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Its Official: JXX is going to test fly in the next few days

I can't see the pic, but its the X36 by McDonnell Douglas I guess.
What are you trying to say?
The above picture is of x-36 an experimentale stealth agility aircraft of US.As you can see it is controlled by the forward canard without damaging its RCS.The experiment was very successful not only it maintain its stealth but also have very high maneuverability i'm not saying that canard doesnt increase RCS but some of them are specially design to be of fifth gen fighter just think about it if canard kills stealth then why eurofighter use it when it engine can thrust vector
The above picture is of x-36 an experimentale stealth agility aircraft of US.As you can see it is controlled by the forward canard without damaging its RCS.The experiment was very successful not only it maintain its stealth but also have very high maneuverability i'm not saying that canard doesnt increase RCS but some of them are specially design to be of fifth gen fighter just think about it if canard kills stealth then why eurofighter use it when it engine can thrust vector

The X-36 was not a stealth plane. It was an experiment to demonstrate tailless plane. A tailless plane is very unstable. This was an experiment to find out if such a fighter can be made in the future because tails reduce the maneuverability of the plane.

There was no aspect of stealth on the plane, which is why it was never promoted.

And the reason canards were required on this plane is because there were no horizontal or vertical stabilizers on the plane.

A plane needs at least a horizontal or vertical stabilizer, the canards act as horizontal stabilizers on X-36.

But in today's fighter aircraft its the tail fins that provides vertical as well as horizontal stabilization. The canards are used for providing lift to the plane (in case of Typhoon, Rafale or Gripen) and sometimes to add maneuverability as in case of Su30MKI.

Most importantly, the canards on X-36 are fixed wings and not moving like today's aircraft, which is what reduces the rcs of X-36. The other rcs reducing factor is the absence of a tail, which is the main contributor to rcs from side angles.

McDonnell Douglas and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have developed a tailless research aircraft that could dramatically change the design of future stealthy fighters.

This is the first line from that page. Its not a stealth design but could change the future of stealth planes since it doesn't have the tail fins. Tails are the major contributor of rcs, removing them would make the design more stealthy. Tailless design is a breakthrough.

Also look at the image, the canards are fixed and are not exactly canards, they are horizontal stabilizers.
ok well read the coloumn of x-36 over here this should do it: Stealth Warplanes - Google Books

---------- Post added at 07:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

they have successfully combined stealth and agility.
ok well read the coloumn of x-36 over here this should do it: Stealth Warplanes - Google Books

---------- Post added at 07:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

they have successfully combined stealth and agility.

Stealth in his context is low observability due to the fact that there is no tail. Just check the next few pages. Even Rafale is quoted as stealth there.
Stealth in his context is low observability due to the fact that there is no tail. Just check the next few pages. Even Rafale is quoted as stealth there.

read carefully rafale is not quoted as stealth they hace the stealth design but never went for it because cost was much more and they ended up with rafale
The above picture is of x-36 an experimentale stealth agility aircraft of US.As you can see it is controlled by the forward canard without damaging its RCS.The experiment was very successful not only it maintain its stealth but also have very high maneuverability i'm not saying that canard doesnt increase RCS but some of them are specially design to be of fifth gen fighter just think about it if canard kills stealth then why eurofighter use it when it engine can thrust vector

You mean this


It was an experimental aircraft built to 28% scale , and contolled by a pilot on the ground.

as a

Tailless Fighter Agility Research Aircraft

despite its look's it is hardly a 5th gen fighter aircraft.

Any flat surface decreases the stealth signature of an aircraft.
Canards therefore do increase the RADAR crosssection, unless they replace traditional elevators. But that would most likely necessitate a larger wing which is also bad.

Perfect stealth fighter is still a flying wing , with all unnecessary surfaces removed.


It is a design choice really , i have agree , that canards do not kill stealth but they do have detrimental impact on them.

For example lets take the T-50's technology demonstrator the Su-47

This also led to concepts such as these


Just saying , the US and Russia have , opted against Canards on their planes for a reason.

We all remember this Boeing's 6th gen concept aircraft

Notice how it aims to eliminate as many unnecessary surfaces as possible.
point is clear though canard can increase the RCS by much but still some special type of canards can still be used in 5th gen aircrafts
read carefully rafale is not quoted as stealth they hace the stealth design but never went for it because cost was much more and they ended up with rafale

read my posts above. I've described why X-36 is called a stealth design.
Its not because of canards but lack of tail.

Also read what I wrote about canards and stabilization.

X36 is not a stealth plane but a revolutionary stealth experiment, which introduces many features that add to stealth of the fighter aircraft.

I don't know how to explain this to you. Wait a min.
point is clear though canard can increase the RCS by much but still some special type of canards can still be used in 5th gen aircrafts

As of today, canards can not be used since it would seriously add to the rcs.

Its not just about canards, it about reducing the the number of surfaces. F22 has six surfaces, PakFa too has 6 surfaces. With canards, J-XX will have 8 surfaces ie 8 directions where it will be susceptible to radar.

The X-36 reduces the number of surfaces to just 4 thereby reducing rcs further, but its not the presence of canards but rather the absence of tail and horizontal stabilizers that reduce the rcs.

The canards do increase the rcs but in comparison to the rcs reduced by cutting off the tail and stabilizers, it is less and thereby overall reducing the rcs of the aircraft.

I am out of words but I hope you should be able to understand now.
point is clear though canard can increase the RCS by much but still some special type of canards can still be used in 5th gen aircrafts

To date no final prototype's or production models of 5th gen aircraft have used canards .

experimental's have made use of them , yes

But the consensus among all those developers seems to be that Canards are an extra surface that should be avoided if possible.

You can still use them and may even get a respectable amount of stealth.

But will it be better than the other competitor out there i think not.

A flying wing with all unnecessary surfaces eliminated still represent the best stealth solution.

I don't know why people are so adamant about the J-XX having a canard design .

I mean your fighting for this point as if You know the J-XX has canards , while mostly , there has been only fan-art to suggest that design.

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