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J-20 and T-50, which is better?



This answer to the questions is .... This is a Stupid Question..
so u r going to invest trillion $$ in j20

chinese GDP in offfical exchange rate is $5.745 trillion, and russia + india GDP is 2.9 trillion, may be you could get the picture?
Chinese technology booste is because of great amount of financial input. Overtake russian is just matter of years.
Then we could kick sorry @ss in forum all the time.
So u think money can buy you decades of technical resarch and experience LAMO..........i can only imagine what are they teaching the kids there in china.
Unfortunately your IAF chief doesn't think like you idiots, otherwise China will never need to worry about India in the long run.:azn:

Bhai you forgot Sukhoi Su-33=Shenyang J-15(print out)



This answer to the questions is .... This is a Stupid Question..

Now perhaps atleast use the tiny brains of your's for once in your life time and try to figure it out why he is the IAF chief and you guys remained as some internet Mr dumass.

IAF vice-chief prefers reverse engg to build defence systems

Bibhu Ranjan Mishra / Bangalore April 11, 2010, 0:56 IST

IAF Vice-Chief Air Marshal Pranab Kumar Barbora today suggested India should go the Chinese way by gathering technical data to produce defence equipment through reverse engineering. :lol:

Addressing a gathering at a convention of The Frontiers of Aeronautical Technologies and 61st AGM in Bangalore, Air Marshal Babora said, “Do reverse engineering. Don't be scared. Our neighbours are already doing it. If someone does not give you, and you want it, do reverse engineering.” :lol:

His comments, however, might not go down well with Americans and Europeans, who are finding it hard to protect their intellectual property rights.

Reverse engineering is a process of analysing a technology to ascertain how it was designed. The knowledge is then used to build the equipment or system or make improvements to it without using any physical part of the original.

Critical of the defence industry’s inability to be self-reliant in producing indegenous systems for defence and aerospace requirements, Air Marshal Barbora said, “We have got the best brains, but it has to be focussed to get the product.” :tup:

Prodding the defence establishment and manufacturers to go for joint ventures and get the technological knowhow of systems, Barbora said: “No country has produced fighter aircraft on its own. It has been a joint effort of like-minded countries.” :lol:

Barbora said India was technologically less literate than Russia and China because it had no access to middle-level technologies following World War-II. “Now, a lot of private players have emerged in India, but they are playing rough because of rules and regulations.”

He also asked the private sector to focus on core competence instead of trying to manufacture the entire aircraft from scratch. “We must not dilute our core competency,” he said. :rofl:

Citing China’s efforts, the Air Marshal said while the country was already producing entire airbuses, Indian companies were proud and satisfied to produce a few small parts like doors and undercarriages.

“When China can manufacture an Airbus, why not India? Though we are a major economic power to reckon with in South Asia, we have not leveraged it to bargain for greater access to aerospace technologies or attracting overseas investment through joint ventures to develop our state-run or private industry,”
he rued.:lol:

The Indian Air Force is buying equipment worth billions of dollars every year. However, the benefits of these are not reaching the private sector in the absence of a “national policy framework or national technology plan”.

“A sound national policy will enable stakeholders to work within a timeframe and deliver the equipment required for the armed forces, especially the IAF,” Barbora said.
chinese GDP in offfical exchange rate is $5.745 trillion, and russia + india GDP is 2.9 trillion, may be you could get the picture?
Chinese technology booste is because of great amount of financial input. Overtake russian is just matter of years.
Then we could kick sorry @ss in forum all the time.

China's military technology was trash prior to the 1990's, when Russia started selling China aircraft, SAMs, missle, radars, seekers, engines, and aided China in developing radars, seekers is when Chinese military got a boost.

And GDP is such a naive way of measure technological success. Israel has military technology that is considered the finest in the world, there are also a number of European countries that do not have large GDP's by any stretch yet they are able to produce technology that is top notch and yes better than China's.
chinese GDP in offfical exchange rate is $5.745 trillion, and russia + india GDP is 2.9 trillion, may be you could get the picture?
Chinese technology booste is because of great amount of financial input. Overtake russian is just matter of years.
Then we could kick sorry @ss in forum all the time.

China's military technology was trash prior to the 1990's, when Russia started selling China aircraft, SAMs, missle, radars, seekers, engines, and aided China in developing radars, seekers is when Chinese military got a boost.

And GDP is such a naive way of measure technological success. Israel has military technology that is considered the finest in the world, there are also a number of European countries that do not have large GDP's by any stretch yet they are able to produce technology that is top notch and yes better than China's.

And since India has a higher GDP that the UK can we expect India to produce better engines than Rolls Royce?
^^^^^^Brotherhood.....do magic as much as you can, but don't claim that you are better than GOD.

IAF cheif says go for Revese Engineering...correct..but he does not claim that by this we will make better planes than PAKFA.

But I am happy about you....and your country choice....
^^^^^^Brotherhood.....do magic as much as you can, but don't claim that you are better than GOD.

IAF cheif says go for Revese Engineering...correct..but he does not claim that by this we will make better planes than PAKFA.

But I am happy about you....and your country choice....
So u think money can buy you decades of technical resarch and experience LAMO..........i can only imagine what are they teaching the kids there in china.

Don't worry, it is far better then indian.
So u think money can buy you decades of technical resarch and experience LAMO..........i can only imagine what are they teaching the kids there in china.

Don't worry, it is far better then indian.
Yes we arent better than china, we have xerox machines for only to copy papers, but ur xerox machines can copy jets, arms,mobile phones,toys...

Oh, thanks for your compliments, in return as my good gesture and best wishes for our Indian friends: successfully of inventing a copying machines thats able to copy "FOOD" and "Toilets" just imagine how wonderful it will be: No more 2 million people starve to death per yr, no more 600 million indian friends suffering from the "toilets crisis",
Best regards, with love from:china:
Oh, thanks for your compliments, in return as my good gesture and best wishes for our Indian friends: successfully of inventing a copying machines thats able to copy "FOOD" and "Toilets" just imagine how wonderful it will be: No more 2 million people starve to death per yr, no more 600 million indian friends suffering from the "toilets crisis",
Best regards, with love from:china:

u counted our toilets, oh when u did it. is this debate for technology or poverty. personally i like chinises food. so wat dude
yes we have poverty in our country but the poverty line going down year by year.
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