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I've killed alot of Arabs in my life and there's no problem with that

Reality check: Zionist is not the same as Jewish.

I bet Michael Sheuer, former CIA operative, is also an anti-Semite.

And John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt are also anti-Semites.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A little French wisdom for you:

Voltaire - "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

The only jews who have publicly declared themselves to be "anti-semitic" are a minority small American jews in new York , who are known to be clowns by the world jewry , other than them , most jews more or less support Israel , which is Zionism infact.
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The only jews who have publicly declared themselves to be "anti-semitic" are a minority small American jews in new York , who are known to be clowns by the world jewry , other than them , most jews more or less support Israel , which is Zionism infact.

Opposing Israel is NOT anti-Semitism.

The Jews, including Orthodox Jews, and anyone else who opposes Israel are anti-Zionist, NOT anti-Semitic.
This whole anti-Semitic thing is complete and utter nonsense. Arabs themselves are Semitic people and so are many other ethnic groups. In fact we Arabs are by far the largest group of Semites today.

Anti-Zionists would be a more fitting word.

As dumb as those comments are then Palestinian Arabs have also expressed themselves in similar fashion when they killed Jewish terrorists.
I don't think nationalities matter much, but he's defending them because according to what he believes in, he has to look after them :lol:

Have you heard about Tajfel's experiment regarding social categorization.

There was no place like Israel in Ancient times. There was only Palestine as Romans called it. Romans didn't call it Israel.


The name of Israel in biblical times (during egyptian civilization era) was cannen. Then it was judea during roman period. After Jews revolted against Romans and were forced to migrate out of judea, it's name was changed to palestine.

I don't have anything against Jews or Israel itself (I support its right to exist) but Jewish media is cancer of this world.

Never trust a sentence with but in it.
Indeed , Israelis are a bunch of lying , warmongering wh0res ; there didn't exist anything by the name of Israel before the Persian empire.
Joos are good non-fiction writers though. They made Christians believe a kind of funny things.

Muslim scholar (Reza Aslan) He is Azeri from Iran is kicking Christian/Joohish azz on live TV.
It is too funny.
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No need for ********, when rest of the middle-easterners learn to use their brains like the Jews all the problems will be solved.
You must be a ******* idiot (referring to Palestinian Jihadists) to want to fight take on IDF with WWII relics, I don't sympathize with retards.

Always know when to back the **** down, strategic retreat, whatever you want to call it.
No need for ********, when rest of the middle-easterners learn to use their brains like the Jews all the problems will be solved.

You mean when the rest of the middle-easterners learn to use(or better said abuse or manipulate psychologically through the Media) American and European brains, then all the problems will be solved!?
Even than the problems won't be solved, take the example of South Africa; the problems were solved only after the collapse of the apartheid regime and the giving back of the land to its original inhabitants, but it took a real long time war (yes war not negotiations; Government officials from different Israeli parties have repeated to anyone who wanted to know that they can negotiate for a hundred years without giving up an inch of the occupied land, this is then the official policy of the so called state of Israel) from a neighbouring country to achieve the goal, it was and still is the only solution I guess, since violence in the first place has no other remedy than violence, this has been proven through the human history, where violent occupiers had to be defeated militarily to give up what they took.
I am a bit afraid that humans are still driven by an animalistic instinct.
The name of Israel in biblical times (during egyptian civilization era) was cannen. Then it was judea during roman period. After Jews revolted against Romans and were forced to migrate out of judea, it's name was changed to palestine.

There was a tribe of Banu Israel who came to the Arab land from the north east or West of Arabia; no one knows for sure from where, and they have joined the population but as a distinct tribe before Judaism, Christianity or Islam, So they can't have a claim _not even biblical_ on Palestine or any Arab land whatsoever, their tribe has been accepted by the famous and notorious hospitality of the Arabs. But they have proven through time that they were bad and very bad guests of anyone who have ever accepted them, the why is another question which has an answer in their minds inner workings and their deceptive nature. thinking it is the only way for them to survive, they took the rat's example from nature and they live like rats, but they are wrong; they can't reproduce like rats, so they have to find something else.
So, where is the logic of a biblical claim if it is not fabricated to justify the occupation of Palestine with the complicity of those who wanted nothing to do with the Jews at all.
No need for ********, when rest of the middle-easterners learn to use their brains like the Jews all the problems will be solved.

