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J&K: Infiltrators occupy Indian village along the LoC, say sources

Pakistan Army denies infiltration attempts from across the LoC


Pakistan dismissed as 'baseless' India's accusation that its troops were involved in massive infiltration attempts across the LoC into Jammu and Kashmir, on Thursday.

"No such thing happened at all. This is a blatant lie. We totally deny this baseless allegation," a Pakistani military spokesperson told PTI.

Foreign Office spokesman Aizaz Chaudhry too described the charge as 'baseless allegations' and insisted that Pakistan will not allow its territory to be used against any other country.

Five Indian soldiers were injured in counter-infiltration operations launched in Keran sector of Jammu and Kashmir nine days ago after 30 to 40 terrorists allegedly tried to cross the Line of Control (LoC) at multiple points on the night of September 24.

Lt Gen Gurmit Singh, General Officer Commanding of the Indian Army's 15 Corps, said there were definite indications that some Pakistani special troops were part of the infiltration attempts.

He said an analysis of the latest infiltration bid indicated the involvement of a Border Action Team (BAT), a mixture of Pakistani regulars and militants.

"I can only say, analysing the methodology of this infiltration, it was not a pure infiltration (attempt). It was a BAT-cum-infiltration (bid). The number of militants who attempted this infiltration was rather large," he said.

"In fact, yesterday night, 10 to 12 militants tried to sneak into the cordoned off area from across," he said.

The latest infiltration attempts came in the wake of tensions that erupted along the LoC after five Indian soldiers were killed in an attack by Pakistani troops in August. Both sides have accused each other of violating a 2003 ceasefire along the LoC.

Pakistan Army denies infiltration attempts from across the LoC - Indian Express
:lol: I am not responsible for what you see and interpret dude. And then, are you seeing less when more exists? Are you missing the wood for the trees and are not able to connect the dots..There is no end to possibilities now, is it?? ;)

Neither are we , for what you hear while buying intoxicants :D What I see is what everyone can see in every other thread , it isn't something ambiguous or hidden that a certain poster " rumors " about 10-20 soldiers killed on the other side and the detail not been released by any party . Nothing more exists , if there was , your sensationalist media would have let us know . After all , they can even get live feeds of operations and transcripts and intelligence reports for Indians " viewing pleasure " now . Neither to the human imaginations and dreams too .
Neither are we , for what you hear while buying intoxicants :D
No one accused you of that anyway :)

What I see is what everyone can see in every other thread , it isn't something ambiguous or hidden that a certain poster " rumors " about 10-20 soldiers killed on the other side and the detail not been released by any party .
Done it twice. Turned out right both times.

Nothing more exists , if there was , your sensationalist media would have let us know . After all , they can even get live feeds of operations and transcripts and intelligence reports for Indians " viewing pleasure " now . Neither to the human imaginations and dreams too .

:lol: Indian army has reported killing 15 of the infiltrators.. What else are you looking for? Name, rank and serial number ;) ?
Done it twice. Turned out right both times.

:lol: Indian army has reported killing 15 of the infiltrators.. What else are you looking for? Name, rank and serial number ;) ?

Yeah you did , just as I said no end to human imagination , delusions and made stories too :D - not to mention seeing more things when little exists .

Are they blaming this on Pakistani regulars now ? Didn't see that one . Nah , just dead bodies , haven't recovered them yet ? I thought the infiltrators infiltrated somewhere on 23 September .
Yeah you did , just as I said no end to human imagination , delusions and made stories too :D - not to mention seeing more things when little exists .

Imagination is just one step away from discovery.. ;)

Are they blaming this on Pakistani regulars now ? Didn't see that one . Nah , just dead bodies , haven't recovered them yet ? I thought the infiltrators infiltrated somewhere on 23 September .
Yes, Yes, and Yes
New Delhi: The ongoing Army operation against infiltrators from Pakistan in Keran sector of Jammu and Kashmir's Kupwara district entered eleventh day on Friday, with highly-placed sources saying the counter-offensive was in the final stages.

The latest infiltration attempt reportedly involves between 30 and 40 militants and Pak special forces troops, who entered the Indian territory on September 24 and occupied an abandoned village along the Line of Control.

The incident is being labelled by many as Pakistan's attempt to do a second Kargil in the state.

Army sources said intermittent firing continued in Shala Batu village between infiltrators and 1300 Gurkha Rifles jawans. The fighting has been going on in a one square kilometre area.

The Army has been cautiously carrying out the operation since there are fears the infiltrators may have mined the area.

