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It's Sukhoi vs Eurofighter as IAF 'takes on' RAF


May 27, 2010
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It's Sukhoi vs Eurofighter as IAF 'takes on' RAF

NEW DELHI: Top-notch fighters and other aircraft from India and UK will match their combat skills in the `Indra-Dhanush' joint exercise at Kalaikunda airbase in West Bengal later this month.

While the British Royal Air Force will deploy their spanking new Eurofighter jets for the exercise slated to begin from October 20, the IAF fleet will be led by the `air dominance' Sukhoi-30MKI fighters.

"The exercise will be held in an AWACS (airborne warning and control systems) environment, with air defence being a major thrust area. We will be fielding different types of our fighters," said a senior official.

Both the Indian and British forces are also expected to use their mid-air refuelling aircraft, like the IL-78 and VC-10 tankers, during the combat manoeuvres.

"The aim of the joint exercise is to learn from each other and enhance mutual operational understanding. With every exercise, IAF has gained valuable experience and gained respect as a highly-professional and motivated force," the official added.

The exercise comes at a time when the $10.4 billion project to acquire 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) for IAF is in the final stages of selection process.

Apart from Eurofighter, the other five contenders in the hotly-contested race to bag the lucrative MMRCA project are the F/A-18 `Super Hornet' and F-16 `Falcon' (both US), Gripen (Swedish), Rafale (French) and MiG-35 (Russian).

A major Indo-UK defence deal has been the `Hawk' AJT (advanced jet trainer) project. As reported earlier, India is going in for another 57 Hawks as a "follow-on" order to the ongoing Rs 8,000 crore AJT project, finalised in March 2004 with BAE Systems, under which IAF is already getting 66 Hawks.

It's Sukhoi vs Eurofighter as IAF 'takes on' RAF - The Times of India
well they had alraedy met once earlier in 2007,RAF was preety much impressed with MKI's superior maneuverability and IAF was impresed by EFT's agility
Our F(P)s sure really seem to be having fun. First Garuda, now this.
Should be an awesome experience, hope we get some tidbits of info.
I am wondering if the results of such exercises would have any bearing on MMRCA decision since EFT is an important contender.
indian pilot might give a easy go ahead to euro fighter , if the really want it in their arsenal.
indian pilot might give a easy go ahead to euro fighter , if the really want it in their arsenal.

Yeah dats even I am wondering.

If MKI proves too much for EFT then chances of EFT might get dimmed here.
Now....it will be a real war in the sky of West Bengal...:victory:...Cause both are air-superiority fighter and best in both nations...:cheers:

IAF can also evaluate its capability in more better way...:yahoo::cheers:
I am just surprised the Brits still have an Air Force.
Arent both maneuverability and agility ,different words to indicate the same thing.? :what:

Well almost same..But looks nice when used in a sentence..repeating a word would have made it less catchy..
Well almost same..But looks nice when used in a sentence..repeating a word would have made it less catchy..

Those were actually two sentences!
BTW main thing is that he was just fantasizing!!!!!!
man........EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON shud be the winner for MMRCA.....i love this bird
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