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J-10: Chinas new fighter!

If you ask me. It is not really what you want to call a "new" aircraft. ;)

Awesome pictures though. :)
alhumdulillah mashaa'allah
very good and long over due it is high time that china gets its deserving status as the rising power from asia and its high time that china and the muslim countries starts having an stratagic partnership with respect to each others system this treaty of peace, friendship and security
between china and the muslim world is long long over due.
long live and a very warm:welcome: to THE:ChinaFlag: CHINA-: --:flag: MUSLIM PARTNERSHIP !
aaaaaaaand whats this got to do with China-MUSLIM partnership????i thought we were idscussing J-10, not JF-17 ,Pakistan doesnt have any role in this.
besides doesnt this look exactly like an F-16
hey i does anybody see the resembleness with the gripen i might be wrong

now that you mention it, it does look like the gripen same delta wing, same carnard position, among other features, apart from the air intake pretty similar.
What if it resembles any other fighter, can it do the job is the only relevant point and i guess the answer is YES.
CAn anyone rate this aircraft in comparision to the best in the industry right now by ability and price. See eurofighter for example. click on "Affordable Air Doinance".

Eurofighter Cost
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