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J-16D - China Builds Its Own 'Wild Weasel' To Suppress Air Defenses

That's what I'm saying mate
We have potent platforms for other roles....but S-400 and other high tech SAM's threaten the freedom to operate in different areas.

J-16D can help there and keep the SAM's engaged while other platforms get freedom to move in unload their payloads wherever they wish to...
I think India will respond fiercely if China sell J16 to Pakistan. Currently the Rusky bind the S400 deal with PAKFA investment, they are quite obsessed.
At this point a J-16 deal is more likely than Su-35 or F-16 for that matter. Pakistan will have to fulfill its naval requirement from China. Most likely candidates to fulfill this role are J-10 or J-16. I cannot see how Pakistan can acquire an air superiority fighter from other sources.
I am all for PAF going for J-16s but even though they are 2nd hand F-16s they can still fill the 4th gen gap. So I think PAF will skip J-16 and go straight for the J-31. For the record the J-31 V2 is one of the sexiest jet fighters I've ever seen and I prefer for PAF to acquire jet fighters from our All-Weather Iron Brother.
in layman's terms j31 cannot do the job of j16 period.

At this point a J-16 deal is more likely than Su-35 or F-16 for that matter. Pakistan will have to fulfill its naval requirement from China. Most likely candidates to fulfill this role are J-10 or J-16. I cannot see how Pakistan can acquire an air superiority fighter from other sources.
there is difference of chalk and cheese between j10 and j16. j10 is useless for us after jf17 we need j16s
in layman's terms j31 cannot do the job of j16 period.

there is difference of chalk and cheese between j10 and j16. j10 is useless for us after jf17 we need j16s

I wouldn't count out the J-10C. However I too prefer J-16 over J-10. It is the most obvious choice for protecting our CPEC assets from every perspective. It is tailor made for the job. From range to weapons and radar. The J-16 is a dream come true.
I wouldn't count out the J-10C. However I too prefer J-16 over J-10. It is the most obvious choice for protecting our CPEC assets from every perspective. It is tailor made for the job. From range to weapons and radar. The J-16 is a dream come true.

can we continue the J-16 discussion in the other thread for J-16
and only consider J-16D here?

thanks :)
@wanglaokan @maximuswarrior @Fawadqasim1 @War Thunder

You guys are all right. I forgot the J-16D can be used to jam ship and SAM radars. No to mention it can use the longest VLRAAM to date. I guess the only problem I have with the J-16D is the fact our enemy is pursuing Su-35s which have thrust vectoring tech.

I think due to our budget we should try to acquire 3-8 J-16Ds to at least train a squadron of pilots. Hopefully CPEC will turn Pakistan into an economic power and by then a J-16D version with thrust vectoring will be available to us. Only then, with a J-16D on par with a Su-35 should we buy 2 or more squadrons.
@wanglaokan @maximuswarrior @Fawadqasim1 @War Thunder

You guys are all right. I forgot the J-16D can be used to jam ship and SAM radars. No to mention it can use the longest VLRAAM to date. I guess the only problem I have with the J-16D is the fact our enemy is pursuing Su-35s which have thrust vectoring tech.

I think due to our budget we should try to acquire 3-8 J-16Ds to at least train a squadron of pilots. Hopefully CPEC will turn Pakistan into an economic power and by then a J-16D version with thrust vectoring will be available to us. Only then, with a J-16D on par with a Su-35 should we buy 2 or more squadrons.
J16D is only for SEAD and anti-ship. TVC is not a determined factor. J16D has a chance to take out Su35 in BVR. Now we will field J16D against Su35s in the excercise, will tell you the result later.
Dude read the effin OP post for God Sake and tell me who is dumb
J-16D is not a fighter but an Electronic Warfare platform and a SAM killer

Your aerial defenses are the prey

This is what happens when you jump down a thread without even reading up the details just to feel secure by chanting su 30 is better ...rafael is better

We are talking about a specialized EW platform ffs .... it has nothing to do with your su - 30 and rafaele and no they cant carry out the same role ....
Well said!! :enjoy:
That is indeed correct (concerning I'm not the and might Minister of Defence of PRC) but given the fact that there is a strict clause to NOT-export and of the Chinese-build Flankers I'm more than sure that Beijing will never break that clause even more since the J-16 is de facto an illegal copy of the MKK.

The fact that most Chinese PDF-members "endorse" this, is rather an argument, since none of You too is the Minister of Defence of PRC. If You ask the German members at the German FF, they surely all endorse the end of winter or the end of Trump's stupidity, but that tragically does not matter. None of us is in charge to decide such issues.

