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J-20 fighters now in every Chinese Theatre Commands, overtaking F 22 in numbers soon, making it the world's largest fifth-generation fighter force

Lol. What does make the F-35? A 5.5Gen?
Not to mention the NGAD already flying.

That’s like some guy owning 4 Teslas and claiming to have the largest electric car fleet because his neighbor only has 3 Teslas.. but ignores the 20 Porche Taycans and the Rimac the neighbor has too
Nope.... Sit down kid you have been banned many times.

331 are in service. But whatever makes you sleep at night.
I guess it make you sleep better at night trying to 'downgrade' our 5th-gen inventory from 800 to 331. The bottom line is we do not take seriously any criticism from countries that produces none.
Nope.... Sit down kid you have been banned many times.

331 are in service. But whatever makes you sleep at night.
Considering he has 17 warnings over 8 years so 2 per year compared to the 3 you have over 1 year I think you’re the proverbial virgin.

And pray tell, what proof other than your repetitive tripe do you have on 331 aircraft “in service” while the rest are what? Waiting on the gas pump?

I guess it make you sleep better at night trying to 'downgrade' our 5th-gen inventory from 800 to 331. The bottom line is we do not take seriously any criticism from countries that produces none.
I guess “Norway” is either running behind in mathematics these days or the quality of Pakistanis there are really crappy.
I guess it make you sleep better at night trying to 'downgrade' our 5th-gen inventory from 800 to 331. The bottom line is we do not take seriously any criticism from countries that produces none.
Sorry but I speak truth. If i hurt your ego then I apologise. BTW could not care less about a paper tiger that lost to the Taliban :omghaha:

F-22 raptor- 178
F-35- 285
Total: 463 across air force, navy and marines. The first one I counted was only air force. But you can "upgrade" to 800 if you like? I am sure it makes you sleep better at night.

Anyways what are you doing on a Pakistani forum? You are a guest here remember that.

And pray tell, what proof other than your repetitive tripe do you have on 331 aircraft “in service” while the rest are what? Waiting on the gas pump?

Considering he has 17 warnings over 8 years so 2 per year compared to the 3 you have over 1 year I think you’re the proverbial virgin.
I have never been banned unlike him. Nor am I ever going to get banned.
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Nope.... Sit down kid you have been banned many times.

331 are in service. But whatever makes you sleep at night.

Once again, over 400 F-35As to the Air Force, 160 F-35Bs, and 90 F-35Cs.

It’s 650 total to date, and that’s rapidly rising.
Sorry but I speak truth. If i hurt your ego then I apologise. BTW could not care less about a paper tiger that lost to the Taliban :omghaha:

F-22 raptor- 178
F-35- 285
Total: 463 across air force, navy and marines. The first one I counted was only air force. But you can "upgrade" to 800 if you like? I am sure it makes you sleep better at night.

Anyways what are you doing on a Pakistani forum? You are a guest here remember that.

I have never been banned unlike him. Nor am I ever going to get banned.
Lol.. Wikipedia!
Do you even know how Wikipedia works? Have you even studied beyond high school? Wikipedia is not even considered an authentic source in most academic circles. I can make a page on YOU right now in Wikipedia and add whatever I want to on it.

Once again, over 400 F-35As to the Air Force, 160 F-35Bs, and 90 F-35Cs.

It’s 650 total to date, and that’s rapidly rising.
Kid used Wikipedia as a source. Gotta be authentic o_O
Lol.. Wikipedia!
Do you even know how Wikipedia works? Have you even studied beyond high school? Wikipedia is not even considered an authentic source in most academic circles. I can make a page on YOU right now in Wikipedia and add whatever I want to on it.

Kid used Wikipedia as a source. Gotta be authentic o_O

Go to page 33. Compare the same numbers with the wikipedia ones 😅 Very similiar right? Haha backfired pretty quickly Mr. genius? But thank you even less than the 463 5th generation on wikipedia:) Now I am looking forward to you, @gambit or @F-22Raptor providing me a source with the 800 5th generation aircraft. Imagine getting owned by a 19 year old LMAO...

You gotta push harder for that US passport. Not quite there yet. Why is your flag of origin not Pakistani. Are you ashamed of your real identity?

Go to page 33. Compare the same numbers with the wikipedia ones 😅 Very similiar right? Haha backfired pretty quickly Mr. genius? But thank you even less than the 463 5th generation on wikipedia:) Now I am looking forward to you, @gambit or @F-22Raptor providing me a source with the 800 5th generation aircraft. Imagine getting owned by a 19 year old LMAO...

You gotta push harder for that US passport. Not quite there yet. Why is your flag of origin not Pakistani. Are you ashamed of your real identity?
The first confirmation of a 19 year old comes in when they look at one source and then decide to ejaculate prematurely.

