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J-31 stealth fighter designed for export, says PLA admiral

Not sure what kind of maintenance 'headaches' are you talking about here. Flightline maintenance takes priority, meaning in designing components, ease of remove/replace takes priority. This is known as 'organizational' level. People at this level are neither trained nor expected to delve into the innards of any component. They are to simply troubleshoot any issue down to the sub-system level, pull out the part, and install a replacement. It could be a hydraulic actuator or a flight control computer. They not supposed to dissect the actuator or the computer to find out what went wrong inside that caused problems outside.

It sounds simplistic but actually at the aircraft or organizational level, maintainers do more than just R and R. The greater the integration of sub-systems to produce an aircraft that removes as much as possible the chores of flying from the pilot, the more difficult it is to troubleshoot problems as often sub-systems demands the same data and/or produces the same data for other sub-systems to use. So when a problem does occur as evidenced by a warning light or an anomalous flying condition/response, the trick is to isolate which data that is faulty.

It is at the component repair level -- off flightline -- is where the AESA system will be taken apart and automatic test stations will perform the necessary checks prior to disassembly by the technician. Then if necessary, the part may be sent back to the manufacturer.

Any supposed 'disadvantages' the AESA concept have are far far outweighed by the operational and tactical advantages, especially in the military arena. On the civilian side, in high traffic situations like an airport or even ground car traffic monitoring system, multiple beams and rapid deployments of those beams enhances awareness of every target within radar view and gives the operator increases response time for any traffic conflictions, ground or air. Civil engineers designing a more efficient traffic deconfliction system, fancy phrasing for stop/go lights and roads, will benefit from having the flexibility of an AESA system at their disposal. They can better monitor the rate of vehicle flow and even the sizes of vehicles at any given time of day.

In air combat, having seen the AESA performed under real world condition, I dare say that any PESA-ed fighter might as well signed its own death warrant if it goes up against an AESA-ed opponent.

PESA is done for. It does have its usefulness in certain situations but that is like saying the horse drawn wagon does have its usefulness. If I could get back to aviation today, I would not work on any PESA related project. Pfffttt....

Sounds like a lot of BS from you .

In air combat, having seen the AESA performed under real world condition, I dare say that any PESA-ed fighter might as well signed its own death warrant if it goes up against an AESA-ed opponent.

That remains to be seen... especially ,with australian defence analysts saying that Su-35BM is superior to F-35. In 15-30 years ,PESA will be obsolete and my sources have AESA still have many issues to work out . Did you read my entire posts.
Sounds like a lot of BS from you .

That remains to be seen... especially ,with australian defence analysts saying that Su-35BM is superior to F-35. In 15-30 years ,PESA will be obsolete and my sources have AESA still have many issues to work out . Did you read my entire posts.
Yeah...Sounds like a lot of BS from you...
Yeah... same for you.... BS...
This is one of the stupid ones you dug up...

Low Probability of Intercept Radars Explained
With an AESA set, on paper, each transmit/receive module is it's own radar; but you need controllers for them; usually on the count of one for every four modules. So, a F-22 with a 1,500 module AESA array would effectively have 375 radar sets to play with at any one time.

However, there are severe drawbacks to AESA as of the writing of this document (2009). Current yield levels of AESA transmitter/receiver chips is about 60%, leaving the remaining 40% of chips manufactured as defective....at about $2,000 dollars each. And this is factory reliability. By the time the radar set is assembled and run through it's tests, even fewer of the chips work.

This is why many nations continue to pick PESA technology over AESA; because not only are hardware yields higher, but the software that goes with them is far more mature, and the various quirks are well-known, even if the PESA sets do require more maintenance (magnetrons and waveguides) over AESA ones.
Whoever wrote that tripe must NOT have heard of Quality Assurance (QA), especially stupid is when he said: 'By the time the radar set is assembled and run through it's tests, even fewer of the chips work.'

He assumed that all modules are just simply assembled willy-nilly without a care as to if any works or not. So according to his ignorance based declaration, every F-22 out there is flying with nearly half T/R modules inop.

Wow...!!! :lol:
This is one of the stupid ones you dug up...

Low Probability of Intercept Radars Explained

Whoever wrote that tripe must NOT have heard of Quality Assurance (QA), especially stupid is when he said: 'By the time the radar set is assembled and run through it's tests, even fewer of the chips work.'

He assumed that all modules are just simply assembled willy-nilly without a care as to if any works or not. So according to his ignorance based declaration, every F-22 out there is flying with nearly half T/R modules inop.

Wow...!!! :lol:


Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar; Phillip E. Pace

Dr. Phil E. Pace is Professor and Director of the Center for Joint Services Electronic Warfare, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. He received his BS and MS degrees at Ohio University, and the Ph.D. from University of Cincinnati. He teaches in the fields of Electronic Warfare, signal processing, radar systems, digital receivers and LPI emitters. He is a significant publication record, including the texts, Advanced Techniques for Digital Receivers, and Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar. He received the AOC Academic Training Award in 1995.

^^^the work that guy has written is on basis of Philip Pace, whos director at center of electronic warfare,and works in the field LPI emitters. Has better knowledge than you stupid.

Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar; Phillip E. Pace

Dr. Phil E. Pace is Professor and Director of the Center for Joint Services Electronic Warfare, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. He received his BS and MS degrees at Ohio University, and the Ph.D. from University of Cincinnati. He teaches in the fields of Electronic Warfare, signal processing, radar systems, digital receivers and LPI emitters. He is a significant publication record, including the texts, Advanced Techniques for Digital Receivers, and Detecting and Classifying Low Probability of Intercept Radar. He received the AOC Academic Training Award in 1995.

^^^the work that guy has written is on basis of Philip Pace, whos director at center of electronic warfare,and works in the field LPI emitters. Has better knowledge than you stupid.
I do not care who/what he is. If he make a stupid commentary, he will be called upon.

You brought it on. Now YOU defend it.
I do not care who/what he is. If he make a stupid commentary, he will be called upon.

You brought it on. Now YOU defend it.

I have listed my sources and basis on which the works were made.How about you contact the author or Mr.Philip Pace who is involved in development of LPI emitters and electronic warfare. Far better credentials than you could have.

And on Quality assurance:

Nov. 9, 2011 2:50pm Buck Sexton
The U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee has found that counterfeit electronic parts are finding their way into the U.S. military supply chain at an alarming rate.

Made in China: U.S. Military Finding Fake Chinese Electronics in Gear
SH-60B Seahawk
The Senate released a report that claims that on 1,800 separate occasions, the U.S. military or contractors have purchased electronics materials for defense systems that were either fake or poorly recycled.

In some cases, defective chips made their way into critical U.S. weapons and navigation systems. The examples could provide a serious wake-up call to defense contractors and others involved in the military supply chain. In one instance highlighted by the Senate report, it was pointed out that, on September 8th, the defense contractor Raytheon notified the Navy of the following:
‘Made in China’: U.S. Military Finding Fake Chinese Electronics in Gear At Alarming Rate | TheBlaze.com

Levin: Chinese counterfeit chips pose major threat to Pentagon weapons - Nextgov.com

^^^ is this the quality assurance of USA lol.....:omghaha::omghaha: Fake chips in weapons systems...lol...
I have listed my sources and basis on which the works were made.How about you contact the author or Mr.Philip Pace who is involved in development of LPI emitters and electronic warfare. Far better credentials than you could have.
Your source was not Dr. Phillip Pace, but a website that cited Pace's TEXT BOOK.

I looked at that web site over, and now I do not think that this phrase...

However, there are severe drawbacks to AESA as of the writing of this document (2009). Current yield levels of AESA transmitter/receiver chips is about 60%, leaving the remaining 40% of chips manufactured as defective....at about $2,000 dollars each. And this is factory reliability. By the time the radar set is assembled and run through it's tests, even fewer of the chips work.
...Came from Pace's text book.

A text book should not have this '...' as part of its technical exposition. It sounded like whoever wrote that web site, he cobbled together ideas and arguments from elsewhere. If he properly cited Pace's text book, he would have given chapter, pages, and even paragraph.

And on Quality assurance:

Levin: Chinese counterfeit chips pose major threat to Pentagon weapons - Nextgov.com

^^^ is this the quality assurance of USA lol.....:omghaha::omghaha: Fake chips in weapons systems...lol...
So what? US manufacturors victims of fraud is something unique to the US? Want me to start digging into India? This is actually more a black mark against China than against US.

You must really be that desperate to escape wherever you are at that the only joy you have is to dig at US through the Internet. You want to turn this into a debate about US? Take a look at the debates about your India before you start.
In air combat, having seen the AESA performed under real world condition, I dare say that any PESA-ed fighter might as well signed its own death warrant if it goes up against an AESA-ed opponent.

What does that say about mechanically scanned radared opponents? If that is true, why would so many state of the art fighters field mechanical radars (the Eurofighter typhoon, for instance)?

If AESA is a silver bullet that ensures invincibility in air combat, and nothing else matters, then all countries should focus all their research on AESA radars alone, right?

Why build such sophisticated airframes like that of the typhoon or Rafale, instead of simply putting an AESA on an older aircraft like the F-16 or mirage-2000?
Your source was not Dr. Phillip Pace, but a website that cited Pace's TEXT BOOK.

I looked at that web site over, and now I do not think that this phrase...

...Came from Pace's text book.

A text book should not have this '...' as part of its technical exposition. It sounded like whoever wrote that web site, he cobbled together ideas and arguments from elsewhere. If he properly cited Pace's text book, he would have given chapter, pages, and even paragraph.

So what? US manufacturors victims of fraud is something unique to the US? Want me to start digging into India? This is actually more a black mark against China than against US.

