- They hate the Bangladeshi people and prefer Pakistanis who they consider better Muslims (though that is not true).

Not aware of that either.
I can understand why you say this but am not sure if banning this extremist organization is the right thing to do.

1. Most Islamic organizations in Bangladesh are not too keen on them, Deobandis dislike them, Tableeghis are pro-Awami and Fultolis and other Sufi types hate them.

2. Jamat's fundamental goal was the destruction of Bangladesh, to prevent Bangladesh from ever becoming independent and that is now an irreversible reality. They cannot change this though they wish to make Bangladesh a colony of Pakistan.

3. The security forces seem to have these evil people under control and Bangladesh has forced them to change the name of this disgusting organization to Bangladesh Jamat i Islami. This is utter humiliation and ownage for an organization which are sworn enemies of an independent Bangladesh.

I think Jamat and Jamati thugs and goons are basically under control, though they bark heavily and ferociously on this forum, but one thing which I definitely thing needs to be done is Bangladeshi nationalists need to destroy Jamat's negative influence on Saudi and GCC by publishing good quality Arabic language material on the 1971 conflict and the true nature of Jamat, as Jamat are regularly peddling anti-Bangladeshi propaganda in the Arab world.

Also any rezakar or Jamati who calls himself a "Bangladeshi nationalist" is talking rubbish as by definition a rezakar/Jamati cannot be a Bangladeshi nationalist because:

- They worked to prevent the very existence of Bangladesh.

- They hate the Bangladeshi national anthem.

- They hate the Bangladeshi flag.

- They hate the Bangladeshi people and prefer Pakistanis who they consider better Muslims (though that is not true).

- They hate the language of Bangladesh, Bengali and prefer Urdu.

- They hate the people who created Bangladesh, the Mukti Bahini and other nationalists who fought against Yahya Khan's forces in 1971.

So Jamat are indeed enemies of Bangladesh, but these thugs are under control.

This is truly a wonderful expose you have begun here. (A little sarcasm, nothing personal) Now care to share your sources?

Also, in your opinion, who would you say would be a more proper representative of Bangladeshi Muslims than JeI? Please answer because I'm especially curious to know since you support a re-telling of Bangladeshi history to Saudi Arabia and the GCC countries in proper/fus'ha Arabic. So, who would you say would be the best to do it (regardless of their knowledge of Arabic)?
I have had the impression that JeI is hated by these organizations because of their more liberal and fundamental approach towards interpretation of Quran and Sunnah, not because of 'over-politicization of Islam' though they may use this phrase to have the relatively secular forces by their side. For example, Jamaat is opposed to 'grave worshiping' and blind following of 'peers'.

Not aware of that. Except hating BD flag (? didn't even hear of this) I've seen many religious people doing that irrespective of their political allegiance.

Not aware of that either.

1. Jamat are hated by the Deobandis doctrinally due to Maudoodi's controversial writings and disrespectful comments on sahaba (companions of the prophet 'alaihi salam) and apparently some of the anbiya even.

2. Tableeghi Jamat who are Deobandis doctrinally are pro-Awami e.g. the land for the annual Tableeghi ijtima was given by Mujib.

By the way I dislike the Awami League too but Jamat are far worse.

3. Fultolis/Sufis hate all non-Sufi groups who oppose their innovations such as reverence of the graves of pirs.

Sufi groups in Bangladesh tend to be aligned with the Awami League.

4. I was referring to the Jamatis/rezakars on this forum who are representative of at least a certain strain of thought amongst Jamatis. Al-Zakir (who carries the American flag) lied and said the red circle in the Bangladeshi flag comes from Hinduism. Al-Zakir, M_Saint (Luffy as well I think) are all against the anthem composed by Tagore and falsely accuse it of carrying paganism. Jamatis in general prefer Urdu to Bengali.

They may dilute these positions to ordinary Bangladeshis but their ultimate long term goal is the re-incorporation of Bangladesh in to the federation of Pakistan.

Al-Zakir regularly insults Bangladeshis and had a signature phrase "Bangladesh no longer a land of Muslims" and called for lanat of Bangladesh, M_Saint has said Pakistanis are better than Bangladeshis who he described as "fish brained" or something like that. Jamatis in general influenced by Pakistani mullahs regard Bangladeshis as being too secular and not anti-Hindu enough and believe Pakistanis are closer to Islam (not true but I cannot elaborate as then I will get a warning).

The lower cadre of Shibir Jamat are different to the higher echeleons who conceal their extreme Pakophilia and long term agenda for ending Bangladesh as sovereign independent country.

This is truly a wonderful expose you have begun here. (A little sarcasm, nothing personal) Now care to share your sources?

Also, in your opinion, who would you say would be a more proper representative of Bangladeshi Muslims than JeI? Please answer because I'm especially curious to know since you support a re-telling of Bangladeshi history to Saudi Arabia and the GCC countries in proper/fus'ha Arabic. So, who would you say would be the best to do it (regardless of their knowledge of Arabic)?