Till now, five Army soldiers have been injured in the operation in which 12 infiltrators are reported have been killed. However, no bodies have been recovered from the area so far and the Army believes infiltrators could have taken them back across the LoC.

The Pakistani Army has refuted the claims that its special troops were involved in the infiltration. The Indian Army suspects Pakistan's Border Action Team could be involved in the incident.

Ironically, the infiltration took place just ahead of the crucial meeting between the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan in New York on September 29, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Meanwhile, the Army today foiled another infiltration bid in Keran sector, killing two militants, a defence spokesman said.
Jammu and Kashmir: Encounter on LoC enters final stages
Pakistani terrorists getting desperate before the onset of winters :)
Till now, five Army soldiers have been injured in the operation in which 12 infiltrators are reported have been killed. However, no bodies have been recovered from the area so far and the Army believes infiltrators could have taken them back across the LoC.

This doesn't make sense.... It just tells us that the Indian Army is hiding the truth.
This thread is changing titles like a girl changes clothes.
This doesn't make sense.... It just tells us that the Indian Army is hiding the truth.

Dude.. the encounter is still going on. How do you expect for the bodies to be retrieved?
The fierce gunfight in Kashmir’s Keran sector that looked like a massive infiltration attempt 10 days ago has now snowballed into a battle for “territorial control” between the Indian Army and Pakistan-backed terrorists, a security official told Hindustan Times.

“The sheer force of firing by a large group of about 40 well-trained terrorists, being helped by Pakistan’s special forces, has forced the army out of some of its vantage positions,’’ the official said of the incident that has prompted some to draw to comparisions with crossborder intrusions that led to the Kargil war.

related story

Jammu and Kashmir incursion: it is all silent in ghost village
The intrusion in the frontier district of Kupwara in Jammu and Kashmir has been reported within days of India and Pakistan agreeing to resolve tension along the Line of Control, which has seen a spike in ceasefire violations this year.

The army, however, denied being pushed out of its posts.

"(The) situation is not anywhere close to Kargil," said Gen. Bikram Singh, chief of Indian Army.

“We are dominating from all sides. They (intruders) are holed up there. We will take them out," he said. "It's a matter of time. All such operations take time."

New Delhi-based IANS news service said two militants were killed in the gunfire reported early Friday.

Indian troops have been locked in a major gun battle with about 30-40 terrorists and suspected Pakistan army special forces since September 23 -- almost a week before Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was to meet his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif in New York on September 29.

Reports on Thursday said 10-12 more infiltrators had joined the terrorists.

The army has laid a cordon to prevent the infiltrators from sneaking into the Kashmir Valley but the focus now is on reclaiming territory and pushing the infiltrators back across the line of control breached at multiple points.

Speaking to PTI in Islamabad, a Pakistani army spokesman denied its involvement as “baseless and a blatant lie’’. A military source, however, admitted that the audacious infiltration attempt was made last week as that particular part of the LoC was vulnerable with a rotation of units underway.

The bid was made when 3/3 Gorkha Rifles, deployed in the Karen sector for almost three years, was making way for 20 Kumaon.

Sometimes units tend to drop guard at the fag-end of the LoC tenure and terrorists attempt to exploit that ‘window’, a senior army official told HT.

On August 6, too, five Indian soldiers were killed in a cross-border raid in the Poonch sector during a changeover.

The gun battle in Karen is showing no signs of abating. The army, a government official told HT, was not willing to set a time frame.

That the standoff in the heights of Keran that are also heavily wooded is different from previous infiltration attempts was clear when Lt Gen Gurmeet Singh, GoC, 15 Corps, spoke to mediapersons on Wednesday. He didn’t deny the fact that while bodies of infiltrators had been spotted, they had not been retrieved.

He confirmed that the daring infiltration bid and the firepower of the intruders clearly indicated the support of Pakistani special forces.

Indian army sources said sporadic firing was still on and the gun battle would continue for at least a couple of days. “The operation is entering its terminal stage and could take another 12 to 36 hours,’’ said the army spokesperson.

Kashmir gunfight on, army chief says no Kargil-like situation - Hindustan Times

Wow...that is a rather Big Catch .... 30 -40 terrorists + 10 of them all holed up and surrounded ? This really sounds to me like a mouse trap ... Like the Army was expecting this .....
Army foils another infiltration bid in Keran sector in Kashmir, 7 militants killed.
Associated Press : New Delhi, Sat Oct 05 2013, 15:46 hrs

The area near the Line of Control is tightly cordoned after 30-40 militants had tried to sneak in for a likely raid on an Indian patrol party.