You must really be that desperate to escape wherever you are at that the only joy you have is to dig at US through the Internet. You want to turn this into a debate about US? Take a look at the debates about your India before you start.

the burden of proof is on you ,you claim of quality assurances ,but the fake chips prove otherwise and proves that contractors are cutting corners instead of strengthening their supply chain. Seems to pretty near to what the author is saying. And you have no proof otherwise.
the burden of proof is on you ,you claims of quality assurances ,but the fake chips prove otherwise and proves that contractors are cutting corners instead of strengthening their supply chain. Seems to pretty near to what the author is saying. And you have no proof otherwise.
You obviously do not understand how manufacturing works. QA is vital for every reputable company. But that does not immunize them and their customers from fraud, material defects, manufacturing inefficiency, and many other factors. Fraudulent electronics is the burden of the manufacturer, not of the client, which in this case is the US military.

You are nothing more than just another of many anti-US trolls who are incapable of confining any debate, especially the technical ones, to its subject. To you and your ilk, everything that is wrong must somehow be attributed to be the national character of the US. You are simply an ignorant child.
What does that say about mechanically scanned radared opponents? If that is true, why would so many state of the art fighters field mechanical radars (the Eurofighter typhoon, for instance)?
Because at the time of product closure, meaning the product and its line is technically locked, mechanical systems were all the only things available. You have to understand that not every subcontractor can meet your demand even if a superior design is available. The US was certainly not going to share our top AESA design and if there were no one in Europe capable of mass producing AESA systems, what am I to do? Suspend production and stiff the taxpayers?

If AESA is a silver bullet that ensures invincibility in air combat, and nothing else matters, then all countries should focus all their research on AESA radars alone, right?

Why build such sophisticated airframes like that of the typhoon or Rafale, instead of simply putting an AESA on an older aircraft like the F-16 or mirage-2000?
Right...They should. But they cannot. Money.
You obviously do not understand how manufacturing works. QA is vital for every reputable company. But that does not immunize them and their customers from fraud, material defects, manufacturing inefficiency, and many other factors. Fraudulent electronics is the burden of the manufacturer, not of the client, which in this case is the US military.

You are nothing more than just another of many anti-US trolls who are incapable of confining any debate, especially the technical ones, to its subject. To you and your ilk, everything that is wrong must somehow be attributed to be the national character of the US. You are simply an ignorant child.

Yet Fake chips are entering at alarming rates lol,despite your claims otherwise. And you were the one who started attacking me.Almost of all the US numero uno fanboys take facts out of marketing brochures and go ra ra ra . And your behavior indicates that either you are senile old man or a child . USA of 1980's and USA of today are very different when there was reliability,accountability and democracy in USA ,today there isn't . I have seen huge fraud in US derivatives financial analysis and SEC statements and they make the same ridiculous claims like you. So no thanks ,I am distrustful of anything that comes from mouths of US citizens after being defrauded by MFGlobal.And you have not even contributed evidence on your assertions.
Because at the time of product closure, meaning the product and its line is technically locked, mechanical systems were all the only things available. You have to understand that not every subcontractor can meet your demand even if a superior design is available. The US was certainly not going to share our top AESA design and if there were no one in Europe capable of mass producing AESA systems, what am I to do? Suspend production and stiff the taxpayers?

Right...They should. But they cannot. Money.

What costs more money, to develop an AESA radar, or to develop a next gen airframe like Rafale?

I know that the US has the lead in sensors and electronics, but for a moment, consider only the rest of the world. Why are they all hell bent on developing new airframes, rather than an AESA, if the AESA makes all the difference?

Why wouldn't Europe use a cheap F-16 (or tornado or mirage) with an AESA, instead of the very expensive Eurofighter with a mechanically scanned radar? Surely they had the money and brains to have developed an AESA instead of the Eurofighter? Or why would Russia develop Su-35s with non AESA radars, instead of mig-35s with Zhuk-AE or Su-30 with NIIP AESA (or older, dirt cheap mig-29s with an AESA)?

Basically, what I'm trying to clarify is this - that if an AESA makes all the difference in air combat as you say, what is the need for all these uber expensive 4.5+ gen aircrafts with non AESAs? The Chinese have working AESAs, so are you saying that one of their cheap fighters (JF-17 or J-10B) with an AESA will prove invincible against heavy, twin engined aircrafts without AESAs, but nevertheless with very powerful radars?

P.S: BTW, are all the F-16s and F-15s in the USAF inventory currently flying with AESAs? The F-16IN fielded for the Indian MRCA competition had a very mature and advanced AESA. Will all the older F-16s in USAF be upgraded with that, or is it more cost effective to simply retire the older airframes as the F-35 enters service?
Yet Fake chips are entering at alarming rates lol,despite your claims otherwise. And you were the one who started attacking me.Almost of all the US numero uno fanboys take facts out of marketing brochures and go ra ra ra . And your behavior indicates that either you are senile old man or a child . USA of 1980's and USA of today are very different when there was reliability,accountability and democracy in USA ,today there isn't . I have seen huge fraud in US derivatives financial analysis and SEC statements and they make the same ridiculous claims like you. So no thanks ,I am distrustful of anything that comes from mouths of US citizens after being defrauded by MFGlobal.And you have not even contributed evidence on your assertions.
Are you being swayed by such news of fake chips, Man they have LARGEST DEFENCE BUDGET and they will go for fake e-chips ? Be Mature
Even our telecom equipments come from china because we cant fab below 0.5um,so you should respect who are world leader in fab
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