Arabic is a language which can be utilized by anybody.

There are a number of options.

1. Civil society organizations can commission gulf Arab public relations companies to produce Arabic language literature on the 71 conflict (free of the Mujibophilia, exaggeration of casualties and free of excessive anti-Pakistani feeling).

This is simple, it just involves money.

2. There are other ulama in Bangladesh who can speak Al Arabiya Al-Fusha...and not just Jamat.

I for example can speak fusha but am not a Jamati.

There are even Indian Hindus who speak fusha very well (I think Narisamo Rao could speak fluent Arabic).

You seem to be idealizing Jamat and putting them on some sort of pedestal and status of exclusive knowledge which they do not have.

By the way Hizbut Tahreer have a far more sane official lane on 1971 recognizing West Pakistani mistreatment of the eastern wing.
1. Jamat are hated by the Deobandis doctrinally due to Maudoodi's controversial writings and disrespectful comments on sahaba (companions of the prophet 'alaihi salam) and apparently some of the anbiya even.

2. Tableeghi Jamat who are Deobandis doctrinally are pro-Awami e.g. the land for the annual Tableeghi ijtima was given by Mujib.

By the way I dislike the Awami League too but Jamat are far worse.

3. Fultolis/Sufis hate all non-Sufi groups who oppose their innovations such as reverence of the graves of pirs.

Sufi groups in Bangladesh tend to be aligned with the Awami League.

4. I was referring to the Jamatis/rezakars on this forum who are representative of at least a certain strain of thought amongst Jamatis. Al-Zakir (who carries the American flag) lied and said the red circle in the Bangladeshi flag comes from Hinduism. Al-Zakir, M_Saint (Luffy as well I think) are all against the anthem composed by Tagore and falsely accuse it of carrying paganism. Jamatis in general prefer Urdu to Bengali.

They may dilute these positions to ordinary Bangladeshis but their ultimate long term goal is the re-incorporation of Bangladesh in to the federation of Pakistan.

Al-Zakir regularly insults Bangladeshis and had a signature phrase "Bangladesh no longer a land of Muslims" and called for lanat of Bangladesh, M_Saint has said Pakistanis are better than Bangladeshis who he described as "fish brained" or something like that. Jamatis in general influenced by Pakistani mullahs regard Bangladeshis as being too secular and not anti-Hindu enough and believe Pakistanis are closer to Islam (not true but I cannot elaborate as then I will get a warning).

The lower cadre of Shibir Jamat are different to the higher echeleons who conceal their extreme Pakophilia and long term agenda for ending Bangladesh as sovereign independent country.


Arabic is a language which can be utilized by anybody.

There are a number of options.

1. Civil society organizations can commission gulf Arab public relations companies to produce Arabic language literature on the 71 conflict (free of the Mujibophilia, exaggeration of casualties and free of excessive anti-Pakistani feeling).

This is simple, it just involves money.

2. There are other ulama in Bangladesh who can speak Al Arabiya Al-Fusha...and not just Jamat.

I for example can speak fusha but am not a Jamati.

There are even Indian Hindus who speak fusha very well (I think Narisamo Rao could speak fluent Arabic).

You seem to be idealizing Jamat and putting them on some sort of pedestal and status of exclusive knowledge which they do not have.

By the way Hizbut Tahreer have a far more sane official lane on 1971 recognizing West Pakistani mistreatment of the eastern wing.

I wasn't trying to idealize Jamaat; only wanted you to tell me your opinion on that matter and you did just that. Thank you.
2. Tableeghi Jamat who are Deobandis doctrinally are pro-Awami e.g. the land for the annual Tableeghi ijtima was given by Mujib.

Tableegh is PURE religious movement to teach people about Islam and their duties. No political connection or bias what so ever. You have made pile of garbage claims, provide the proof for your claim. Just when your blatant lie get challenged, calling people "jamaati" is NOT proof for anything.
Jamat is from Indian origin, congress agent. We have vanquished that evil from our territory. There is no place of Jamati Vondos initiated by Maododi( masked son of Congress) in the territory of Bangladesh. So, there is no turbid water for India to catch fish there. Jamat is a enemy against the Muslim Leaugue, ancient united Pakistani Nation, Present Bangladeshi Nation, believer of Pan Indianism and enemy to our community to kill us by the enemies by making the plots for the enemy. We know them well. We know all the actual planners. Jamati Vondos will not be in percentage in our country, But Mon Mohan Singh has said twenty five percent Bangladeshis are Jamati, which one is a ball-ant lie and full of the purpose of the sin. We are very alert about this comments. There is no residual effect in our Nation which can be used by the aggressors to divide us. If we can present the history of the establishment of Vondo Jamati to oppose the Lahore resolution(Basis of our independence), this Jamati Vondo will be vanquished from the history of Bangladesh territory forever. We must do that. So, there is no confusion. We must destroy all the tricks of the Jamati Vondos and their Fathers. We are the Bangladeshi.
I saw in a news that Ghulam, Azam were accused for waving Pakistani flag on his roof top, thats some years back so everyone can understand who they hate who they love.