This is from last year and from the primary user

Which quotes its numbers at 283 - much ahead of the flight global estimate.
Here is another source that verifies that higher number https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...t-some-of-its-oldest-test-models-into-storage

So clearly your “ownership” landed straight on your face .. hope its not too sticky.

As for your constant worries about my passport, I am actually a proud American and unlike you am not an example of a low IQ copy paster Pakistani fradia who likely has no future beyond running a petrol station cash counter … but wait , that requires mathematics and bookkeeping which your barely educated brain cannot do yet or might never be able to.

Go to page 33. Compare the same numbers with the wikipedia ones 😅 Very similiar right? Haha backfired pretty quickly Mr. genius? But thank you even less than the 463 5th generation on wikipedia:) Now I am looking forward to you, @gambit or @F-22Raptor providing me a source with the 800 5th generation aircraft. Imagine getting owned by a 19 year old LMAO...

You gotta push harder for that US passport. Not quite there yet. Why is your flag of origin not Pakistani. Are you ashamed of your real identity?

The source is straight from Lockheed Martin. The US has over 800 total 5th Gen fighters.
Once again, over 400 F-35As to the Air Force, 160 F-35Bs, and 90 F-35Cs.

It’s 650 total to date, and that’s rapidly rising.

I know you are B*llsh*ting Cuz your math simply ain't matching right,
If 800 f35s have been delivered so far and USA operates 650 of them that would mean only 150 are operated abroad so shall we look the operators of these supposedly 150 planes :

1. Australia: 48

2 . South Korea: 40

3 . Israel: 33

4 . Norway: 31

Oh wait 😳 ... only these four make around 152 planes haven't even counted in ITALY, UK, JAPAN, DENMARK , NETHERLANDS.

So clearly not 650, more like 500-550-ish plus 153 f22s since they're retiring around 33 makes total 5th gen numbers to 700 max still WAAAYYYYY bigger than Chinese current force. But chinese have put j20 in mass production and given their production capacity they might chug 50-60 an year,with j35 around the corner and this is at the time US airforce is cutting its
own procurement.

And Apperantly some smart-a*s here said Wikipedia ain't authentic (that's true I agree with him btw), but ironic enough he hasn't provided reliable source himself to confirm the 650 f35s operational with USA claim.
And Apperantly some smart-a*s here said Wikipedia ain't authentic (that's true I agree with him btw), but ironic enough he hasn't provided reliable source himself to confirm the 650 f35s operational with USA claim.
He was actually claimed 800 operational not 650🤣
Not when India , US and all western countries recognize one China policy and have no diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

If US or India drop this one China policy. We will attack Taiwan immediately.
thanks for putting India on the same level as usa. We have come a long way.
If Pakistan or north Korea drop the 1 China policy, will you attack Taiwan ?

And we should refer to j20 as so called stealth plane, totally unproven at the moment.

The source is straight from Lockheed Martin. The US has over 800 total 5th Gen fighters.
This tweet just mentions 800th f35 has entered the fleet, Nowhere does it mention who's fleet? Cuz it states US AND ITS PARTNERS, But let's assume it is USA, it still doesn't say that it will be USA's 800th. Even for a second we believe it that combined with the ones operating outside USA would make total numbers 1000+ bit you don't see LM mention that anywhere 🤔

He was actually claimed 800 operational not 650🤣
Not sure how does someone become " eLiTe MeMbeR" over here dude clearly has comprehsion problems.

I guess it make you sleep better at night trying to 'downgrade' our 5th-gen inventory from 800 to 331. The bottom line is we do not take seriously any criticism from countries that produces none.
Aaaayyyyeeeee you got us. Not sure what's worse tho...
A country that produces non neither bragged.
Or those who produce alot yet still so insecure that they have to Blindly bloat numbers just to feel good.
After all its about "QUALITY NOT QUANTITY" as y'all would prolly say it.
This tweet just mentions 800th f35 has entered the fleet, Nowhere does it mention who's fleet? Cuz it states US AND ITS PARTNERS, But let's assume it is USA, it still doesn't say that it will be USA's 800th. Even for a second we believe it that combined with the ones operating outside USA would make total numbers 1000+ bit you don't see LM mention that anywhere 🤔

Not sure how does someone become " eLiTe MeMbeR" over here dude clearly has comprehsion problems.

Aaaayyyyeeeee you got us. Not sure what's worse tho...
A country that produces non neither bragged.
Or those who produce alot yet still so insecure that they have to Blindly bloat numbers just to feel good.
After all its about "QUALITY NOT QUANTITY" as y'all would prolly say it.

After reviewing the numbers on the F-16.net database there’s 532 total active F-35s in US inventory, not 650 as I stated earlier. The differene came down to current orders.

Regardless, that number will be approaching 600 by year end, and all of the other F-35s are delivered to allied nations that fight with the US.

Before year end, the US will have well over 700 5th Gen fighters.
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