You mean when the rest of the middle-easterners learn to use(or better said abuse or manipulate psychologically through the Media) American and European brains, then all the problems will be solved!?
Even than the problems won't be solved, take the example of South Africa; the problems were solved only after the collapse of the apartheid regime and the giving back of the land to its original inhabitants, but it took a real long time war (yes war not negotiations; Government officials from different Israeli parties have repeated to anyone who wanted to know that they can negotiate for a hundred years without giving up an inch of the occupied land, this is then the official policy of the so called state of Israel) from a neighbouring country to achieve the goal, it was and still is the only solution I guess, since violence in the first place has no other remedy than violence, this has been proven through the human history, where violent occupiers had to be defeated militarily to give up what they took.
I am a bit afraid that humans are still driven by an animalistic instinct.

Yes, and you seem to be living in a Western country yourself? You must have been exposed to the "manipulative media" day and night, after reading your post it looks a little bit hypocritical to me for you to want to stay in Canada, because Canada was taken by force from its original inhabitants, remember? So I think its only right for you to move to your country of origin, only then I could really believe that what you have written here is actually what you believe in!

I don't understand some people's logic?! You think life is fair and full of butterflies and cakes? NO, its not!

Humans are animals! We might not be as territorial as Chimpanzees when it comes to mating (apparently some people still are), but we kill just like them to expand our territories! And remember this, usually the biggest Chimpanzees wins!
Yes, and you seem to be living in a Western country yourself? You must have been exposed to the "manipulative media" day and night, after reading your post it looks a little bit hypocritical to me for you to want to stay in Canada, because Canada was taken by force from its original inhabitants, remember? So I think its only right for you to move to your country of origin, only then I could really believe that what you have written here is actually what you believe in!

I don't understand some people's logic?! You think life is fair and full of butterflies and cakes? NO, its not!

Humans are animals! We might not be as territorial as Chimpanzees when it comes to mating (apparently some people still are), but we kill just like them to expand our territories! And remember this, usually the biggest Chimpanzees wins!

There is no hypocrisy in what I am saying since I am aware of these manipulations. And I am not the one who occupied Canada.
So is the united states taken from its original people, so why you do not move back to Iran, since you are apparently influenced by those day and night media bombardments, do not compare your mentality with mine, I have both eastern and western educations and I only write about things I know from verified facts from both sides to a conflict.
I am a Canadian, so you should pack and go back to Iran, since half of you is there or is it?
You answer is out of place, you should have kept to the ainimalistic stuff...
As Middle East peace talks are set to resume after a five-year freeze, 972 Magazine reports a member of Israel's cabinet has declared his backing for simply killing Palestinian prisoners, rather than bringing them to trial.

On Sunday, Israel announced it would release 104 Palestinian prisoners, a key caveat in the John Kerry-brokered plan to renew peace talks.

But according to the 972 report, Israel's minister of Industry, Trade and Labor and Jewish Home Party leader Naftali Bennett could not have disagreed more, proposing during Sunday's cabinet meeting a swifter, but illegal way to deal with prisoners.

"If you catch terrorists, you have to simply kill them," Bennett allegedly said, according to a report in the Hebrew-language print edition of Yedioth Ahronoth.

Israeli National Security Adviser Ya’akov Amidror allegedly responded by saying that such a practice was illegal. Bennett then reportedly declared, "I’ve killed lots of Arabs in my life – and there’s no problem with that.”

A former IDF officer, the right-wing Bennett briefly joined protesters against the decision to release prisoners before attending Sunday's cabinet meeting. According to The Jewish Press, prior to Sunday's vote, Bennett said, "Terrorists should be killed, not released."

Peace talks are slated to begin in Washington on Monday, though both sides remain skeptical about the commitment to resolving the decades-long stalemate.

Good job for Arab leaders that still drink with their Israeli friends and cooperating to counter Muslim nations in region .
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Maybe you should get the fuсk out of USA?

im not killing people here, i work and live here pay taxes and buy everything, from houses to cars, i don't just go to some poor white family and kill the husband injure the wife and use the kids as human shield to escape from other whites, its what you israel scums of the earth do.

I don't get it, why do you want them to go back to where they came from and exclude yourself, unless you were born in the US.

The only solution is to accept the so-called two States solution and all.

because there is a difference, between forcefully taking somebody's land and going through the process of becoming a citizen and buying a house.

no she is not saying the truth when she is saying that everything in USA is owned by zionism
this is a fantasm
this is one part of conspiracy sickness that sadly invaded our world

she can criticize the policy of Israel ok but giving a such simple conception of USA ... is not only unfair
but insulting towards the country she is living in

majority of our media and hollywood is owned by jews.
many of our biggest corporations are owned by jews. its just facts.
'Hence I have said to you, "You are to possess their land, and I Myself will give it to you to possess it, a land flowing with milk and honey." I am the LORD your God, who has separated you from the peoples

Leviticus 20:24

your fanatics, i cant believe our government supports sick minded people like you.
your god is a devil, if he lets you steal peoples land.
what kind of god allows that?
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