So if i fly Pakistani flag on my roof, i am a traitor? :confused: what kind of accusation is that? And anyway, we all know that this whole thing is a political stunt, a few years ago, Hasina was sharing votes with JI like they are best friends. Regardless, all these 3 parties should be crippled, no matter how(yes we have come to a point where we have to force them out with lame accusations) and lets say we are 1/3rd there now.
So if i fly Pakistani flag on my roof, i am a traitor? :confused: what kind of accusation is that? And anyway, we all know that this whole thing is a political stunt, a few years ago, Hasina was sharing votes with JI like they are best friends. Regardless, all these 3 parties should be crippled, no matter how(yes we have come to a point where we have to force them out with lame accusations) and lets say we are 1/3rd there now.

Why u wll fly any other countries flag with a mind of traitory. We fly some latin american flagsin times of World Cup. But if u r a traitor and we can clearly see that which countries' traitor u r then there should be accusation.
Awami league took them as an ally just for kick out Bnp gov. You will see that time Bnp Gov. became so powerful.They didnt wanted to leave power. They tried to go for 2nd time with a false vote.
Awami league just started to get back to its days. So it needed help from others. Ya we can understand what was inside the 2 party. They made ally for their own reason.
But I agree that all these parties need a massive purification.
Why u wll fly any other countries flag with a mind of traitory. We fly some latin american flagsin times of World Cup. But if u r a traitor and we can clearly see that which countries' traitor u r then there should be accusation.
Awami league took them as an ally just for kick out Bnp gov. You will see that time Bnp Gov. became so powerful.They didnt wanted to leave power. They tried to go for 2nd time with a false vote.
Awami league just started to get back to its days. So it needed help from others. Ya we can understand what was inside the 2 party. They made ally for their own reason.
But I agree that all these parties need a massive purification.

No not really, this is a free world, and every one is allowed to express their feelings. If they think they are Pakistanis in heart then i couldn't care less, its upto them. Accusing them over flying a flag is pretty dumb if you ask me.

So where was AL's patriotism then? now they are just taking revenge because JI took the side of BNP. AL isn't as nationalist as many people think it is. All parties are corrupted as hell and only greed for power and/or money.
No one can purify these scums, all we can hope is that all these 3 parties destroys themselves in their infighting.
Some malaunic bigots like @Hammer-fist who can't even read or write Bengali is giving others doses of patriotism & identifying traitors. What an extreme case of bigotry, dogmatic lunacy and extremism. I know U put people who don't agree with U on ignore list. That's the easy way out for coward, bigoted clowns with a sell out narrow mentality like a frog at the Bottom of the Well.:coffee:
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Some malaunic bigots like @Hammer-fist who can't even read or write Bengali is giving others doses of patriotism & identifying traitors. What an extreme case of bigotry, dogmatic lunacy and extremism. I know U put people who don't agree with U on ignore list. That's the easy way out for coward, bigoted clowns with a sell out narrow mentality like a frog at the Bottom of the Well.:coffee:

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Jamat is from Indian origin, congress agent. We have vanquished that evil from our territory. There is no place of Jamati Vondos initiated by Maododi( masked son of Congress) in the territory of Bangladesh. So, there is no turbid water for India to catch fish there. Jamat is a enemy against the Muslim Leaugue, ancient united Pakistani Nation, Present Bangladeshi Nation, believer of Pan Indianism and enemy to our community to kill us by the enemies by making the plots for the enemy. We know them well. We know all the actual planners. Jamati Vondos will not be in percentage in our country, But Mon Mohan Singh has said twenty five percent Bangladeshis are Jamati, which one is a ball-ant lie and full of the purpose of the sin. We are very alert about this comments. There is no residual effect in our Nation which can be used by the aggressors to divide us. If we can present the history of the establishment of Vondo Jamati to oppose the Lahore resolution(Basis of our independence), this Jamati Vondo will be vanquished from the history of Bangladesh territory forever. We must do that. So, there is no confusion. We must destroy all the tricks of the Jamati Vondos and their Fathers. We are the Bangladeshi.
Bah ! Bah !! Bah !!! remarkable pop up of the Continuator guy. So the 'Paler Guda' of Dravid, why AWAMYS weren't Indian as it got into the grip of Scion/Culin Hindus of IND right after its formation? If 'birth' was a mortal sin then Mon Mohan, Advani, Juity Basu were the bigger of the sinners, no? But didn't we LEARN that 'Janmo Hauk Jotha Tota, Kormo hauk Valo'? Having asked that, I got more curious to learn how Jamaati became Congress's agent when AWAMYS were about to hang their leaders for being W Pakistani agents? Bhai, did U get an explanation for Jamati being Pan Indian or their vondoness or how they were playing tricks while they their children were being killed right; left and center by the proven Indian agents, fake Muktijudder Chetana walas and the worst tricky people?
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