The Indian army said on Saturday that it killed seven militants in two separate gunbattles along the Line of Control (LoC) in Keran sector of Kashmir, as the operation against the infiltrating ultras in the area entered the 12th day.
Related: Army patrol was the likely target in Keran

Three rebels were killed on Friday in another clash near the border, said the officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, in line with military policy.

He said the Indian army recovered the 6 bodies and some weapons.

The Indian army says a large number of insurgents trained and armed by Pakistani forces try to enter Indian territory each year around this time, before snow starts blocking Himalayan passes and their movement. Pakistan denies the charge.

The latest fighting occurred near the abandoned border village of Shala Bhata, where the army says its troops have been battling dozens of armed rebels for 12 days.

There was no independent confirmation of the incidents.

Lt. Gen. Gurmeet Singh, an Indian army commander in Kashmir, said on Wednesday that Indian soldiers encountered up to 40 rebels on Sept. 24 in Shala Bhata.

He said 12 militants were killed and five Indian soldiers wounded in the fighting at Shala Bhata, which is about 150 kilometers (95 miles) northwest of Srinagar, the main city in Indian-held Kashmir.

The commander denied Indian media reports that some Pakistani soldiers had occupied the village or any Indian military outposts there.

However, he suggested that some Pakistani special troops might be among the infiltrators.

The Pakistani military denied its troops had crossed the into Indian territory.

A senior Indian police officer, however, said some intruders had occupied some forward Indian posts in Shala Bhata. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

A 2003 cease-fire agreement between India and Pakistan has largely calmed the Kashmir border issue. But the two sides occasionally accuse each other of violating it by firing mortars or gunshots.

Intermittent exchange of fire between ultras and troops was going on in the sector where the operation against the infiltrating militants entered the 12th day on Saturday.

A group of heavily-armed militants had tried to infiltrate into Kashmir through Keran sector on September 24 but were intercepted by the Army.

(With PTI inputs)

Army foils another infiltration bid in Keran sector in Kashmir, 7 militants killed - Indian Express
Army foils another infiltration bid in Keran sector in Kashmir, 7 militants killed.
Associated Press : New Delhi, Sat Oct 05 2013, 15:46 hrs

The area near the Line of Control is tightly cordoned after 30-40 militants had tried to sneak in for a likely raid on an Indian patrol party.

The Indian army said on Saturday that it killed seven militants in two separate gunbattles along the Line of Control (LoC) in Keran sector of Kashmir, as the operation against the infiltrating ultras in the area entered the 12th day.
Related: Army patrol was the likely target in Keran

Three rebels were killed on Friday in another clash near the border, said the officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, in line with military policy.

He said the Indian army recovered the 6 bodies and some weapons.

The Indian army says a large number of insurgents trained and armed by Pakistani forces try to enter Indian territory each year around this time, before snow starts blocking Himalayan passes and their movement. Pakistan denies the charge.

The latest fighting occurred near the abandoned border village of Shala Bhata, where the army says its troops have been battling dozens of armed rebels for 12 days.

There was no independent confirmation of the incidents.

Lt. Gen. Gurmeet Singh, an Indian army commander in Kashmir, said on Wednesday that Indian soldiers encountered up to 40 rebels on Sept. 24 in Shala Bhata.

He said 12 militants were killed and five Indian soldiers wounded in the fighting at Shala Bhata, which is about 150 kilometers (95 miles) northwest of Srinagar, the main city in Indian-held Kashmir.

The commander denied Indian media reports that some Pakistani soldiers had occupied the village or any Indian military outposts there.

However, he suggested that some Pakistani special troops might be among the infiltrators.

The Pakistani military denied its troops had crossed the into Indian territory.

A senior Indian police officer, however, said some intruders had occupied some forward Indian posts in Shala Bhata. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

A 2003 cease-fire agreement between India and Pakistan has largely calmed the Kashmir border issue. But the two sides occasionally accuse each other of violating it by firing mortars or gunshots.

Intermittent exchange of fire between ultras and troops was going on in the sector where the operation against the infiltrating militants entered the 12th day on Saturday.

A group of heavily-armed militants had tried to infiltrate into Kashmir through Keran sector on September 24 but were intercepted by the Army.

(With PTI inputs)

Army foils another infiltration bid in Keran sector in Kashmir, 7 militants killed - Indian Express

poor farmers getting killed again by this savage army.
poor farmers getting killed again by this savage army.

You would have to be a ****-poor farmer to be cultivating crops in a rocky, mountainous region with little to no arable land which is also right in the middle of a armed flashpoint between two nuclear armed nations.
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