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Jamaat e Islami :- Protest against blasphemy movie

The situation si very bad right now..Parts of Karachi have turned into war zone
The rally was Stipped near PIDC and the Consulate is surrounded by a wall of containers,police commandos on to of the containers,and Rangers a the back of the defensive wall in case anybody breaches the security..
PIDC is seeing most of the action..Police shelling continuously,aerial firing and pushing back the rally,but looks like the people in the rally are determined and they are pushing ahead regardless.
Go JI Go, and I don't mean that like Go USA Go as they say in Pakistan.

This is nothing but mass hysteria.
Pakistani security forces are doing what they can to protect the US staff who are responsiblity of Pakistan under international agreements..Security arrangements are multi layered. There wont be another Libya in Pakistan.
At the same time Supreme court has legally banned the movie in Pakistan.
Pakistani security forces are doing what they can to protect the US staff who are responsiblity of Pakistan under international agreements..Security arrangements are multi layered. There wont be another Libya in Pakistan.
At the same time Supreme court has legally banned the movie in Pakistan.
libya already happened in 1979 in isb.

1979: Mob destroys US embassy in Pakistan
A mob in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, has burned the US Embassy to the ground, killing a US marine.

even in 1979 no embassy staff was hurt...so wrong compsrison.
The United States has condemned the video. It was not made by the U.S. Government, but by some anti Muslim Coptic idiots who have been taken to task. The U.S government had nothing to do with it.

So why are Pakistanis and Muslims of other countries venting their anger at the U.S? Just because some American douche-bags produced a movie in secret and exhibited it on You Tube?

I don't hold a brief for the US of A, but I think this is foolish and mindless violence against American assets. If anything, they should have protested against the producers of the film and NOT the U.S. Government who had nothing to do with it.
The situation si very bad right now..Parts of Karachi have turned into war zone..
The rally was Stipped near PIDC and the Consulate is surrounded by a wall of containers,police commandos on to of the containers,and Rangers a the back of the defensive wall in case anybody breaches the security..
PIDC is seeing most of the action..Police shelling continuously,aerial firing and pushing back the rally,but looks like the people in the rally are determined and they are pushing ahead regardless.

Kabza groups started their work in Karachi.

We had a peaceful protest in our city.
The situation si very bad right now..Parts of Karachi have turned into war zone
:rofl: i have seen worse protests against zardari. Its nothing new. Violent protests are a common occurrence. Its going to dull down after a while...Meh!
Kabza groups started their work in Karachi.

We had a peaceful protest in our city.

Government should put laws in the country and enforce them to demilitarize ALL parties. No party should be armed to teeth like it is in Pakistan. Weapons don't belong to political parties. These nut cases use these weapons to terrorize common people and kill others. These militias so to speak (MQM, Jamaat-e-Islami, etc) are not good for Pakistan. Especially if it wants to progress towards a better Pakistan and a better economy. Investors don't come to a country where killing of people is a daily thing and people with weapons can go and ask for ransom money as they please. A weapon free Pakistan is MUCH needed to prosper. The market, talent and the support system is all there if Pakistan can control its internal security situation. Put MAXIMUM penalties for people carrying weapons, gang warfare and terrorist acts. You'll see results VERY quickly.

They killed one American and two Pakistani embassy staff.

That was before the drone strikes, before American troops in Afghanistan, before Osama raid, before salalah, before india US nuke deal, infact that was when US and Pakistan were the best of friends, US funds and weapons were free flow in Pakistan and even then all the anger was taken out by Pakistanis on US embassy - when the actual attackers on their holy site were muslims from Saudi Arabia.

Shows that the REAL ISSUE is something else. Can a true pakistani please stand up and tell us what the real issue is?
The United States has condemned the video. It was not made by the U.S. Government, but by some anti Muslim Coptic idiots who have been taken to task. The U.S government had nothing to do with it.

So why are Pakistanis and Muslims of other countries venting their anger at the U.S? Just because some American douche-bags produced a movie in secret and exhibited it on You Tube?

I don't hold a brief for the US of A, but I think this is foolish and mindless violence against American assets. If anything, they should have protested against the producers of the film and NOT the U.S. Government who had nothing to do with it.

This is a more complex issue than just wondering 'why'. On one hand, you have these crazy clerics / mullahs who'll call for these violent demonstration in a heart beat. It's not limited to the US, it's about everything. That's how they keep in power. Even in the US, you have sects of Christianity who believe in supremacy and these guys donate a LOT of money for their causes and have lobbies to get things done (like starting the Iraq war, etc)
In the case of the Arab world, it's the lack of tolerance. I disagree with the violence as it serves no purpose. I think a better message would be, if these MASSES of people sat down all day in front of the embassies and used their right to protest. WITHOUT harming anyone (including the Americans) and destroying assets. I think the message would come across. By acting with emotions, these people have shown emotional, unstable mentality that the people who produced the video, wanted to show to the world. If you read Islamic history, there was a lot of harms done to Mohammed according to books on his life. But he responded with kindness. So if that was him doing it, why the same people who follow him....can''t follow his way and show mercy, kindness and respect? This is where the fundamental and emotional side of people kicks in and goes beyond what their religion called them to do.
On the other hand, some folks with vision and patience have debated with me, how far can freedom of free speech go? In some's minds, people who made the videos, knew the hurt feelings and response in such a way. But they did it, knowing it will put American lives in danger. Now you have very respectful public servants dead due to the decision made by a few people. So this video now aided in murders of American and thus, becomes accessory to murder (as makers put American lives in the harms way knowing there may be killings of Americans). So in my opinion, free speech is good as far as it's not being done to create hate and aid in killing of others (in this case the Americans who perished serving their country and fulfilling their oath and commitment to the US)
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