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Italy rules out Burkini and Burka ban fearing law could provoke terror attack

You do know italy is over a trillion in debt dont you?

Not only that, their economy is virtually stagnant and their population is decreasing every year due to their inferior culture that is unfit to reproduce itself and continue it's survival

@MarkusS get married and have kids. It'll be a bigger contribution of yours to your small, insignificant country than bullsh!tting on forums all day
Not only that, their economy is virtually stagnant and their population is decreasing every year due to their inferior culture that is unfit to reproduce itself and continue it's survival

@MarkusS get married and have kids. It'll be a bigger contribution of yours to your small, insignificant country than bullsh!tting on forums all day

Unless their is serious structural reform italy could drag the E.U into a abyss

WW2 was the end of Europe a broken continent, it was saved by American tax dollars and a 3rd world which was nominally free but its resources were ripe for the taking.

Europe when it decends into right wing extremism will collapse, it dosent have the resources, power or strength that it thinks it does
Well its an internal matter of France but how is banning Burkini going to defeat extremism?
the only thing it will do is increase restrictions on women from conservative Muslim families

It's just bigotry, they can colour it whichever way they want. Apparently the right of self expression goes out the window as soon as it's not western exploitative expression.
Respect the country where u live or free to go native ...
It is not "yet" banned. I am hoping that it will be banned soon. I am not "the one" needs to be deported. One who supports to drape their women like mummies need to be sent back ASAP. They are massive security threat to the whole EU.
Again you are acting dumb. No one can force anything on women in UK. Women wear this by their own choice and if someone force them to take it off then he is even worse than those who force them to wear it. Those women who wear veil need to show their identity at airport , court, and others sensitive places for safety and security reason so stop hiding your own hate for veil behind excuses of safety. UK has very serious challenges to deal with then acting upon your wishes to make police forces busy in taking off the veil of women on roads
UK has very serious challenges to deal with then acting upon your wishes to make police forces busy in taking off the veil of women on roads

For this precise reason it should be banned. No one should be allowed to cover their face and walk on the public places. Do it at home or move to a country who supports it.
For this precise reason it should be banned. No one should be allowed to cover their face and walk on the public places. Do it at home or move to a country who supports it.
What ? Its hilarious when Indian immigrant claim the ownership of UK and talk about sending others people back home :lol: It seem you have comprehension issue. There is no ban about veil in UK so UK support this right of individual to wear whatever they choose to wear. No one give a fu@k what you think about veil when law permit it.

This is what Damian green said when Burqa debate started in UK and try to put his reasoning and logical points in your thick head

What is burkini? Anything that hides the face shouldn't be allowed in public places.
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