Consequently Your argument, China will always side-siding with Pakistan in case of need is surely correct, but that does not mean they will risk their own prosper Sino-Russian-relationship and break that contract. To transfer some of their own fighters in case of war is surely beyond that but so far there's - thank god - no need for such a dramatic decision.

I don't think China will burn the bridge along the China-Russia tide just to sale the Chinese made flanker to other country, even the 3rd country is Pakistan requesting to purchase flanker from China. Just feel good story from Chinese poster supportive toward Pakistani that Chinese poster opinion far from represent of China government.
can we continue the J-16 discussion in the other thread for J-16
and only consider J-16D here?

thanks :)

With J-16 I mean the J-16D.

I don't think China will burn the bridge along the China-Russia tide just to sale the Chinese made flanker to other country, even the 3rd country is Pakistan requesting to purchase flanker from China. Just feel good story from Chinese poster supportive toward Pakistani that Chinese poster opinion far from represent of China government.

Who says that China will burn its relationship with Russia? Remember that China is the same country that sold JF-17s powered with Russian engines to Pakistan. The Russians weren't amused, but China managed to convince Russia. Today, Russia is providing an improved version of the same engine directly to Pakistan.

Russia Pakistan relations are on a high. Russia is today willing to sell all sorts of equipment to Pakistan. Maybe not a fighter yet, but who can rule that out in the future?

Having said that, I think J-16D is very much on the cards. Especially considering that Su-35 is out of the question. We can expect China to convince Russia. If not, China and Pakistan can work out something else. There is always a solution somewhere.
With J-16 I mean the J-16D.

Who says that China will burn its relationship with Russia? Remember that China is the same country that sold JF-17s powered with Russian engines to Pakistan. The Russians weren't amused, but China managed to convince Russia. Today, Russia is providing improved version of the engine directly to Pakistan.
The sale can't be make without Russia agreement. When Russia also stand to benefit from the deal, there will be no objection from Russia that I strongly believe.
The sale can't be make without Russia agreement. When Russia also stand to benefit from the deal, there will be no objection from Russia that I strongly believe.

Exactly and that is also my view. If China is able to garner Russian approval the J-16D deal is on. It remains to be seen whether China/Pakistan have already discussed the deal or whether Pakistan has any interest in this aircraft. This of course is just our own speculation.
I don't know what J-16D do, but if it is a EW aircraft, it can never be called a Wild Weasel.

The concept of Wild Weasel came form 1960s during the Vietnam War, when the F-105 would act as bait to lure the North Vietnamese to turn on their radar, then another team of F-105 or F-4 will use AGM-88 Shrike Anti-Radiation missile and attack those radar site that painted the F-105.

Essentially a Wild Weasel aircraft is a bait, which trap the SAM and the Weasel flight will home in the SAM and destory them.

In basic term An EW aircarft cannot be a bait in this sense, because if you jam the enemy radar, 1.) they won't turn it on, 2.) even if they do turn them on, since you are jamming it, you won't find the frequency on that radar (it will be masked to your own aircraft as well. Hence a EW aircraft can never be a Wild Weasel.

The concept of Wild Weasel is so crazy the official motto of Wild Weasel squadron is YGBSM (stand for: You Gotta Be Shitting Me) it cam form the idea to tell a pilot you are going to get up there and bait the SAM.

WW flight are with special sensor to pick up those SAM site, not jamming it. Which do the exact opposite.
I don't know what J-16D do, but if it is a EW aircraft, it can never be called a Wild Weasel.

The concept of Wild Weasel came form 1960s during the Vietnam War, when the F-105 would act as bait to lure the North Vietnamese to turn on their radar, then another team of F-105 or F-4 will use AGM-88 Shrike Anti-Radiation missile and attack those radar site that painted the F-105.

Essentially a Wild Weasel aircraft is a bait, which trap the SAM and the Weasel flight will home in the SAM and destory them.

In basic term An EW aircarft cannot be a bait in this sense, because if you jam the enemy radar, 1.) they won't turn it on, 2.) even if they do turn them on, since you are jamming it, you won't find the frequency on that radar (it will be masked to your own aircraft as well. Hence a EW aircraft can never be a Wild Weasel.

The concept of Wild Weasel is so crazy the official motto of Wild Weasel squadron is YGBSM (stand for: You Gotta Be Shitting Me) it cam form the idea to tell a pilot you are going to get up there and bait the SAM.

WW flight are with special sensor to pick up those SAM site, not jamming it. Which do the exact opposite.
It do the same job as F18 Growler.
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